Everybody Draw Now

Soule Mama’s recent post really fits in to the Creative Prompt project. She also points to a NPR story (which, sadly, I missed) about drawing. Go and read all of Soule Mama’s post because it has a fantastic point of view.
clipped from www.soulemama.com

Keep Drawing!

I heard artist Mo Willems on NPR last night (Getting Adults to Draw). He observes that “people stop drawing when they decide they’re not good at it…[but] Nobody stops playing basketball once they realize they’re not going to be a professional.

Hear, Hear! Keep drawing!

He says, and I firmly believe, that in order for children to want to draw and to continue that into adulthood, they need to see the adults around them draw. They need adults to draw with them. No matter what our “skill-level” or whatever hang ups we may have about being – or not being – “an artist,” if we want our children to draw/paint/knit/sew/make, we must be doing it too. And really – what a wonderful assignment for us as parents, you know? Of benefit to us all…

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Author: Jaye

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.