Is it still early January or have we moved into mid January already? I don’t know. I seem to be back in the saddle after a really good mini-session with Maureen and Dolores. More on that later, but in the meantime, I have been making a sort of effort to sew.
That effort has result in the pieces and parts for many, many Stepping Stones blocks, a bunch of cut pieces for the FOTY 2014 and one Stepping Stones block completed.

- Parts for turquoise and red four patches. I really need to cut some more blues.
- FOTY 2014 rectangles. It’s a plethora of pink.
- Octagons and snowball blocks for the Octagon 9 patch. I am making progress, but mostly I am sewing triangles to the corners of the octagons to make the snowball blocks.
- One completed Stepping Stones block. I am having fun selecting fabrics for the patches. I am glad I added some fabrics to the Bonnie & Camille fabrics. It is good to use them and I think they add a lot to the look of the blocks.
- Third Stepping Stones block in process. You can see how I keep track of the pieces I choose. There are still a lot of pieces to cut.
- Second Stepping Stones block in process. I am sewing patches together.
- I haven’t gotten rid of these PIQF Cross blocks yet, so they are still on the design wall.
Take a look at my last design wall post and see the difference, though some quilt things never change. 😉
I am linking up with Judy Laquidera at the Patchwork Times.
Love the eye candy of all the bright colors splashed all over.