Domain name
Baby name
Family name
Nom de plume
legally change your name
National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts promoting the hobby.
Holy Names
Definition: A systematic name is a name given in a systematic way to one unique group, organism, object or chemical substance, out of a specific population or collection. Systematic names are usually part of a nomenclature.
A Horse with no Name
Chemical name
Code name
Name and shame
What’s in a Name?
Name That Tune (game show)
sort by name
name tag
profile name
name attribute
In the Name of the Father
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) is a structured vocabulary of geographic names for indexing art and architecture.
U.S. Board on Geographic Names, Domestic Names, Foreign Names, Antarctic Names, and Undersea Features.
Definition: A name is a word or term used for identification. Names can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A personal name identifies a specific unique and identifiable individual person, and may or may not include a middle name. The name of a specific entity is sometimes called a proper name (although that term has a philosophical meaning also) and is a proper noun. Other nouns are sometimes, more loosely, called names; an older term for them, now obsolete, is “general names“.
Hello! My Name is….
The Name of the Rose
business name availability
What’s in a name?
pen name
Make your response simple. It doesn’t need to be a masterpiece. Take 5 minutes. Just respond and create a creative habit.
Please post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog, and how your work relates to the other responses.
The Creative Prompt Project has a Flickr group, which you can join to post your responses. Are you already a member? I created that spot so those of you without blogs or websites would have a place to post your responses. Please join and look at all of the great artwork that people have posted.