As you know, the machine is in the shop. It is still in the shop. While I have the Jem on which to sew, it isn’t the same.
I have been looking at the Russian Rubix pieces A LOT. I finally decided that some of the Joel Dewberry fabrics might be wrong. I really wanted to keep them in , because they were nice darks. Sadly, they just seemed wrong. Also, I couldn’t get a comment about the large stylized flowers looking like eyes out of my mind. I think that this quilt needs some darks. These weren’t them, though, so I thought they had to go.

I decided that I would take them out in stages and try to make, at least, some of these dark fabrics work.
I took out the one Notting Hill fabric that had the stylized flowers. I left in the fabric with the same colors (upper left hand corner). I am on the fence about it. I think that the piece, as I said, needs some darks.
One of the things I don’t like about the Moda Jelly Rolls is that the collections of fabrics often do not have enough darks or lights. Remember how I said I was trying to make my own Jelly Roll? I am understanding how hard it is to make a Jelly Roll with the right mix of lights, darks and mediums.

With the two dark Joel Dewberrys removed, it was clear I had too many warm colors
I needed more cool colors.
The piece stayed like this for a week or two until today when it occurred to me that I might be able to add some DARKS and that might make the piece.
As I see it, at the moment, there are two reds that are the only darks. Perhaps I will some dark purple Pearl Bracelets. I have to look at it with the dark purple.
Russian Rubix posts:
- Wednesday October 9, 2013: Russian Rubix Test Blocks
- Tuesday October 8, 2013: More Background Drama
- Saturday October 5, 2013: Russian Rubix Backgrounds
- Saturday September 28, 2013: In a Clear Space You Can See Across the Room
- Wednesday September 11, 2013: Chosen Colors
- Thursday August 26, 2013: Russian Rubix Templates
- Tuesday August 20, 2013: Continuing to Choose Colors
- Susan: Tuesday August 20, 2013: History Quilter Podcast Episode 39
- Monday July, 22, 2013: Russian Rubix