Various & Sundry 2011 #6

Doing Good
Modern Relief Japan has their first few auction quilts up. Check them out, buy and donate.

Remember Christchurch had an earthquake as well. Have you made and sent your Hearts for Christchurch?

Other Artists & Fun Crafts

I recently kept Twitter open for a few hours and was actually enable to enjoy the conversation. In the course of popping back and forth between other stuff and Twitter, Little Bluebell pointed me to Carina’s Craftblog. I popped in and saw this GREAT cake post. You know I am a sucker for felt food and this piece of cake is just wonderful. I want one. Will you make it for me? 😉

As an aside, Carina has some lovely embroidery patterns – cheerful colors and designs I would want to have in my house. She makes me think about picking up my embroidery floss again.

You all know that I am making lots of Jane Market totes these days. The bottoms are really on my mind. Without some kind of stiffener the fabric bottoms hang down in a kind of sad floop. I have a lot of options: cardboard as Alicia, the designer suggests; plastic canvas with mailing tape wrapped edges; Timtex (or equivalanet) inserted in the bottom before handsewing the turning seam, interfacing. I haven’t tried all of these solutions yet, so I don’t really have an opinion on which I like better. At work the other day, I was look at the website of a new client . One of their offerings was replacement bag bottoms! WOW! They don’t have great colors, but if the bag bottoms are the right size, I might be able to overlook the color. The description is: “Size:12” x 8” to fit inside the standard reusable shopping bags.” Stay tuned!

Spring Cleaning Continued

I worked a little more after work on Monday and also after work and a meeting on Tuesday. My workroom doesn’t look fabulous, but it feels much better. It feels like I have space to move around and work. I need to take Kathy’s Order Week over at Bliss Habits to heart and clear out some of the unused stuff so I can get to the stuff I want to use.

I have been talking on and off about finishing small projects, which I realized was a kind of spring cleaning as well. Perhaps I was gearing up for Sunday’s ‘big’ spring clean? I don’t think I will ever be a one project at a time kind of girl, but clearing the decks of having too many projects feels good as well.

After all my talk about spring cleaning, I was excited and saddened to see Anna Maria Horner’s new space. Excited, because it is gorgeous and looks amazingly useful. Saddened because it doesn’t belong to me. I now have a goal to work towards. First step: move out the junk!

Julie put up a video of her year long project making a small quilt every week. Great work. Check it out.

Quiltmaking Discussion

I am really bad about keeping up with blogs. I haven’t found a great reader that fits my workflow, or quilt-flow, as the case may be. Google Reader, and other readers, are fine and I have several set up, but I just don’t go to them enough to really keep up. As a result, I nearly missed the Piecemeal Quilts discussion. Pam, the Head Rhombus from Hip to Be a Square Podcast, pointed me to this blog post the other day and the post made me think. (I seem to be doing a lot of thinking about quiltmaking right now! Not sure what that is about, but I digress. ) The writer, Sandi, of Piecemeal Quilt blog, was responding to a  post on another blog that suggested that half square triangles were an intermediate to advanced technique. The Piecemeal Quilt blog writer’s contention was that half and quarter square triangles are not an intermediate to advanced technique. I like the spirit Sandi displays in this post. I liked the fact that she was willing to put herself out there and write this series of essays. I have felt for a long time that the magazines are not providing skill building techniques and are actually making projects so easy that they don’t challenge people at all. Not everyone wants to be challenged and that is fine. I don’t always want to be challenged and sometimes my quiltmaking challenges don’t have to do with piecing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a beginner or just wanting an easy project. I, certainly, have done my share of rote sewing in the not too distant past and appreciate the meditative qualities of not having to focus too much on complicated piecing. A friend makes quilts using squares and does really amazing colorwork. Her challenge is the colorwork. A challenge it something different for everyone.

I find that even just reading about magnificently advanced quilts can stretch my mind. Perhaps Sandi was imagining that there are standards for quiltmaking – defined skills on a list somewhere that make a quiltmaker intermediate or advanced once mastered? I think, in the past, many beginning classes were Sampler classes that enabled beginners to learn a variety of different techniques. I think learning using sampler blocks is still a good idea, but sampler classes take a lot of time, people are busy and most people want to learn quickly.

