All Quiet on the Quilt Front

Or maybe not. I have been struggling with the Tarts lately and with traveling so much in the past three weeks it has been hard to get back into the creative mode. TFQ and I had a nice looong chat last night which helped to get me back into the groove. She knows about design. … Continue reading “All Quiet on the Quilt Front”

The AHA Moment

I have been in class for the past two days with Pamela Allen. Pamela is much more than a quilt teacher. She is truly an art teacher who works and encourages work in fabric. I had THE Aha moment in her class today and it really thrilled me. I could feel the difference in my … Continue reading “The AHA Moment”

Work Doesn’t Seem Like Work

Yes, I have been working on the Tarts, but often the work I am doing seems like no progress rather than actually work. I started out with this drawing for the last block, presumably for the space in the lower left hand corner. I found a drawing as inspiration and once I had that crutch … Continue reading “Work Doesn’t Seem Like Work”

Various and Sundry Sunday

Another crazy post about a variety of random topics from while I attempt to find my time management skills and tell you all the various things that have been happening. I showed these blocks yesterday, because I went to Always Quilting today to see Terri Thayer speak and do a book signing. I took a … Continue reading “Various and Sundry Sunday”

How to Machine Applique’ – TJW

When I started working on the Tarts Come to Tea again I really could not remember how to machine applique’. It was the strangest feeling. I knew the general principles (trace pattern, iron it on fabric, satin stitch around the shapes), but all the details had left my mind. I felt like I had to … Continue reading “How to Machine Applique’ – TJW”

Avoidance Issues

I was on my blog and directing traffic and tweaking a lot during the past three or four days. The blog move has been somewhat time consuming, but is mostly done, and worth the effort so far. One of the things I did was scroll through recent posts about four hundred times. In doing that … Continue reading “Avoidance Issues”

AQ Glossary

Words/Acronyms used in Posts Auto Pilot Quilting– see Rote Sewing AMH MTT – Anna Maria Horner Multi-tasker tote. A great bag, a great pattern. You don’t think it will really come together, but then, magically, you have a bag. You should make several. Brain Dead Quilting – see Rote Sewing BSBM – Big Sister Bossy … Continue reading “AQ Glossary”