Zebra I Spy Started and Finished

Zebra I Spy - front, empty
Zebra I Spy – front, empty

I started and finished another I Spy pouch very quickly last week. I needed another one for the Falabella templates, which I found when I was rummaging for the Piebald templates. 

I went out of my way to use the zebra fabric and I had just enough left for the various lining pieces.

Zebra I Spy - back
Zebra I Spy – back

As I have with all of the other I Spy pouches, I used the Anna Maria coneflower fabric again. I had some leftover from a previous project and was able to use it up. Some wrong cuts aren’t always useless even if they aren’t useful at the moment. 😉

Zebra I Spy - front, full
Zebra I Spy – front, full

The templates fit nicely inside this medium version.

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.