I did take a look at the Single Girl quilt-a-long Photostream on Flickr. These quilts are not easy nor have the makers used all white backgrounds. I saw one with a chocolate brown background that looked very rich. I think there are more complicated pieces out there and people are stretching in their own ways. Still, I applaud Sandi for putting herself out there and responding with the Skill builder series.

Pretty Package
Pretty Package

I received the fabric from Julie of the Intrepid Thread. Isn’t this a pretty package? The bow (real French ribbon!) will end up as the tie for a gift bag. The service was fast and who doesn’t like getting packages in the mail?

I also received my rulers from Soft Expressions. I was disappointed to find that the 60 degree Creative Grids triangle I ordered has the tip cut off. Normally that is a good thing, but it doesn’t work for the hexagon project (from an early BAMQG meeting) on which I am working. Oh well!


Joel Dewberry Modern Meadow Blocks
Joel Dewberry Modern Meadow Blocks

The Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild met on Saturday and I had a great time. That is just a fun group. One of the things we did was show off all of the blocks we made for the Joel Dewberry Modern Meadow block swap. these are the final blocks I ended up making. I thought I made a lot, but almost everyone made at least four and several people made 6-8! There were a total of 42 blocks, so the leadership did two drawings for blocks, which meant two winners. I didn’t win, but that was ok. I have plenty of projects to work on.

Be Square Blocks
Be Square Blocks

The challenge was to make blocks using squares. I described some of my process in other posts. Nobody else really talked about struggling against the desire to use triangles or other shapes.

I thought the blocks made a relatively cohesive group. there were a number of off center log cabins (which I think might be called quarter square log cabins). There were a few prints that were conducive to fussy cutting, and people took advantage of those prints to highlight certain motifs. People described their process and I really enjoyed hearing how people worked through the constraints of the challenge.

Photo by Adrianne
Photo by Adrianne

Robert Kaufman donated charm packs to our group. We received 5″ charm squares of the Kona Solids in the Bright Palette. The challenge is to make a quilt top or something (I asked about a bag and was enthusiastically told that that would be ok) by the June meeting. My immediate thought was to make the quilt I saw at the Manteca show. I could easily make a Chubby Charmer, but my mind is working through the math on the Fun with Scraps quilt. I wouldn’t do the border, just the center. I like the way the hourglass block adds to the postage stamp block. I wonder how many Postage stamp blocks I could make with the charm pack?

We also got a group gift together for Ruth who started the guild. I made her a Jane Market tote, which I forgot to photograph. 🙁 and people brought treats to put in it (thread, FQs, etc). It is a nice way to thank someone.

Kathleen did a demo on how to make the Oh Fransson! Crazy 9patch blocks. She is doing a swap via Flickr of these blocks, so she used the opportunity of making extra blocks to show everyone how to do the technique. Kathleen is a very good teacher.

Julie opened her shop, which was exciting!

Fabricworm Custom Bundle Starling Cherry/Aqua/Black 12 Total
Fabricworm Custom Bundle Starling Cherry/Aqua/Black 12 Total

I did, mostly, socializing, but cut a few patches for a quilt I want to make from a group of fabric I bought from the Fabricworm. The pack I am using is a Fabricworm Custom Bundle and is called Starling Cherry/Aqua/Black.

It was a fun meeting. I left wanting more and feeling good about spending time away from the sewing machine at a meeting.

Thanks to Adrianne for letting use the Kona charm pack photo and the group photo of the Be Square block challenge.

Stars for San Bruno Stragglers

Julie's Jewels
Julie's Jewels

Last call for Stars for San Bruno netted a bunch of blocks! In addition to those I talked about last week, I received 4 more over the weekend. These two beauties are from Julie. She sent me a little note with them wondering if I would be able to use them.

YES! Most definitely yes. I think they look like jewels, like the stone in a ring that sparkles elegantly. They are all applique’ and I think they will make an excellent addition to the quilts.

Reva's Contribution
Reva's Contribution

One of the things I like about the blocks people are sending is that they are all different in some way. Yes, Sue and SherriD both sent groups of similar blocks, but there is something different about each block. Many of the people who have contributed do not normally make block quilts, so I am especially touched.

