La Pass Basting pt.2

The other day I talked about starting to baste the first rosette for my La Passacaglia quilt.

La Pass star with diamonds
La Pass star with diamonds

I worked on it at Craft Night for a couple of hours after cleaning up my sewing room.

As I basted pieces, I couldn’t really wait to see what they looked like so I kept laying them out to see if what I cut and basted looked good together.

I did struggle with what the two videos said about which way the bunny ears should go. I thought I understood, but I still have some pieces that I know are going to be a problem.

La Pass star with diamonds
La Pass star with diamonds

Still, I am happy with what I accomplished. I think this star looks really nice with the skinny diamonds.

I have seen what other people have made in the group so this isn’t really a huge surprise, but I like seeing what **I** have done. I almost started sewing these together, but I continued basting.

Pieces basted at Craft Night
Pieces basted at Craft Night

In one of her videos, Tula talks about saving time and being kind to our body parts. I was pleased with how many pieces I was able to baste. I am pretty sure I would not have been able to thread baste this many pieces in the same amount of time.

La Pass Basting

I spent Craft Night the other night basting my first La Pass Rosette. Yes, I finished cutting in case that wasn’t clear.

Half Hexie EPP Section - April 2019
Half Hexie EPP Section – April 2019

On my Half Hexie Star project, I have been thread basting. If you zoom in on the photo (right) you will see the bits of thread holding the papers and the fabric together.

Thread basting is a fine way to prepare English Paper Piecing pieces and their fabric. I had planned to thread baste La Pass. Then I watched the Naudia Tatum video and Tula’s first EPP video, about halfway throug., both of which included sections on glue basting. Sue Daley, the apparent queen of EPP, though I had never heard of her until I started this project, also has a video. Of course, I watched it. I might be tending towards obsession.

Finally, I decided that I would, at least, try it. Time is kind of short around here lately and I really need all the spare minutes I can get if I have any hope of getting anything finished this year.

La Pass -Glue basted diamond
La Pass -Glue basted diamond

First, I had to find my glue pen**. Fortunately, it was in the place I thought it was. Why I knew it was there, I have no idea. Visual memory, I guess. Then, I watched the glue basting section of Tula’s first EPP video video again and went for broke at Craft Night.

In the photo, left, you can see the swipe of glue on the paper on the right hand side. The process takes some practice. I know there will be pieces where I glued too close to the edge, but I think I got used to the process as the evening went on.

La Pass fussy cutting
La Pass fussy cutting

The good thing was that I could see the results of my precise fussy cutting right after I basted.

This is some Tula Pink panda fabric. I do not want animal faces looking at me from my quilt, so I fussy cut them in a way that would make black and white optical sort of designs. I am excited to see it once I sew it together.

I found the glue basting fun once I got going. The Sue Daly small turntable cutting mat** arrived and really helped.











**I use affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.

More STBs

Yes, I am making 4 more Sew Together Bags. Yes, I started cutting at Sew Day in July. Yes, I am writing about these now, because I was finally able to make a tiny amount of progress on a non-La Pass project. No, I didn’t sew, but I cut the rest of the fabric for the 4 bags and am now ready to quilt the exteriors.

Since I discovered this pattern, I have made 10 different versions of this pattern. Two are mine and the rest were gifts. As I have said, this isn’t the greatest pattern, but people love it. Recipients are also pretty impressed by the intricacy. I feel like I really got the whole process the way I like it on the last batch. I am excited to get finished with the prep and start sewing these together, if I can ever sew again.

More La Pass Cutting

I talked about cutting the other day, but not in detail. One thing included in the BOM is acrylic templates. These are super handy as they allow me to use a rotary cutter to cut fabrics.

The issue is that they are multi-sided. In all the videos, the demonstrators have turntable mats. I have had a basic one** for awhile. It wasn’t round so it wasn’t ideal, but I never really felt like I needed it.

I took the Jen Carlton Bailly class in 2019 (so long ago? I can’t believe so much time has passed!). That class started me thinking that a real rotating mat might be useful. I decided to put the Martelli version on my wishlist and the YM bought it for me.

Martelli cutting mat for La Pass cutting
Martelli cutting mat for La Pass cutting

I used the Martelli rotating mat** for cutting all the pieces for the first rosette and it was great except it didn’t fit well on my cutting table. A quarter of it hung over the edge of the cutting table, so if I got to close to the edge the mat would tilt. It is a little too large for my cutting table. You can see how half of the mat is hovering over the floor in the photo (right). I made it work, because it made cutting pieces so much easier.

Sue Daley Rotating Mat
Sue Daley Rotating Mat

Pink Door and Naudia Tatum recommended a small mat by Sue Daley**. I bought one, which arrived the other day – after I cut all the pieces for the first La Pass rosette. This size does not hang over the edge of my cutting table, so I don’t have to be as careful. I have much more control over my cutting.

I think I might be a convert to using this rotating turntable cutting mat.












