Comparing Black Strip Blocks

Even though I finished enough blocks to make the Black Color Strip donation top, I continued to make blocks. After all, I had more strips. I don’t have quite enough for two donation tops, but I am getting there.

I am nearing the end of my stash of black strips, but I still have a few blocks coming together. As I finish these new blocks, I have replaced a few of the original blocks you saw in the previous post. I thought I would show you a comparison and see what you thought.

I have added the dates so you can see the difference. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.

4 thoughts on “Comparing Black Strip Blocks”

  1. Hard to say if it’s the photograph or the fabric but one looks to have a blue/gray sashing and the other, white or cream? I like the gray one better, but that’s just me. That one block on the first top, with the red, really pops out!!! Both are fun to look at, even though not in colorful colors, yet are not so stark black and white as to be overwhelming. Not sure if I’m explaining myself well.
    I do like the second one better but I cannot say why. 🙂

    1. It’s definitely the photograph. I noticed the color difference as well. There is no sashing yet. There are only blocks and the difference in color of the photo is the time of day and rain/no rain, I think.

  2. I like the 12/23 much better. The lone red slash on the lower left was a bit distracting and drew your eye right away. When removed, your eyes get to meander from block to block.

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