Boring Green Cat Bed

Bron was kind enough to give me some fleece from FabMo a few months ago. Last Saturday it fell on me from its precarious perch in the Fabric Closet one too many times. I pulled it, and the pattern out, cut all the fleece up into the shapes needed for cat beds and began sewing.

Boring Cat Bed
Boring Cat Bed

My intent was to make a bunch of them and present them to Amanda at the next BAMQG meeting. My machine sincerely disliked that fleece as did my hand, so I made one and put the rest of the parts into packages to bring to the meeting. What Amanda got was a sad email explaining the situation. 🙁

She was very gracious about it and said to bring the parts for the other cat beds for other BAMQG members to make.

I was able to finish one [boring looking] cat bed and stuff it nearly 3/4s of the way full with schnibbles.

Creative Prompt #335: Urchin


Urchin is a web statistics analysis program developed by Urchin Software Corporation. Urchin is used to analyze web server log file content.

Virtual Urchin website features expanding mobile compatibility!

The Big urchin is a random event that can occur during Prifddinas Waterfall Fishing. Players – Runescape Wiki

Seiko “Sea Urchin” SNZF Watch

Urchins are spiked aquatic creatures that have appeared as enemies throughout the Mario series.

Maine sea urchin divers have reached a crossroads as conservation efforts have kept the delicacy virtually off limits to new divers.

Urchin Software analyzes web server log file content to generate traffic reports based on the log data.

jewelry from The Sea Urchin Collection

Sea Urchin Regulations

Sea Urchin Ornamental Wall Decorations from Target

Tea Urchin was set up to share the joys of premium & rare Chinese teas with the world.

Urchin softlight. A shape shifting light that provides ambient diffusion of energy efficient LED light.

Urchin Bistrot

Urchin is a film and animation studio developing a sustainable business practice rooted in free/libre tools and culture.

Sea Urchin Studio is a design company specializing in nature-inspire products for kids.

sea urchins have a water vascular system

Sea Urchin Sea Urchin are Leila Hassan and Francesco Cavaliere

Purple sea urchin. From “The Intertidal Zone.

Urchin Urchin from TheKolWiki

Sea Urchin by Laura Knetzger

Urchin or urcheon is the Middle English term for “hedgehog“. As such, it is applied to many things that take a similar form to a hedgehog:

  • Street children, homeless children who live on the street
  • Sea urchins are spiny sea creatures that are round and prickly like hedgehogs
  • In old theater, urchin was a common name for an elf or fairy that took on a prickly appearance
  • The word urcheon is used to refer to the hedgehog in heraldry

It may also refer to:

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and get familiar with your blog or website.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

We are also talking about this on Twitter and Instagram. Use the hashtag #CPP

Black & Red Improv Quilt

I was kind of shocked to realize that the last time I devoted a post to this project was back in September. I did mention it last week and meant to write a full post. I was out of town for most of the week for work and it never happened.

Red & Black Improv Top
Red & Black Improv Top

On Saturday, I got back to the machine. I worked on this top, in between other projects. For the Improv top, I seem to be able to make progress on this project, but only while working simultaneously with other projects. For some reason this project does not inspire me to buckle down and work on it by itself.

I tried Improv again and it still doesn’t inspire me. I guess I like the technical precision of regular blocks. Does that make me boring? Perhaps.

Three blocks was the sum total of what I needed to finish to put this top together. The end was in sight! (Let’s not talk about back or binding at the moment). I finished one block completely on Saturday and made major progress on two more.

Sunday, I finished the blocks and then put all the blocks together into the top.

I started on the back, for which I am making different color choices just to give it a different feel. I am choosing some blues so that the back will have a different feel.

Almost there.

Donation Block Extravaganza

November Donation Blocks
November Donation Blocks

Yes. More donation blocks. They were part of my sewing work over the past two weekends. I am now out of cut background squares so I will need to cut more. I have some blue dottish on white fabric scraps leftover from the Star Sampler, which I might use. Since they are scraps, they won’t go far and will be a stopgap.

