The Quilting in the Garden at Alden Lane Nursery 2013 was held on September 28-29, 2013. It is held this weekend (last weekend??) every year. Alex Anderson comes every year and I saw that she taught classes this year as well. My understanding is that she had a hand in starting the show.
I have been to Livermore, which is miles and miles east of me, only a few times. Most recently I visited In Between Stitches, which is a great store with a great space, when my SIL was in town a few Christmases ago and we went on a shop tour.
I took the train and Mrs. K and her cousin, Vicki, picked me up from the station. It was nice to sit back and be driven around. They go every year to look at the quilts and shop for plants.
I was surprised when we got close to the nursery as it is right in the middle of a really nice suburban neighborhood. It was at the equivalent of the end of the end of my street. I thought it was an odd place for a nursery, but realized that the houses must have been built up around it.
Parking karma was with me (us) and we got a space on the premises. We didn’t have to park on the street and walk for miles. Yes, I know it is good for me, but ….

I got excited when I walked up. The whole front of the place displayed quilts. It was a feast for the eyes. It was beautiful.
Once we walked in, everywhere I looked I could see quilts. There were, mostly, outdoor spaces, but there were a few buildings that had quilts hung up along the walls. Where quilts were not, were other gorgeous displays of plants, pottery and other inspiration worthy displays. I took so many pictures! I have included, as you can see, a few here, but there is a whole Flickr Set for your enjoyment as well.

After entering the facility (no entrance fee!), the first thing I saw was a table where Alex Anderson and hubby, John, were sitting and chatting with people, selling their wares, including The Quilt Show DVDs, and signing books. I was glad to see them and don’t know what I was surprised, but I was a little surprised. She is a such a big star and I am sure she has better things to do than sit in the sun all day and answer the same question over and over. Still there Alex was and I have to say that I was impressed!
I did not stop to chat. The clear space through which I took the photo was the only one I saw the whole time.

The nursery has giant, old oak trees on their land and the quilts were hung with clothesline and clothes pins from the trees.
The quilts look like they are low to the ground, but they weren’t, for the most part. The quilts were hung so that viewers could easily see the front and the back. Mrs. K really liked looking at the backs and we had fun discussing blocks, trying to figure out how to make the quilts, etc.

One of my favorite quilts was a turquoise Dresden Plate. I really liked the turquoise on chocolate and something about the ratios of turquoise to chocolate was very appealing.
I would have thought that all of that color, all of that complex piecing, all of the different fabrics would have been an overwhelming riot of color, but I have to say that the green of the other plants really softened the whole effect. The quilts were framed nicely by the trees and plants. Perhaps it was all of the dusty greens?
If I didn’t say, the day was gorgeous. There weren’t any clouds, but it wasn’t too hot. At one point I really needed to sit and there was a lovely patio near the pavilion with the featured artist and near the food vendor.
I was exhausted from a week away, but I am glad I went to the show and glad that Mrs. K kept nudging and encouraging and made it so easy for me to attend.
If you have thought of going to the show, but never made it, now you have a little more info to consider!
Look for part 2, which is coming soon.