The last update I gave you on the Bullseyes was on September 8 and I was slowly working through the trimming and sewing the patches together to make blocks.
I went through this process kind of slowly because I was enjoying the fiddliness and taking my time. Above shows the quilt top as it was sometime in the last week or so. You can see that patches are sewn together to make blocks and some blocks are sewn together to make. During the past week I have been sewing chunks together and this morning I had only seven seams left. I finished this morning after wrestling with those last seams.
I hope to be able to finish the back today as well. I already made one piece of it with some leftover quarter circle/triangle patches.
One of the things I tried on this quilt was sewing the seams open. I saw in the Kerr/Ringle color book that they press the seams, on all of their quilts, open. I thought this would be a good project to try it. I was pleased with how easy it was to deal with several seams meeting at one central point. Because of the layers of applique’, it was a little tricky to get all the little bits to lay flat. I also found it easier to press from the back when pressing the seams open. My points matched up pretty well (at least no worse than normal). I did use pins to help that process. All in all, I liked pressing the seams open. I’ll have to read a little more of what Kerr/Ringle say about their reasons and report back.
I love it!!
Turned out so great, I just love it. When I first read about you trying open seams, I thought you meant that you had the raw edges of the seams showing on the front. Now I’m thinking, hmmmm, that might me kinda sorta cool to go along with the other raw edges of the circles….
Vicki W: Thanks! I am pleased with the way it turned out, especially after so much anxiety about the layout.
Julie: Sounds like something for you to try!. It might be very cool. Not my thing, though! Hope yours is coming along well.
OHmygoodness. By far the best bullseye quilt I’ve ever seen. Just incredible.
Hi Morah!
Thanks for reading. I really appreciate your kind comments.