These are on the dull side. I cut up a bunch of foreground fabrics some time ago. I didn’t feel like I wanted to use those fabrics in a quilt and am working my way through them for donation blocks. Someone will like them, right?

I am not doing that again. I decided that if I have fabric I don’t want to use, I’ll just donate it rather than using it like this. It isn’t enjoyable and I want to infuse these donation blocks good energy so that is my plan.

Carpenter’s Wheel #3

I really tried to recapture the sewing mojo I talked about last week. I didn’t quite feel that adrenaline rush of excitement this past weekend, but I did get a lot done.

Carpenter's Wheel #3
Carpenter’s Wheel #3

I finished the Carpenter’s Wheel block that was named #2.5, but is really #3. I called it 2.5 last week to denote its unfinished state.

I was really lackadaisical at the beginning of the day about working on it. I think I didn’t want to get confused by leaving pieces and parts in the machine by using this block as leaders and enders. I worked hard at placing the fabrics, so I wanted to make sure I didn’t get get confused about where each patch belonged. Towards the end of the day, I set a goal to finish that block and did.

The cherry on the sundae was that I also laid out the last variation I imagined.

I might make a four block quilt, but I don’t know. I don’t want to commit to a full quilt with these blocks, but I may get inspired. I am loving the low volume background. It really adds interest to the blocks without making the background too busy.

Low Volume Journal Cover

I have been working with a lot of grey lately for the Carpenter’s Wheel experiments and for the Flying Geese exchange, so I have bits and bobs of scraps around. After making Henry IV, I thought I should make a snowy owl version. That led to me starting to piece leftover bits of grey and white together.

LV Journal Cover in progress
LV Journal Cover in progress

Somehow making a snowy owl was put on the back burner and I decided to make a journal cover instead. I have made some headway, but am not finished. I like the calm look of what I have, but also think it might need a bit of color.

I have to make the piece long enough, but I am thinking of making a strip of 1.5″ squares alternating a grey and a color and inserting it into the journal cover somewhere.

As I have mentioned before, the greys are very different in the way they look. Those Bonnie and Camille strips look positively beige next to some of the other greys. The Paris writing fabric looks dirty, or something. I still like this piece so far and these observations are just noting thoughts of interest.

Flying Geese Inspiration

Moda Flying Geese Blocks
Moda Flying Geese Blocks

TFQ recently sent me a link to block that I really like made from Flying Geese. It was on the Moda Instagram feed and I can’t tell if it is a historic block or if the maker added another FG to a Dutchman’s Puzzle block.

We have been doing the Flying Geese Exchange, which I highly recommend, BTW, and I have started to look around for interesting design in which to use the Flying Geese. I have begun to start thinking about something interesting to do with the blocks. TFQ is clearly on the same page.

The blocks above are from the Moda Instagram feed. I have always liked the Dutchman’s Puzzle block and actually made one for my first Sampler quilt. This block puts a little twist on the idea, but it might be just enough to keep me interested.

Mary Fons posted a link to a block she made, which I originally thought would be great for our Flying Geese. After looking at it again, I don’t think it will work. I still like it, but there is an extra color that exaggerates the motion in the block. Our Flying Geese do not have that extra color. Of course, we could still put the block together, but  we would miss out on the motion.

Love of Patchwork and Quilting had a block made from Flying Geese (Issue 24, Darling Dorothy) that is mildly appealing. I don’t think it will work for me for a whole quilt.

So you can see where my head is with these Flying Geese. Any ideas? Any interesting ideas?

BAMQG IRR Progress

More progress has happened on the BAMQG Improv Round Robin. I worked on Cindy’s and then handed it off to Michelle. Jen posted in the guild forum that she worked on mine.

Cindy's IRR Before
Cindy’s IRR Before

The first thing I did with Cindy’s was look through all of the fabric she provided with the piece sitting next to me.

