I was a little shocked and surprised when Julie brought me the giant roll of Soft & Stable. After letting it float around the room for awhile, I finally settled it into an out of the way, basically permanent location.
Now that it is suitably housed, I have been using it. Using it was also a problem, because I don’t have a table – cutting table – large enough to hold the roll. If the roll is not supported, then it is hard to cut the foam accurately.

I am making some more Hackneys. One of the supplies is foam and since I am making several I decided to cut strips off the roll and then subcut them into the right sizes and shapes for various pieces.
This was a good plan, but the only way I could execute it was to put the roll on the floor. I used my long Creative Grids ruler** and a Pilot Scuf** that I like to measure the right sizes. Once the measuring was done then I used scissors to cut the strips out.
I could have used the dining room table, but that would mean hauling everything downstairs, cleaning off the dining room table, cutting and putting everything back. The only thing I would really gain was not squatting. I stayed upstairs. Also, I had to pull the roll out several times to cut more foam.
I thought cutting strips would be better, because then the edge would stay straight and be easier to use.

Subcutting was, pretty much, a breeze. I had a 60″ wide strip to deal with, but it was so much easier than the giant roll. The foam, as you know, is really lightweight, so I let it dangle over the edge of my cutting table and cut the sizes I needed. It worked great.
**Obviously, you should shop at local quilt shops and other small or indie businesses. However, if you are too busy or can’t find what you need at the smaller suppliers, I use Amazon affiliate links. I may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases, as it helps support this blog.