As soon as I finish this reorganization, I am going to start piecing. My mom is out of town without her sewing machine, so she is off the hook for now. Perhaps I’ll get her to make the backs. 😉

Want to help? I am still accepting blocks. Leave a note on this post to let me know they are coming.

The background for this project is: that one family we know from school and my husband’s cousin were affected by the September 2010 San Bruno fire. We are making 3 quilts: one for our cousin and his wife, one for my son’s friend and one for the parents of my son’s friend.

I am thrilled at how many people are making a  block or two. Do you want to contribute some blocks?

All star blocks are welcome!

Block background: dark blue
Block design: Yellow star (any pattern, technique, eg. embroidery, painting, silkscreen, etc)
Block size: 8? finished (8.5? unfinished) or smaller (we will work with any size)
Remember to sign your block!

Deadline: End of March 2011, but I can only piece one quilt at a time and all blocks will be used.

Spring Cleaning

Push finally came to shove in my workroom this weekend and gave up actual sewing in order to organize and tidy up. It was funny that I was listening to the Creative Mojo episode that included a discussion with Carolyn Woods, the author of
Organizing Solutions for Every Quilter: An Illustrated Guide to the Space of Your Dreams. The library doesn’t have that book, but I have suggested that they order it.

I filed things. I threw things out. I made files for quilt projects that are still in the cogitating stage. I worked through my “I have to do this on the Internet” list. One thing I did do, since I knew I wouldn’t be sewing was to allow myself to press and cut fabric when I needed a break. I cut some hexagons out and put together some pillowcases and that was good. I still have a bit to do on the room, but when push comes to shove on Tuesday night, I won’t pile everything up neatly, hoping it won’t topple over, as I stress out once again.

Rainbow Cart Double - 16 x 10.8 x 26.5 inches
Rainbow Cart Double - 16 x 10.8 x 26.5 inches

Some time ago I mentioned ordering a cart to organize my scraps. I did actually order it, DH helped me put it together and I took all of my scraps out of the overflowing basket and sorted them by color into the drawers of the cart.

So far it has proved to be a boon to my mosaic quiltmaking. I am working on a journal cover made from scraps and I save so much time by just opening the drawer of the color I want and pulling out a piece. I don’t have to rummage through an overflowing basket. I am not depressed by my scraps anymore. I am so thrilled with this new system.

What I wasn’t thrilled about was the temporary location. I hadn’t made the time to put the cart into the place I intended it to live. It had been floating around my sewing room. I liked it in the middle of the room because it was convenient for grabbing scraps. I didn’t like it in the middle of the room, because I kept tripping over it. It also became a dumping ground and was generally not attractive in the middle of the room.

Scrap Organization
Scrap Organization

Today I cleaned out the corner, which was to be the new home of the scrap organization system, and relocated it. I thought it might be inconvenient, but it isn’t. I am really happy.

The rest of the room is still a bit of a mess. You know that old adage “it looks worse before it looks better.” I have to clean up the fabric I have been throwing on the floor and reorganize everything else that got displaced, but I am really happy with the day’s work.

Quiltmaking in the Funniest Places

Lisa's Log Cabin
Lisa's Log Cabin

At work the other day, I received an email from a vendor someone who wanted my input on some upgrades they are making to a product we use. This happens periodically, so I skimmed through the email intending to respond “later.”

However, I was brought up short by the last paragraph in which the author called me a ‘talented and prolific’ quiltmaker and went on to talk a little about her own quiltmaking. She also pointed out the photos she had attached. It is always nice to find a personal connection with people with whom I work. It makes the work so much easier and more pleasant. Until now, I have only found a couple of needlepointers. While interesting, it isn’t my main focus. As a result of the extra mile, Lisa got her meeting with me, we had a lovely exchange of emails about the quilting process, I pointed her to some other quilt groups in her area and she gave me permission to post the photos she sent.

Above is a log cabin in process. I think the grey and the blue work very well together in terms of color/value temperature. It looks like a more pleasant version of my neighborhood in the summer: fog and ocean! The yellow centers and scrapiness are great, too. Lisa said this will be a Cal King size!

Lisa's Jack on Quilt
Lisa's Jack on Quilt

Cute baby, eh?

