I thought I would work on the Corner Store as my next project. It was calling to me during the dark time while I pieced the Renewed Jelly Roll Race. As soon as I turned my attention to it, it held no interest for me.
I worked a bit on the Garden, as I mentioned, but floundered a bit on Saturday. I made a couple of QuiltCon blocks, did a bit of piecing on the Swoon #6, but finally took myself in hand on Saturday night and planned out my Sunday.
On Sunday, I worked pretty steadily on the Flowering Snowball. Aside from some math issues, e.g. not being able to count, the process went pretty well. I had little to no trouble putting the hand pieced blocks together by machine. I do need a few more blocks, so I can’t finish the chunking until those are pieced. If all goes well, and I have counted properly, I should have them done by the end of next week. We’ll see. Don’t hold your breath.
I feel like doing another version of this pattern by machine with pink or aqua background. It has to wait, though, until many other projects are completed.
My camera seems to be taking fuzzy photos. I wonder what that is about?
I love the bright colors with the white and black prints. I love handwork. Was it fun to hand piece this?
It was, initially, fun for about 2 blocks and then became a chore. However, when I picked it up again to do the side blocks, I found it very relaxing. I really like handwork while I am watching TV and this was the perfect project for that since I had no bindings to finish. I need to get the last few blocks done, because I do have bindings now and really need to get to them.
I wouldn’t want to do hand work all the time, but having a hand project around works well for certain times of the day.
It’s truly lovely!
Thanks! I am pleased with the way it is coming along.