**I use affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.

Workroom Furnishings

Billy Bookcases
Billy Bookcases

We went to IKEA the other day in order to get the bookshelves. I just go expecting to be able to get what I want. DH, being the smart shopper he is, checked the website in advance and found out the Billy bookcases are out of stock until the end of August. 🙁

Yes, that means the project is at a halt until the bookcases come in. 🙁  I am kind of shocked that another company hasn’t copied the Billy bookcases. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t approve of copyright infringement, but if someone is going to infringe on IKEA’s copyright, I might take advantage. I looked for tall,  plain white bookcases and nobody else had them. Leave a comment if you know of a company that sells them and has them available.


We looked through IKEA anyway, which is sort of obligatory. I thought, perhaps, they might have another option for bookcases or some other storage that might work.

I almost bought this cart to replace the brown cart that I gave away. I decided to wait  because I am sending tons of stuff to donation places and I just want to be sure it is the right storage solution.

I probably just need a designer.

La Pass Block 1 Cutting

La Pass BOM Month 1 Cutting
La Pass BOM Month 1 Cutting

I spent a few minutes each day this past week cutting the pieces for the first La Pass rosette.

I cut almost everything as the cutting guide suggested. I added teacups for the extreme diamonds (now purple in the lower left), but decided the pieces weren’t big enough to show off the tea cups. They are waiting for another outing.

Small pentagon eyes
Small pentagon eyes

I did change the small pentagons. I used dots for some and eye fabric for some. I hope it looks ok.

I finally got all of the cutting done and am ready to baste. I think I am going to use glue. I’ll see how it works and ditch it if I don’t like it.

Refreshing Storage

Tools bucket - first pass
Tools bucket – first pass

I want everything to look good in my refreshed workroom. This is a tools bucket I use. It sits next to my sewing machine.

I thought Collage Pauge** would work. I pasted (painted??) fabric on to the outside of the bin. While the fabric was hard as a rock, the look was not ideal when it dried. It was too see through. That was not the look I wanted.

Tools bucket - blue pass
Tools bucket – blue pass

Lil Sissy suggested I mix Collage Pauge** and white paint. I didn’t have white paint so I used turquoise. It didn’t work. I should have gone and bought some white. Thus: I still don’t like it.

I am not sure what is next, but I may collage over it with some text paper. Collage Pauge** is really made for paper and covering what I have done with paper might be the best thing.










**I use affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.

SuzyQuilts Ultimate Guide

SuzyQuilts wrote an ultimate guide to the best fabric shops. During a recent work meeting where I was invited as a courtesy, and also where I understood nothing, I glanced through the fabric at some of these sites. I had a couple of thoughts that I thought I would share.

I was surprised that I had only heard of a few of these online stores and shopped at only one or two.

Hawthorne Threads: sample color trends
Hawthorne Threads: sample color trends

I am not sure if it is these particular shops, but I noticed that colors are becoming less clear – I wouldn’t say murky, but definitely more into the mustard, apricot, mauve, mint, blue grey, rose, cream, etc. As you can see from my quilts, I like bright clear colors. Way too much brown for me in current fabric lines.

Still, there was a lot of fabric I found that I would buy. (I stayed away from the checkout carts!).  Animals seem to be still on the fabric menu. There is also a wide variety of ginghams – big checks, small checks, more white, less white and LOTS of colors.

It is interesting to see the personalities of the shops based on the colors and the variety of products.

There wasn’t as much Tula as thought there would be. Perhaps I am just immersed in Tula at the moment.

Sewing Arts in Santa Monica has a great and interesting line of thread gloss. I have heard a lot about Robot Mom in the La Pass BOM group, but her store is closed for the moment, so other thread gloss lines and thread conditioners are catching my attention.

I know we all have our favorite stores. I would add Fabric Party, Hawthorne Threads, Pink Door, Stash Fabrics and DIY Addict to the list.

Go shopping! 🙂

La Passacaglia Start

La Pas BOM month 1 shipment
La Pas BOM month 1 shipment

As mentioned, I joined the La Passacaglia BOM through Pink Door Fabrics. The other day I received my first month’s shipment. This is an 18 month project, so I’ll be getting a lot of these. This one was special because everyone in the group was so excited to start.

Yes, I am in a group of about 500 people who are doing the BOM. There is a private FB group where we talk about our journey. In the group there was a lot of hype up to the first shipment.

La Pas BOM month 1 shipment open
La Pas BOM month 1 shipment open

I wasn’t in the first wave of recipients. I got mine probably in the middle group. I have a month to finish the rosette, so I wasn’t worried. I was excited when I got the package. I immediately ripped it open and checked everything out.

La Pass is a daunting project and this group as well as the monthly shipments helps break it down into bite-sized pieces. It also gives me a project on which I can work when my workroom is in disarray.