The star quilt was a gift for one of Lisa’s nephews. I love her bold use of pattern in this project. I also like the fact that she used different backgrounds and ties the quilt together with the sashing. I did that with my Sampler quilt and think the design technique works very well.

The quilt’s yellow sections makes the eye move around the motifs. As a result, I see a four patch peeking out from the center of one of the stars. I love four patches.

Also, I am a total sucker for star samplers. I see some Sawtooth stars in different sizes. I like the Sawtooth star on point (top with red triangles and patterned center) as the block pattern looks so much more complicated than it really is once it is positioned on point.

Lisa's Katy's Quilt in process
Lisa's Katy's Quilt in process

Again, Lisa has demonstrated her fearless use of pattern in this ninepatch quilt. The pattern on the fabric doesn’t overwhelm the design, because she has chosen a relatively simple block pattern. I also like the variety of backgrounds.

Thanks for sharing, Lisa!

Primal Green: Art Quilts at SFPL

Primal Green Postcard
Primal Green Postcard

Did you go and see the show? Primal Green is a show of environmental art quilts at the Main Branch of the San Francisco Public Library. AND! it is still on.

The Wallace Stegner Environmental Center is one of the special collections at the Main Branch and, after a year of work with the Library, CQFA has over 20 quilts and fiber art on display. The quilts all have an environmental theme. The show will hang until July 31 and be available to viewers during the Library’s normal open hours. Hope you can stop by and see it. Check the library’s website for hours.

Primal Green, the art quilt exhibition at the San Francisco Public Library, has some information on the Green Stacks portion of the SFPL website. Hope you can see the show.

Sugar Pop CC

Sugar Pop CC
Sugar Pop CC

I still have a bit of handsewing to do, but I want to bring this to the meeting this weekend, so I am considering it done. 😉 As Margi says: My quilt, my rules.

This is a great pattern. Once I sat down, focused and stopped with my own creative drama, it really came together.

I know now why one should use the fusible fleece. It is much stiffer and makes the bag stand up very well. This one is a little floopier than my first Chubby Charmer. My closet is a bit emptier because I used batting I already had.

Red and White Quilts

If you haven’t seen the Red & White quilts at the NYC Park Armory and you are within commuting distance, go see them! Admission is free!!!! A couple of friends have gone to see them and have said that the exhibit is amazing. It is only there for a few more days. Make the time!

3/31/2011 Update: Here are some (there are many, many articles on this exhibit) news stories about this exhibit:

  • Financial Times: Infinite Variety: Three Centuries of Red and White Quilts, Park Avenue Armory, New York. By Simon Schama
  • NYCtheblog: Amazing Display of 651 Red and White Quilts by Paolo Mastrangelo
  • New York Times: Finally, Mrs. Rose (and the Public) Can See All Her Quilts by James Barron

Bright Spring Journal Cover

Journal Cover - closed
Journal Cover - closed

Perhaps this is more summery than springy?

Perhaps I should have used more blues and greens and held on to this for summer? Nah! I was ready for some cheerfulness after the unbelievably grey skies of the past few weeks.

My plan worked. My plan was to alleviate the depressing grey that was shrouding my town. It worked! Today was beautiful out! Blue skies… no clouds. It was gorgeous, even from the window of my office. And, peeking out of my bag was this cheerful (bordering on loud and obnoxious??) journal cover. It made me smile every time I caught sight of it.

I used the Philip Jacobs fabric I bought at Always Quilting after PIQF 2010. I still want to make a bag or something larger, but I haven’t gotten to it yet.

I didn’t plan on centering the flower, but it was a pleasant surprise.

Journal Cover - open
Journal Cover - open

I used a bit of hand dyed fabric for the inside and added a little to the edges of Philip Jacobs fabric to add interest.

I have finished all of the pages my current journal, which has the Innocent Crush cover. I am sorry to be finished with that journal, because I wanted to carry it around in the Innocent Crush Flea Market bag. Adrianne brings her Flea Market bag to the BAMQG meetings and I admired it again at the last meeting. I wasn’t happy with the way my bagn turned out so I took it apart – not the whole bag yet, but the straps. You can kind of see the unevenness in the photo (the one I linked to above). I like the fabric and the design and didn’t want to just abandon it. When I made the bag, I was not able to sew the straps smoothly  which meant that I tried to ease the handles together, which, further, left tucks in them. I didn’t like the way the tucks looked. I have unsewed the handles and am working on lining them up better. I haven’t done any further sewing on them. We’ll see.

