
My friend, Kathy, posted this on her Facebook page and I think it is a pretty awesome quote.
Projects, Classes, Patterns, Techniques & Tutorials
Do you need to start thinking about small gifts for teachers or co-workers? Try the coffee cozy by Sew Hungry Hippie. Natalie has a video tutorial to help you be successful.
Larissa has just released some new wool felt projects. They are stars and can be used as Christmas decorations as well as other types of decorations. Her patterns are available exclusively from her Etsy shop.
Recently I watched a Fresh Quilting Episode where the host showed how to sew a multicolored binding. I went looking for that episode and found some others as well. Sylvia Schaeffer talks about straight seams and angled seams when doing a multicolored binding.
I couldn’t decide whether this tidbit should go in this category or in NQR. It is definitely not quilt related, but something in which I dabble from time to time. I just finished the book End of Story by A.J. Finn. In it one of the characters folds paper butterflies. I imagined them as large and complicated. I had to look up some tutorials. I didn’t find what I saw in my mind, but I saw a few tutorials and will let you know if I try one. This one by Michelle looks the most intricate. One from MyCrafts only has a video, which is both good and bad. The Mavink site has a collage of different kinds of paper butterfly tutorials. I’ll let you know if I try folding one.
Tools, Books, Fabric, Notions & Supplies
Fabricworm has moved. Visit them in their new space at 1745 Riverside Ave. Suite A Paso Robles, CA 93446
I saw another request for ideas about where people shop in one of my Facebook groups. Whenever I see that kind of post I wonder if there are people who don’t Google fabric they want then shop online? To each his/her own. Anyway, one of the good things about this request is the suggestions. One was Sew Yeah. I have never heard of them, but they have some interesting fabric.
Brooklyn Fabric has a lot of fabric (not all!) for $9-$11 per yard.
Media, Books and Articles
The New Yorker Magazine has an article called Piecing for Cover, about quiltmaking. A quote from the article explains how quiltmaking helps me when it says “Quilting is a craft that requires the use of the brain and the body, that involves the senses of sight, touch, sound, and smell, that requires mathematical calculation, forward planning, and rapt attention. It begins with a pattern, or, in the case of what’s known as improv quilting, an idea, an emotion, or even just a whim. (“Today, I’m in the mood to make circles!”) Then there’s the fabric. You choose it not only by color but also by how it feels in your hand. For this pattern or idea should the fabric be slick, or should it be nubbly? Do I want to see and feel the warp and weft or am I going for a sleeker effect? Even the smell of the fabric comes into play: it has a mellow, warm aroma, especially under a hot iron.”
Quiltmania is shutting down. Website / IG post. This makes me sad. Go buy a magazine.
Events, Shops, Exhibits and Shows
You know PIQF will be held in July, right?
Other Artists
Friend Julie shared these cool prints with me.
My sister is setting up a sanctuary for dogs who need temporary shelter. Check out the volunteering page. Her descriptions are hilarious.