Even More Old Town

Despite taking care of my mom after her surgery, I have been able to get a little sewing in.

Old Town: QSTs
Old Town: QSTs

I finished all of the QSTs, which turned out to be mostly the correct size. I used pink instead of red, as mentioned, and am pretty happy with that choice so far. Some of the pinks in this batch are leaning a little more towards the lavender/purple range. I hope they won’t get mixed up in the final layout.

Since I finished all of these QSTs and the Baby Flying Geese, I decided to sew them together as indicated in one of the clues.

FG & QST units
FG & QST units

I think this is the first assembly I have done beyond individual units. I got interrupted a bunch of times, but I finished them!

I had a moment of stress when I realized I didn’t have enough of the Baby Flying Geese to sew to the second side of the QSTs. They were neatly bundled in the box in which I am storing all of the units and I hadn’t pulled them out. YAY!

This is a great quilt for learning. I highly recommend Bonnie’s projects, especially the mystery quilts, if you want to practice basic piecing. She takes the time to help makers focus on getting the right sized units. Her clues usually have more than one way to make a unit so it works for you.

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.

One thought on “Even More Old Town”

  1. I almost did this year’s BOM. She really challenges one and no matter how many flubs, the resulting quilt always turns out swell! I will watch your progress and maybe next year I’ll have my quilting mojo back! (I like your colors)

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