I took a class at A Work of Heart Studio in San Jose last week. My mom has been talking about learning the Zentangle technique, so I took her as a Christmas gift.
The class was 2 hours and we drew two tiles (3.5″ x 3.5″ squares of rag paper). In the course of the class we learned several patterns. The technique is a lot simpler than the finished product looks and I don’t think you need special powers to make a tile like I have drawn above. I followed the directions and piece by piece the finished tile evolved.
I went to Dick Blick with my mom and Lil Sissy (they both had gift cards) and bought some Illustration Board ATCs. I have been drawing some more Zentangle patterns on those. I drew the first sets of patterns over and then started trying a new one.
This method reminds me of the type of drawing and materials I used when I did the Creative Prompt Project Responses.
I’m impressed! Those are very interesting. I’ve never tried it.
They are a lot easier than they look. Take a short class. Some of the designs seem like they would be great for quilting designs.
You can learn the technique readily from easy laminated instructions Zentangle produces. Easy to learn. My high school students learn technique in a few minutes.
I love Zentangle, and Youtube is full of videos of patterns if you wanted to learn more.
Thanks! I figured it would be! I haven’t had a chance to look. I have two books now and will work from those for awhile.
The books are very helpful to learn step-by-step.
I bought a couple and my mom loaned me one. I plan to work from those for awhile.