My Fabric of the Year 2009 project is finally done. DONE!!!
I was pretty sick of it when I quilted it back in April, so it took me awhile to get the facing on it and then the sleeve. Fortunately, the label is part of the back.
This is not the most spectacular photo, but it is better than nothing and, I hope, you can get the idea. I am thinking of hanging it in my office . I can get a better picture if I do that.
It looks terrific!
Sometimes projects seem to loose the ability to charm us after awhile, But what a great feeling when they are completed….you hung in there….GREAT JOB!
Thanks, Jill. I like this project, but the finishing work was getting a bit old. I like to having a hand project by the TV, but have really wanted to be piecing during the last several months and not doing handwork. It is a struggle, because I do like finishing my quilts. I don’t want them hanging around unfinished for no reason. I am trying to decide if I should take this to the office.
It makes me think of a city-scape as the sun is setting down a long street in the middle, dividing daytime and nightfall. I know it must feel so good to have this done! Now enjoy the fruits of your labors! 🙂
Thanks for coming by Jaye and leaving the great comment about that little sewing chest.
I am really pleased with how it turned out considering it had many layers of paint to be taken off. There are a few imperfections and it has some marks from use and age……but hey don’t we all 🙂 I like it that way, shows that it has had a life.
It will reside beside the most comfy chair in the living room where I can keep my hand sewing supplies at the ready.
It’s beautiful, Jaye. I hope the last echoes of tedium wear off quickly and you can see it with fresh eyes! It’s going to be fabulous in your office.
I particularly like how the overall shading effect is balanced by the little unexpected contrasts (fill in the correct artsy terms for me) and it keeps your eyes moving around the whole work!
I love how this came out — love the way the “windows” pop out from the flow of color across the quilt. Fabulous!
How good it must feel you are now finished and get to enjoy it hanging. Brava! -Ill try and round up my cpps and scan them in and post them (eventually)…. I’ll let you know when I do.
I think it turned out great!