Every year there is a decorator showcase house in my city. This year I was offered free tickets to visit when TFQ was here.
The house is in a neighborhood called Presidio Heights. It was a jewel of a house, not what I would call a mansion, but not small either. The house was laid out really well – the flow was wonderful. The rooms weren’t stupid either.A real family could live there. The ‘bones’ of the house were good: nice details, good sized rooms, plenty of bathrooms, great storage.
I am a big sucker for entry halls.It had a really nice entry hall where people had space to take off their coats and shoes, put their gloves and packages down before being in the house and having to deal with stuff.
It was fun going with TFQ as well, because she has a really rich art background. As we were standing in the dining room, she made a comment about the Rothko on the wall! Yes, indeed, there was a Mark Rothko painting in the corner of the dining room!

I am not sure that this was the painting, but it looked similar.

The above painting was for sale and the hosts at the house were supposed to have all of the information about them. They couldn’t find the info on this which TFQ was interested in. I am still waiting to hear back. My arm has been bothering me, so I didn’t bring my good camera and the cell camera in combination with the art lighting really makes the bird look skeletal. In reality, this was a very appealing looking painting.

I see quilt blocks everywhere and this marble floor was no exception. It would not be for the faint of heart, but I imagine the center rectangle being one color and then the elongated hexagons flowing into each block because of the color.

This Moroccan Table was in a room at the top of the house, which was described as an aerie. This room was designed by Benjamin Dhong and he was really nice to us. He designs rooms with neutral colors, but we did not find the Aerie to be boring because of the neutrals. He had added some color that added a lot of interest. The colors did not stand out, but really kept the room from being too neutral. I think the man has a gift with neutrals.

This detail shows different motifs that could also be used in a quilt. I think it would be another that wouldn’t be for the faint of heart, but perhaps Jane Sassaman’s technique could be used to make the work a little easier.

The middle with the rectangles as a circular border is really effective as well.
We went out into the garden because we wanted to see everything and TFQ also loves to garden. I thought they could have done more with the garden, but there were some plants that were interesting colors and shapes.

This may be the most perfect camellia I have ever seen.

I have heard of Columbines before, but don’t think I have ever seen one. There were a number of different specimens in different colors. I was really interested in the layering effect of these flowers.

This piece made a blank wall more interesting. I thought it was a gate, but it really wasn’t. I like the waves.
oh my gosh I just want to doodle on that table. It is giving me such inspiration!!!!
Never saw a columbine before either. That would make a cool quilt design. Think I will doodle one.
Really sorry I missed this!
Another year! You are doing important work.