Below is a random collection of ideas and inspiration I got from QuiltCon. What would you do with them? If you do a drawing or sample, post a link to your work in the comments.
- Start with different sized squares. Add one border and trim all the blocks to the same size.
- Teal thread on eggplant colored fabric – quilting thread or Perle cotton
- Liberated Round and Round block
- Pointy Triangles inspired by shaped trees on a building
- Try Eleganza Perle cotton. I have never heard of it much less seen it sold. I didn’t buy any, but would like to try some.
- Libs Elliott Liberty pattern
- Libs Elliott Out of Step pattern
Strip quilt idea Rug in the convention center. Great strip type quilt.
Books and Quotes
- Women’s Work: The first 20,000 years by Elizabeth Barber- this was mentioned in Gwen Marston’s Keynote
- Andrew Vucko has extreme thoughts on creativity
- Steve Jobs 1996 Wired magazine article