I really wanted to make Mary something for helping me with the Westchester top.
When she made the ballgown I needed for Political Wifery, I made her a group of gifts, including Tooly McToolston. I don’t think she really liked the colors I chose, because I have never seen them again. I don’t mind since it is the thought that counts and once I give a gift, people can do with it what they want. Mary C. is also a GREAT seamstress, quiltmaker and bagmaker, so she make whatever she wants. However, I wanted to use the gift grouping experience to inform my future fabric choices. I took the opportunity to look around her studio at everything there to see what I could see in terms of colors and patterns. It is a great space!

I had some of the t-shirt material left, so I decided to use that. For some reason, pattern weights were on my mind. I knew Mary would use them. I found some patterns for the weights. The pattern I used, basically, was from Tea Rose Home. I had to request access to the free template, but the owner was very quick about responding. I made a small batch of those pattern weights. I found them small and not very heavy.
She uses rice for the filling, but I used Beanie Baby pellets**. Rice is a little on the pricey side right now and the Beanie Baby pellets (Poly Pellets) are more hypo-allergenic than something like crushed walnut shells.
I tried again using my Fons & Porter Pyramid Ruler**. You can also use the Creative Grids 60 degree Triangle Ruler** or any brand of 60 degree ruler. I found using the small ruler was better for me. There was less leaning awkwardly over cuts.

I used the full size of the ruler rather than the size of the template. When finished, the weights were larger, but not a weird size. They were also heavier and, thus, more useful, I thought.

I did augment the weight with some washers I bought at Home Depot. I measured the side of the larger weights so I knew what would fit once each weight was sewn. I put the washers in and then filled the rest with Beanie Baby pellets**.

I was pleased with the set in general. I gave them all to Mary at Sew Day following our t-shirt session. She said she uses pattern weights all the time, so I hope this will be something she can use.
**Obviously, you should shop at local fabric, knitting shops or quilt shops. However, if you can’t, please know that I use affiliate links. I may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I do not recommend items I don’t like. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.