I thought it had a lot going on. I decided to use the turquoise solid (shown at left) as the background with my signature fabric to continue the Flying Geese motif already used a couple of times by other contributors. With a vague plan in place, I got busy cutting and piecing.

The piece I made was a little too short so I added a pink square. There was a  pink solid in the group of fabrics, so I used that.

Cindy's IRR After
Cindy’s IRR After

I really did, mostly, cut without a ruler, but my piece looks very precise compared to the rest of the sections. I know that my arm injury is affecting my cutting. Mostly I have to rotary cut much slower and, apparently that equals more precision.

I like my part. It balances the turquoise on the left side and the Flying Geese do bring repetition and continuity to the piece.

This is also a good exercise in what I can do in 20 minutes. I am not counting cutting, because of the injury, but sewing and designing. I think looking at the fabrics first was a good thing to do. I think it helped jumpstart my process.

My IRR after Jen's work
My IRR after Jen’s work

Jen posted about my piece. Michelle had worked on it and made it into a L. I was a little concerned about that, but only a little. I knew my Club Doodle (the name of our group) pals would come through for me. Jen did with flying colors.

It is still keeping that turquoise background feel, which I am happy about. There are more Flying Geese, which I am also happy about.

I am also glad that the Queen Street fabric is finally getting its day in court.

In terms of administration, I have worked on Jen’s, Michelle’s, and now Cindy’s. I feel like I have worked on more of them, but, perhaps, that is because I also worked on mine. I need to work on Claire’s, Diana’s and Rhonda’s.

Creative Prompt #334: Witch

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble


Tennessee’s Bell Witch

witch hunt

Salem Witch Trials

W.I.T.C.H. – 2004 to 2006 TV series

The “witch of Agnesi” is a curve studied by Maria Agnesi in 1748 in her book Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana (the first surviving mathematical work written by a woman). The curve is also known as cubique d’Agnesi or agnésienne, and had been studied earlier by Fermat and Guido Grandi in 1703.

The name “witch” derives from a mistranslation of the term averisera (“versed sine curve,” from the Latin vertere, “to turn”) in the original work as avversiera (“witch” or “wife of the devil”) in an 1801 translation of the work by Cambridge Lucasian Professor of Mathematics John Colson (Gray).

The Witches of Eastwick

Leland’s witches do not see Lucifer as the evil Satan that Christians see, but a benevolent god of the Sun and Moon. The ritual format of contemporary Stregheria is roughly similar to that of other Neopagan witchcraft religions such as Wicca.

The Witch (2015 movie)

Witch Skincare

Witch of Hemwick (Bloodborne Wiki)

Kitchen Witch Bone Broth produced nutrient dense, healing bone broth from local and sustainable ingredients.

Glinda the Good Witch

WITCH (World Induced Technical Change Hybrid model) is one of the main modelling tools developed within FEEM’s Sustainable Development research

Every Witch Way (Nickelodean)

Kitchen witch

Wicked Witch of the East

The Ale and the Witch is an American Small Craft Taps and Casks House located in Saint Petersburg, FL.

Witch Dungeon Museum, Salem, Mass.

Witch Baby Soap

The Last Witch Hunter

Definition: “A witch is a practitioner of witchcraft.” (Wikipedia)

witch doctor

Bubble Witch 2

Fat Witch (NYC’s legendary brownie)

Rediscover the magic and synchronicity that unfold when you come back to yourself and your center. Join Maia Toll for Witch Camp – The Course!

The Switch Witch Halloween book and doll brings a magical, fun tradition to your family and solves the problem of too much candy in a way that kids love!

Salem Witch Walk

Bad Witch is an Australian based online store. Necklaces, Rings, Earrings. Stones including: Moonstone, Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz.

Sarah Graley has created Pizza Witch as the very first webcomic for Comic Book Slumber Party!