Yes, I can reuse the Innocent Crush journal cover and I might do that. For now, though, I am loving the cheerful and fun Philip Jacobs cover.

This is a quick project. I made the journal cover in about a half an hour on Saturday morning.

Latest Stars for San Bruno

Sue's Stars
Sue's Stars

I received this group of 10 stars plus some goodies from Sue last week. Aren’t they great?

One thing I know about the Liberated stars is that the proportion of the star points need some attention otherwise the stars look weird. Sue has nailed that and her stars have a lot of movement. They look cheerfully wonky. I am thinking of using them around the edge of a quilt – not quite a border, but something similar.

I also like the scrapiness of these blocks. I need to get started!

Sandy's Stars
Sandy's Stars

Sandy, from Quilting for the Rest of Us podcast, also sent some stars. Her color choices are fabulous! The yellow stands out against the blue wonderfully.

I am also thrilled that so many people have made the Friendship Star. I hope it infuses the quilt with good feelings for the families.

Thanks to Sandy and Sue for taking the time!

Want to help? We are doing this project because one family we know from school and my husband’s cousin were affected by the September 2010 San Bruno fire. We are making 3 quilts: one for our cousin and his wife, one for my son’s friend and one for the parents of my son’s friend.

I am thrilled at how many people are making a  block or two. Do you want to contribute some blocks?

All star blocks are welcome!

Block background: dark blue
Block design: Yellow star (any pattern, technique, eg. embroidery, painting, silkscreen, etc)
Block size: 8? finished (8.5? unfinished) or smaller (we will work with any size)
Remember to sign your block!

Deadline: End of March, but I can only piece one quilt at a time and all blocks will be used.

Various & Sundry 2011 #5


I listened to an episode of Pat Sloan’s Creative Talk Radio with Amanda Herring of the Quilted Fish. She described her new fabric line from Riley Blake. It is called Sugar & Spice. THEN the Fabricworm sent out a teaser a week or so ago and I can’t get the fabric in the teaser out of my head. ERGH!!! Those fabrics would go perfectly with my red & aqua quilt even though I am not buying them.

I heard about Matt and Shari on Mark Lipinski’s Creative Mojo and was so impressed with all the information on their website. They have all sorts of different projects, info about color, lighting, etc. They have a section on framing a quilt block, which includes the book I learned to quilt with, Diana Leone’s The Sampler Quilt. I have the original edition, which I still use for the binding lesson and the newer edition, which has great blocks.

Creative Mojo is growing on me. Mark is interviewing a lot of interesting people and telling me about a lot of interesting books. I hope I can meet him someday and have some of his fortune rub off. 😉

I was looking at my Google Reader for once since it was pouring rain and I didn’t want to go out for my usual lunch time walk. I saw a post from Fresh Lemons showing the Sugar Pop line of fabric. It looks so much better in her photo than it does in my workroom and I am starting to think that if this rain lasts much longer, I am going to have to breakdown and paint over the life sucking beige that still exists in my space.

Bari J, who is getting lots of press right now for her relatively new book, was the guest hostess on Wednesday Night Live with Lisa Fulmer of C&T publishing. She was demonstrating embroidery stitches and tools. There is more information on Creating the Hive.

On My Mind-Revisted
A few weeks ago I made a list of projects. I did that because those projects were cluttering up my mind. They are, with their status:

  • Sugar Pop Chubby Charmer – squares sewn; need to make straps, lining and line with batting
  • 2 Martha Negley totes – already cut out; ready to sew
  • Grand Revival Flea Market bag in light violet with green dots – need to pick and cut out lining
  • Grab Bag- push out corners, press and top stitch
  • Finish testing hexagons
  • Corner Store – thinking about making the blocks 4″ instead of 5″, which means unsewing a lot of blocks, trimming and resewing.
  • Grand Revival Flea Market bag in violet Innocent Crush – unsew, fix straps and resew
  • Back for FOTY 2010
  • Bubble pillowcase
  • Zig Zaggy back – make it a bit longer
  • Stars for San Bruno – still need blocks, will put together starting in April
  • Block for Modern Quilt Guild

Other things I finished recently:

  • binding for FOTY 2010
  • binding for Frosted Stars
  • binding for Frosted Stars leftovers
  • Grab Bag for Grama – finished, mailed and sent

I am not bragging, really. I seem to need to feel like I am accomplishing something!

