Slow Scrappy Celebration Progress

Scrappy Celebration, E4
Scrappy Celebration, E4

I set myself a goal during the past two weekends of making progress on this quilt. I didn’t make much progress, but progress is progress.

First, I made this orange block. There is a little too much orange in it and I may change the centers of the mini-9 patches to something else. Maybe blue like in G2. We’ll see how I feel.


Scrappy Celebration, E8
Scrappy Celebration, E8

I really like this block. I think I might have made all of them the pattern calls for, but I really like it. I may have to make more. I kept looking at D6 and wanting to make the same block with the center and corner fabrics reversed. I really like that violet and the emerald green. I don’t use a lot of green in my quilts, so that is odd. I might like this block, because I get to use big amounts of that Shaggy Chrysanthemum print.  That is definitely a favorite even thought those autumn colors aren’t my normal colors.

Yes, I am making the blocks that are the easiest to get as many of them done as possible. Then I get mad at myself for being ridiculous and make a block with a lot of pieces. None of these blocks are difficult; some of them just have a lot of pieces.

Scrappy Celebration - August 2023
Scrappy Celebration – August 2023

In total, I made 5 blocks. I am now up to 28/56 total. I have enough blocks completed to make a good sized lap quilt, which is what I will do if (when) I run out of background fabric.



Essential Tote in the Wild

Essential Tote in the Wild
Essential Tote in the Wild

Cyndi brought her Essential Tote to Sew Day. I really like that pattern and am so pleased that she finds a use for it.

One of the things I like about that bag is the way the maker can showcase a large print fabric.

I really want to make some more of those. The pattern* is really great. You should buy one!








*no affiliation. Just a happy customer!

Pantone Project August Progress

I took a break from making bags, Metro Twist and Scrappy Celebration to make some progress. Thus, I made some good progress over the weekend on making Pantone blocks. 

Pantone Mutt & Jeff Left
Pantone Mutt & Jeff Left

I had already chosen quite a few fabrics, which made the task easier. Foundation piecing, not my strength, gave me pains on the first block.

The background of this fabric, a Martha Negley fruit and floral print from a few years ago, was the right hue for Pantone 4545 (not all the colors have names. Some only have numbers, which is a little annoying). I only had a half yard of this fabric and these fruit and florals don’t always have a lot of background. In this case, I only had a few bits to work with.

Martha Negley Fruit & Floral for Pantone 4545
Martha Negley Fruit & Floral for Pantone 4545

Of course, I cut a piece that was the wrong shape (remember: foundation piecing needs backwards and upside down pieces), so I had to Swiss cheese cut the last bit of background. Sigh. Fortunately, I don’t have enough of this to use for a back or a bag, so it really shouldn’t matter. Still it is painful to see one of these prints with a hunk out of the middle. Fortunately, this project (and Friend Julie) are worth it.

As an aside, you know how Tula Pink is doing Deja Vu prints? I wish Free Spirit would do them for Martha Negley as well. Maybe I should start fan club for Martha? I love those fruit and veg prints.

I went to town making blocks. I got into a rhythm that was only interrupted by not having selected anymore fabric. I thought I made a wider variety, but, looking at them like this, apparently not.

Storm Corner in Pantone 3985
Storm Corner in Pantone 3985

I was planning to make Flying Geese for Pantone 3985, a kind of olive green, but ran out of fabric. When I selected the fabric, I didn’t realize I only had about half of a fat quarter, so mid-block, I pivoted and made another Storm Center, which would work with the size triangles I had already cut.

I needed a template, so I cut the Pirate Black Storm Corner so I could use the triangles as a template, thus I ended up with four of these. In the grand scheme of the whole quilt it will be ok. It just looks a little odd now.


Pantone colors left to make
Pantone colors left to make

I suppose I shouldn’t have called this “August Progress” as it assumes I won’t make any additional progress, though I hope I do. I still have a number of colors to match and turn into blocks. Note they are all kind of dull, though looking at them like this reminds me they are not all beige.