The White Witch Golf Course is carved from the rolling countryside of Jamaica’s historic Rose Hall Plantation and is an 18-hole championship golf course.



Books and fairy tales

Film and television


Plays and ballets


Video games

Other uses


Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and get familiar with your blog or website.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

We are also talking about this on Twitter and Instagram. Use the hashtag #CPP

Tissue Covers

Tissue Covers
Tissue Covers

Since BIL died back in June, a number of us (SIL, Nephew #12, YM, DH) go over to MIL’s and have dinner on Wednesdays when we are available. We use it as a time to catch up. We are also trying to keep Wednesdays (when BIL would go over and have drinks with his mom) from being too sad.

The other Wednesday SIL told us that she was, once again, in charge of the Secret Santa Shop at her son’s school. This is an event to raise money for the school, but also to provide an opportunity for the kids to buy nice gifts that aren’t too expensive.

The first year she did it, they contracted with a company to provide the gifts and she, as well as other parents, proclaimed them to be junk. Some broke as the helpers were bringing them to the wrapping table. Also, the prices were already on the high side so the PTA couldn’t mark the prices up and still keep the gifts affordable for kids, thus they were not able to make much money.

Last year, they scoured shops and websites for nicer gifts that were of good quality. She said that it was a lot more work, but it paid off in that they also made over $3000!

Tissue Cover Backs
Tissue Cover Backs

Upon hearing this, I thought of the gift ideas list I made last year (?) and, more specifically, of the tissue covers that Valerie inspired me to make. I went home and started cutting fabric. I finished 9 the next day and sent them off.

I might make some more, but we will see. It might be good to see if they sell and then make more next year. On the other hand, it might be good to make a bunch so at least one person from each grade can buy one. We’ll see what SIL says.

I am going to try and think about other gifts that might work. The problem is that I am used to making bags, cushions or gifts that quiltmakers like. The people at the school are not quiltmakers and the gifts have to be small, so I need to think a little harder.


Various & Sundry #13 – Mid October

Websites & Blogs

One of the reasons I am interested in journals, thus all the journal covers you see, is because I write in my journal almost every day. I draw pictures and ideas. I doodle. I use my journal as a way to work out problems and relieve stress. Thus, I am the recipient of links and information about others who journal. Maureen sent me a link to a blog, Judy’s Journal, and as I scrolled through it I saw this quote “We are in a new time when fabrics are suddenly relieved of all science, of all utility,
of all function other than aesthetic. ” It turns out that this is an older quote; she did not write it. I was struck by how apt it is for today. It made me think about the quilts I make. Many of them I make because I feel a compulsion to make something and then they hang on the wall or over my banister for weeks, months, years. They have the possibility of utility, but are not being used at the moment. What does it mean to us to buy and have fabric just because it is pretty?

I mentioned the CQFA meeting the other week. Someone brought some copyright guidelines from The Blue Bottle that are written in a decision tree format. I am always skeptical of advice given by people who are not lawyers, but this set of guidelines is basic and looks well thought out. She does have the appropriate disclaimer. Scroll down to find a version for Crafters and Hobbyists.

Johanna Basford, the coloring queen, has a new YouTube channel. Go look and get some tips for coloring.

Sarah Ann Smith reviewed the Schoolhouse Tunic. I bought this at the Fabric Depot in Portland and my dressmaker whipped one up for me.

My report on PIQF report was included in the Fair Vendor paperli newsletter.

Patterns & Tutorials

Here is a new pattern for a tote bag. It is billed as a Hallowe’en treat bag, but if you made it with different fabrics, it would just be a tote bag.

I was surfing Pinterest while I listened to my book and found some really cute apron patterns on the Seasoned Homemaker blog. My favorite is the Halter Chic Apron pattern. I love the plunging neckline. 😉 I didn’t go and look at the site right then, but when I finally did, the author also had a recipe for gluten free pumpkin spice muffins with maple cream cheese frosting. I am not a huge fan of pumpkin spice, but the frosting! YUM! She has other posts about finding time to sew, crockpot recipes and a list of online tutorials and online learn to sew sites.

