I didn’t make a lot of gifts this year despite my best intentions, but I did make a few things for Friend Julie. I bought some purple chair fabric and just started making a set of things for her. I didn’t really plan to, it just happened. it was fun to try and figure out how place the fabric on the projects so the chairs stood out.
First, I made the tissue holder. Actually, I made two others as tests before I made this one, but it was the first gift that I made for her. I took a look at the tutorial that Valerie uses and tried it myself. Easy peasy! Bonus: I had some tissue packs with which to fill it.

Next was a needle case. I *think* Julie does some hand work, but I don’t really know, I am embarrassed to say. Now she is encouraged to do so because she has a needle case. 😉 If she is not a handworker, then perhaps I should start a campaign of buying Perl Cotton for her? 😉 With my luck, she will couch it to something on the machine.
Before she opened it, she didn’t know what it was. I think she was confused because I re-used some Recchiuti ribbon. I was pleased with the way the case looks tied up with the ribbon.
I made some changes to the pattern. Are you surprised? Instead of sewing two pieces of quilting cotton together to make the needle portion of the needlecase, I cut and sewed one square of felt to hold the needles.

I also used felt for one side of the baby pincushion. I can’t quite seem to get the pincushion to finish straight, but I’ll keep working on that.
Awhile ago I bought the Jeni Baker drawstring bag pattern that has been so popular among the modern quilters. On her blog, In Color Order (I wish I had thought of that name!!!), is a tutorial for one size of the bag. Anyway, I made several over the holidays and I decided at the very last minute, e.g. two hours before we were meeting (sigh!), to make her one to hold all of the goodies. When I say last minute, I mean last minute. DH had to lace the string into the holes while we drove. I didn’t even have a chance to take a phone, but Julie was kind enough to send me a couple.

The inside is grey.
I have a few other ideas for purple chair (and purple Pearl bracelets) fabrics accessories.