Block-a-Long #56: Two Rectangles

2 Rectangles in a Field of Squares #56
2 Rectangles in a Field of Squares #56

Yes, this has a lot of small squares, but you can do it.

Directions for 2 Rectangles in a Field of Squares #56 are posted.

If you have made blocks or a quilt from these patterns, please post a link in the comments section of the relevant block or on the AQ Block-a-Long Flickr group. I would love to see what you have made.

Nota bene: The AQ Block-a-Long is ending. I am starting to repeat myself and run out of ideas and since this has not been very popular, I don’t feel bad about ending it. I am going to try and make it to #60 so you have an even number with which to work, but we will see.

Author: Jaye

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.