I am also happy I made some good progress as I was feeling quite guilty at my tardiness. The hardest part of this project is selecting the fabrics. Aside from hauling the fabric bins down from the top of the fabric closet, the inks on the postcards seem to be different from the dyes used in fabric. I know that is true, however the actual hues and shades seem to be really different.

Coneflower Hackney #2 in Process

Coneflower #2 Hackney almost finished
Coneflower #2 Hackney almost finished

The Coneflower #2 Hackney is going very well. I think this one is coming out the best of all of them. I think the DecorBond** I added really helped a lot.

I only just added the DecorBond after making so many Hackneys, because I was confused by the directions. I read them as Decovil 526** OR DecorBond. I tend not to watch the entire videos that come with the Sew Sweetness patterns, but I probably should! They are super helpful and would probably answer the Decovil 526** OR DecorBond question.

Then I thought maybe the DecorBond would be a good addition, so I tried it. Fortunately, I had a small amount in my bag of interfacing. It was a great addition that made the top really flat and not wobbly. It wasnt’ bad to sew through either. It didn’t add a lot of bulk to the seam allowances.

As you can see from the photo, I have a bit of finishing to do before I can send this bag off to its new owner.







**N. B. : Obviously, you should shop at local quilt shops and small businesses. However, if you are too busy or can’t find what you need there, I use Amazon affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.

EPP Pentagon Ball #3

EPP Pentagon Ball #3
EPP Pentagon Ball #3

In 2020 I made one of these balls and decided that I would make two more for a new-ish grandniece and a new-ish grand-nephew.

#2 is in my Enigma Bag and I take it with me when we drive places. That one is almost done and I’ll try to get a good photo to share with you.

This one uses fabrics that I didn’t use for the Half Hexie Star. I cut a lot of strips for the half hexie pieces and then didn’t use them all. They were available and I couldn’t think of a reason not to use them.

The Half Hexie Star top is done, as mentioned, but I need to figure out how to work with the edges. They still have the papers in, but Colleen can’t quilt it with the papers in, so I need to figure out what to do. I also need to make the back and the binding. Maybe I’ll do that today?

I’ll have to get some more fiberfill** at some point.





**N. B. : Obviously, you should shop at local quilt shops and small businesses. However, if you are too busy or can’t find what you need there, I use Amazon affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.

Gift Post #10 2023: Project Bag

Gerre's Project Bag
Gerre’s Project Bag

I realized, after posting yesterday’s ‘in the wild‘ post, that I had never posted about the project bag I made for Gerre.

I made this one at the same time I made one for myself, Mom and Julie.

Despite my concerns about the size, both Gerre and Julie said they really love these project bags. Using mine for the Metro Twist has been really useful. I said I would try making the larger size and let them know how it turned out.

Sugar Skulls in the Wild

I have mentioned Gerre using the bags I make her in one or two posts. I always find it nice when people are actually able to use the bags I make. Sew Day was an ‘in the wild’ bonanza!

Sugar Skull bags in the wild
Sugar Skull bags in the wild

Julie and Gerre , as you have read,were both there and are both regular recipients of some of the bags I make. Gerre had three bags there screaming with Sugar Skulls.

They look really nice all together and the stripes and dots are good compliments tot he Sugar Skulls

Gerre and Julie both said they love the ByAnnie project bag, which you know I was a little annoyed with,but only because of the size. The large didn’t seem very large to me.

I actually found my project bag** useful for the Metro Twist pieces and patterns. There is something good about it. Both Gerre and Julie said that they could use many others. They thought a row of them hanging up in their workrooms would look really nice. Maybe I will make them each another for a gift. We’ll see. I do want to try making the larger size (extra large) as well.




**N. B. : Obviously, you should shop at local quilt shops and small businesses. However, if you are too busy or can’t find what you need there, I use Amazon affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.

Community Quilts Sew Day

BAM Log Cabin Community Quilt in process
BAM Log Cabin Community Quilt in process

Peggy was very kind about the Ends Quilts I handed in last Saturday instead of working on the log cabin project she planned for Community Sew Day.

