Projects, Classes, Patterns & Tutorials
I am trying to reduce my use of one-time use plastics. As a result, this bowl cover tutorial is of interest. This tutorial shows you how to make cute, reusable, washable bowl covers to protect your food. I am not sure it would work in my fridge if the bowl was not see through. That is asking for a science experiment.
Quilting Jet Girl, Yvonne Fuchs, has a quilt-a-long called Diatom. Check out the blocks on her website.
In a recent video, Tula Pink talks about how to highlight specific pieces of fabric using features of ByAnnie’s patterns.
Tools, Books, Fabric, Notions & Supplies
The IronEZ seems to be the current popular gift. I received one and am most excited that there is a holster to hold it on my ironing board. I was concerned about adding Best PRess or Flatter to the bottle and clogging up the mechanism. Scott H got back to me quickly when I put a support request in. He said ‘The bottles have worked well with other liquids. If they ever clog just fill the bottle with warm water and spray it through to clean it out. It has only happened a couple of times that we are aware of but the warm water has done the trick.’ Excellent customer service based on my one interaction! 😉
I receive Deanna Raybourn’s newsletter every month. It is in a weird format, so I often don’t read it. I did in January and was glad to be introduced to Domestika. It is a site with a lot of different online courses, many of them creative. They have a number of craft courses, but I didn’t see any quiltmaking courses. However, if you want to make puppets, dollhouse furniture or learn woodworking, check out these courses. There are also a number of courses on making and embellishing garments.
Martingale is closing. They were never one of my favorite publishers, because their books were almost strictly project based. Still, I have several of their books and there are some authors I really like in their line.
I decided I needed to see what Sewline said about refilling their pencils. I found a video that helped. It’s only one minute, too.
Health update and ‘The Butt Club” from Alex Anderson.
As you may know, I am an audiobook fiend. I listen while I sew. I listen while I cook dinner, when I am doing boring cut and paste or data entry at work, in the car and whenever I can. I don’t buy print books any longer unless they are 1) quilt books or 2) books to which I have listened multiple times on audio. Recently, I listened to Thank you for Listening** by Julia Whelan. Stop what you are doing right now and go buy the audio version and listen to it. Not only is it narrated beautifully, but the story is great, too.
**Obviously, you should shop at local quilt shops and other small or indie businesses. However, if you are too busy or can’t find what you need at the smaller suppliers, I use Amazon affiliate links. I may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases, as it helps support this blog.