I have been working steadily on sewing the La Passacaglia rosettes together. As I watch others from the group post their finished quilts, I despair at finishing. However, I remember that I should not compare myself to others. I also note that I AM making progress.
This is the upper right hand corner. I have just added one of the M17 rosettes, the emerald and chartreuse rosette towards the bottom left.
Even though this is nowhere near the whole piece, it is quite large. I still have the papers, mostly, still on the back. The pieces are getting a little too unwieldy to keep them in much longer. Of course, the pieces I want to stay in are starting to loosen and fall out. Figures!
A labor of love will produce a quilt that is loved. Gorgeous!!!
Thank you!
That is one of the most gorgeous things I have ever seen! Great job so far!
Thank you! I really enjoy the handwork and am never bored with this project.
Oooh this is looking so good!
I am pleased with how it is turning out.