I spent some time on Friday making gift bags for my mom’s gifts and for a book** I bought for my baby niece.
I realized as I was sewing that my ribbon stash is getting low. I’ll have to buy some ribbon before I start making Christmas and holiday gift bags.
The first bag uses the last of the pink Textured Basics fabrics by Patty Young. I used this fabric for Marianne’s Fresh Fruit quilt. I am pleased with how the bag came out. I did save some of the fabric for Fabric of the Year 2022.

I used some fabric that I found when rummaging for the first Pantone Project blocks for one of my mom’s birthday gifts. I was going to give it away, but ended up using it for the bag. This bag looks great in the picture and the bag construction itself is good. I was going to give it away because the color was too dull. I don’t see that in the picture. It is really old, though I had cut a piece out of it so maybe I bought it after I started on the FOTY series.

Finally, I took a piece of fabric out of my dots collection. This is probably not one that I will use as a background, but I still like it. I think the bow looks especially posh.
All of these bags have French seams, which keep them from raveling.
**Obviously, you should shop at local fabric stores, knitting shops, independent booksellers or quilt shops. However, if you can’t, please know that I use affiliate links. I may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I do not recommend items I don’t like. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.