Ideas, etc from QuiltCon (QuiltCon post #6)

Below is a random collection of ideas and inspiration I got from QuiltCon. What would you do with them? If you do a drawing or sample, post a link to your work in the comments.

  1. Start with different sized squares. Add one border and trim all the blocks to the same size.
  2. Teal thread on eggplant colored fabric – quilting thread or Perle cotton
  3. Liberated Round and Round block
  4.  Pointy Triangles inspired by shaped trees on a building

    Building Inspiration
    Building Inspiration
  5. Try Eleganza Perle cotton. I have never heard of it much less seen it sold. I didn’t buy any, but would like to try some.
  6. Libs Elliott Liberty pattern
  7. Libs Elliott Out of Step pattern
  8. Strip quilt idea
    Strip quilt idea

    Rug in the convention center. Great strip type quilt.

Books and Quotes

  • Women’s Work: The first 20,000 years by Elizabeth Barber- this was mentioned in Gwen Marston’s Keynote
  • Andrew Vucko has extreme thoughts on creativity
  • Steve Jobs 1996 Wired magazine article