Finished: Put a Ring On It

Finished: Put a Ring on It Quilt
Finished: Put a Ring on It Quilt

Yes, Put A Ring On It is finished. I have been slowly stitching the binding down. I was able to finish it on July 30, just in time to cross it off my list so I could start La Passacaglia. Hand sewing is about all I can do right now with my workroom still in disarray.

Put a Ring on It corner
Put a Ring on It corner

This is the first quilt I have made than has round corners…that I can remember. I have a vague memory of using that Katie’s Corner ruler on something, but I don’t remember what. I found it to be great not to have to miter corners. I did have to stretch the binding a bit to get it in the right place, but bias binding works great for that.

Put a Ring on It detail
Put a Ring on It detail

Colleen did a great job on the quilting! I like the way she highlighted the arcs.

Closer to the End

View from the Door
View from the Door

I know the whole project seems never-ending. Guess how it feels from here? It is getting better.

The painting is done. I have some furniture in the room, but am still waiting on the bookcases.

We (meaning DH) pulled up the carpet and the floor is in pretty good condition. We didn’t take the time to redo it, though I did clean it with Murphy’s Wood Oil soap. We really didn’t have the time to do a full scale floor update.

View from the windows
View from the windows

I am starting to put things back in the green bookcase, not that you can see that in the photo (left). I am forcing DH to go through his books before I reshelve them. I am not putting books back on the shelf that should be donated. He doesn’t have to give any of them away, I made that clear, but if he is going to read them, I have other uses for the shelves.

New power
New power

My sewing machine is going against the wall that used to have my new design wall, as mentioned. That is one of two walls with an outlet. I wanted to minimize the number of extension cords required as I kept tripping over them. The last thing I need is another broken foot or torn ligament. I took the opportunity of all of the furniture and stuff being out of the room to have the electrician expand the available to outlets to ‘fours’ from ‘twos’. One reason I had 200 extension cords in use was that there were a total of 4 outlets in the entire room. That was nowhere near enough. While 8 is better, it is still not enough, but an upgrade nonetheless.  We have outlets on only two walls and if we want outlets on all the walls, we have to rip out more of the walls than we want to and that is too big of a job for us now. The outlet covers are nice and fresh. You can see the difference between the phone jack and the new outlet.

New door handles
New door handles

Finally, I got new door handles as well. I don’t know that they are my dream door handles, but they are fresh and clean. I am really happy with them.

This weekend: bookcases, I hope.  The YM is coming for a flying visit and it would probably be nice if he could actually get into his room.

DH is talking about painting our bedroom now.


Quilty Box n.2

I am on month 2 of my 3 month Quilty Box subscription. Victoria Findlay Wolfe provided this month’s project – a lozenge quilt. I didn’t really get to enjoy this one yet, because of the Workroom Refresh.

Quilty Box n.2 open
Quilty Box n.2 open

I was still excited to receive the box. Everything is such a wreck at our house that a little treat was a good thing. This time I didn’t know what would be in it, so it was a complete surprise. The picture (right) is exactly what I saw when I opened the box. They wrapped it pretty nicely, if simply.

The booklet has a couple of projects inside as well as a Q&A with Victoria Findlay Wolfe.

I didn’t know what to expect in this box. There was another label, some mini fabric bolt cards, a seam ripper, a spool of Aurifil, acrylic templates for the quilt and the booklet. The seam ripper is a serious Havel one. I’ll put it in my La Passacaglia kit.

Astrid Fabrics
Astrid Fabrics

I like the fabric. The amounts were better this time. I got 1/3 yard cuts and can make the quilt pictured on the front of the booklet, if I add some background.

I don’t need everything in this box, but the overall contents were better. I think I just want to open mail and dream about the contents. I am pretty sure I don’t want to organize it, find a home for it or put it all away.

Nearing the End

Showing the White
Showing the White

What this post should have been named is “Nearing the End of the Life Sucking Beige”, but that is too long and it makes for ugly URLs.

The white is definitely dominating and only the baseboards need to be painted. The room really looks fresh. Today it was pretty foggy and the room didn’t look as depressing (which I try to ignore since it is my own space) as it has in the past.

Carpeting gone
Carpeting gone

DH also ripped up the carpeting, which I wanted. The floor is hardwood and in good shape except for one spot. I call that a win. The dirt we swept up from under the carpet was amazing. It looked like a sand drift. That blue is the old pad, which DH is using to keep the paint from hitting the floor.

The house stinks and I have had a headache for two days from the paint fumes. We have the windows open as much as they will open and there isn’t much else that I can do except stay away.DH isn’t allowing me in the room anyway since I may hit some surface that is still wet.

Wall of design wall
Wall of design wall

This is a picture of the wall where my new design wall was hung. The door is the door of the fabric closet. The furniture lumps in the center of the room are my work desk and my sewing table. They are the only two things we couldn’t get out of the room. They are too heavy for the two of us to carry.

I also bought new door handles. Ours were sort of functional, but I thought I would just go for broke and replace them with new fresh ones.

Yay! It’s looking good.