I am so sad that I am not rich enough to run off to NYC for the weekend, because I will be missing the Red & White quilt show at the Armory. The Lizzie B Girls have a great post with lots of fab photos on their blog about it. If you go, tell me how you like it.

Doing Good
Last call for Stars for San Bruno! I know the Sendai and Christchurch earthquakes have overshadowed the fire in San Bruno, but any contributions you make will be greatly welcome. See more information on my 3/24 post.

You can also help the modern quilt community with relief for Japan. Check their new site. Tamiko is also doing her part. You only have until the end of the week, so click this link now!

Here is a tutorial for making wonky cross blocks. You never know when you might want to make wonky cross blocks!

Need some kimono?

Project Selvedge
I saw an ad for a Michael Miller contest for fabric design. I have the perfect design, but I uploaded it too late. The directions said it could be done through 3/24, but on the West Coast, we often get shortchanged on the timezones. Oh well. Perhaps next time. I did put it up on Spoonflower, but can’t sell it, because I haven’t ordered a swatch.

Grama’s 2d Grab Bag

Grama's 2d Grab Bag
Grama's 2d Grab Bag

I finally finished Grama’s 2d Grab Bag. She lost the first one, perhaps I mentioned it? I am really sad she lost the first one, because I really liked that one. Oh well.

I wrote (sewed??) her name with my stitch letters in the handle, so perhaps the next finder will return it to her. Perhaps I should start the next one? 😉

I used Aurifil thread and two different light fabrics for the inside so she could see what was in there. The leaf fabric is one I have had, but since I hadn’t used it, I thought it would be fine to use for this project.

Hope she likes it.

Book Review: 12×12

Twelve by Twelve: The International Art Quilt ChallengeTwelve by Twelve: The International Art Quilt Challenge by Brenda Gael Smith

This is another book I received for free, presumably to review since the letter included wasn’t very clear, from Lark Books. It is really nice of them to send me books, especially ones that I like.

The book starts with an introduction by Diane Perin Hock, the Healdsburg, California fiber artist who created the textile artist group described in Twelve by Twelve. She discusses how the group started, what inspired her to choose the other artists and how the group works.

It is an interesting group, partly because it is international, but more so because they came together as a result of Ms. Hock’s simple inquiry. They didn’t meet in person first. Some of the members have, since, met each other, but an entire group reunion/retreat is still a dream for them.

There are a lot of images in this book, which is wonderful! Each page has at least one, if not two photos. The visuals are wonderful, but it also makes the layout interesting.

The how-to segments are out of the ordinary. There are no quiltmaking basics (YAY!), free motion quilting or cutting rules. The ‘projects’ in this book are, for example, titled “finding inspiration online,” “creating time and space for art,” and “starting your own challenge group.” I really appreciate this publisher allowing the author to think outside the box on this book.

The book is organized around themes and each theme has its own section of the book, where it is explored completely. When introducing each theme, the name or theme word is clearly shown along with a gallery of all of the responses. The artist who thought up the theme has space for a bio, discusses creating her piece and provides information about exploring the theme.

The artists’ profiles at the end of the book give context to and additional information about the artists in the book. Amazingly, these profiles do not overlap with the bio information in the theme section. Some have children, some don’t. Some have pets, some don’t. Some have pets and children. All say that fiber, textiles or both came in to their life and had a positive influence. One theme among the artist profiles was the way they talked about traditional quiltmaking. There was a lot of disdain for matching points and no acknowledgment of the beauty of the geometry of classic blocks

YAY! An index! YAY! Some photos of real, working sketchbooks!

There is a lot to like about this book. it is written for grownup quiltmakers. There are lots of pictures. Personal stories and descriptions of process abound. Thanks to Lark Books for having the courage to publish this book, which, I hope, is the first of its type.

Buy it and be inspired.

View all my reviews, including non-quilt related reviews