She, Julie and LeeAnn worked on it at Sew Day. I know Anna made a few blocks in advance that were incorporated into the quilt. I don’t think it was a very popular project. Maria, who made the suggestion, was in Portugal!

August 2023 BAM Sew Day Log Cabin
August 2023 BAM Sew Day Log Cabin

Anyway, regardless of the popularity of the project, one complete top was finished plus the three I handed in makes 4 total quilts for the day. Not great, but not terrible either.

The log cabin quilt is pretty colorful and scrappy.

Enlarged I Spy

I am finally attempting to enlarge an I Spy pouch. I decided that last week, one evening after work, was the day to do it.

Blazing Star I Spy in process
Blazing Star I Spy in process

Sara’s directions work well regardless of the size. Sizes are always the challenge. I used the widths, but extended the lengths to accommodate the Blazing Star bag acrylic templates.

True Colors Wildflower
True Colors Wildflower

I learned a lot. One thing is to cut the back and lining back after you have put the front together. Normally, having everything cut and fused is a good thing, but in this case, I made so many cutting mistakes that I ran out of lining fabric.

On my next enlarged I Spy, I will put the sides and the vinyl together, then cut the top and bottom, install the zipper, then cut the back and lining back. I don’t know enough about enlarging bags to do anything different.

Serendipity Fabric Pull

Tula Plus fabric pull
Tula Plus fabric pull

I had a stack of fabric from a recent purchase sitting on my sewing table. As I sewed, I would look over at it and at one point, I realized that I had a nice group of fabric for a quilt or bag.

I am not sure what to make and am pretty sure I would need to add some additional fabrics, but maybe not. It looks pretty good as is.

Another Coneflower Hackney

Coneflower Hackney
Coneflower Hackney

I started another Hackney last weekend (??) Not sure. I didn’t take a photo, so this one is the only one I have of the piece in process.

As you can see, I am back to the mesh pocket. In the photo, the zipper looks a little wonky. Let’s hope it is the photo.  Taking Sue G’s comment about the usefulness of the pocket into account, I decided to add one again. It went in fine, except that I cut it a bit short, so added some fabric to the side. I am glad I know enough to make adjustments as needed.

I can’t tell you who will receive this Hackney as a gift, because the person is a reader of this blog. Check your mailboxes soon. 😉

Accordion Pouches

Accordion Pouch
Accordion Pouch

Carrie, one of my students, has been sewing up a storm of bags. She is on the Door Prize team and has just blossomed into an amazing and very creative bag maker. She has also been finding random patterns that interest her for free on the web.

Accordion pouch closed
Accordion pouch closed

She made a few of these Accordion pouches and they came out really well. She said they were easy to make, but hard to make perfectly.

I think it looks like a very cute pouch. I can see using something like this in my handbag. I seem to have a lot of random items rolling around in it, which could be corralled in this little pouch.


Accordion pouch open
Accordion pouch open

It could certainly be used for sewing as well. I can see putting smaller items in it for travel to retreats or Sew Day, then putting it into the Kit Supply Tote. I might have to make one of these just to try it out, not that I don’t have 500 other projects on which to work.

Ends n.17 (Plaid) Finished

Ends n.17 (Plaid) Finished
Ends n.17 (Plaid) Finished

Ends n.17 (Plaid) is finished! Hooray!

I have used up that taupe fabric I used to separate the print strips. Hooray! That’s out of my life. 

I have also made backs for all three Ends tops. I couldn’t not do it. I have another day, so I might make another one of these quilts to hand in on Saturday.

Half Hexie Star Top Finished

Half Hexie Star Top complete
Half Hexie Star Top complete

I finished this top last night! I am pretty excited even though I still have a long way to go to finish it.

I rushed to get a photo as I went to bed, so it isn’t the best photo. You can see some of the details in the post I published before.

I have been working on this quilt since August of 2012! I thought I had started it in 2016. Time really flies.

I can’t tell you how pleased I am to have made it this far! Assuming I can get the piece prepped to be quilted and make a date with Colleen, I will enter this in the President’s Challenge for the guild.