Kati posted a link to a tutorial for ornaments. They are really cool.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe posted on Instagram about a free hashtag pattern on the Marcus Bros site. It was a little bit of pain to find, but I finally did. You are welcome. 😉 It is called Revved Up Retro by Sarah Maxwell.

The holidays are coming and I found a really long list of small gifts. Lots of gift ideas were also posted on the BAMQG blog, but not all the entries have tutorials associated with them. I know the blog editor is going back and adding tutorials etc as she finds them.

In just a few days, Modern Quilt Studio will publish Fat Quarter Love, a pamphlet of patterns that use fat quarter cuts. These patterns allow you to “use solids, large-scale prints, your favorite basics and even hipster novelty prints. The projects range from crib-sized quilts that can be made in an afternoon to more ambitious queen-sized bed quilts.” Fat Quarter Love will retail for $10. Look for it at your local quilt shop. If you can’t find it locally, they’ll be selling it beginning October 23 on They ship free to US addresses. There is more information on Craft Nectar.

Remember Ms. Russian Rubix, April Rosenthal? I used her pattern (sort of) to make my Russian Rubix quilt? I saw recently on Instagram that she has another fantastic pattern called Parcheesi. I love it! One of the things I like is the way she added some Flying Geese to the sashing to add interest. Easy and very effective! We’ll see if I make it. Wouldn’t it look fantastic in scraps? I will definitely keep that Flying Geese design trick in mind. How big are those squares anyway? 1.5″? It is an older pattern (2-3 years old), but I must have missed it. She describes the pattern in a blog post and you can buy the pattern in her shop. (No affiliation)

I found the Astrodelic quilt pattern on the Fabric Depot Website. Looks like a cool block.

Exhibits and Events

Twitter pal, Kitty, shared a Textile artist site. I really like it.

A group is getting quilts together that depict diseases or feelings about health issues and related ideas. If you have such a quilt, get in touch.

My friend Natalie pointed out this piece of art by Jasmine Uy to me (isn’t the web wonderful??). Which side is true for you?

Books, Magazines and Projects

I saw a Fons & Porter show a few weeks ago with Deb Tucker. It was from the 2600 series and the project was called County Fair.  I like her products, so when I saw a Quilt Show episode with her, I sat down and watched it. You may have to be a member to watch. I like her style, because she is positive and confident. She also has a lot of basic knowledge that will help you be a better quiltmaker. I have the Flying Geese ruler (using it for the Flying Geese Exchange) and I am tempted to buy the Squared2 ruler to make that Carpenter’s Wheel version from the Fons & Porter show. It is a block I think I could sink my teeth into. I am able to make it with FGs instead of the diamond square unit, but you know how I love rulers.

Jenny Doan has a pamphlet out on Pre-cuts, the Quilter’s Precut Companion.

Janome and Michael Miller have a 100 blocks project where you can win a new sewing machine.

Mrs. K told me about the Sew Powerful Purse Project, which is in association with Liberty Jane. The video shows how to make the purse as well as shows the look and feel of the inside. This project supports African girls in academic achievement.

Reva sent along a link to a book, BiblioCraft, about getting inspiration from libraries. I am kind of shocked I didn’t hear about this sooner. You can read the review or just buy the book. From the review: “BiblioCraft is not just a “how to” project book, but oh-so-much more, because it teaches you how to use the library to glean inspiration so that you can conceive ideas for your own projects.” I haven’t seen this book in person, but I love the idea. I always want more than projects and good photos when I buy a book.

Fabric, Tools, Shops, Supplies & Embellishments

ByAnnies Stiletto Pressing Tool
ByAnnies Stiletto Pressing Tool

ByAnnies has a new tool called the Stiletto and Pressing Tool. It is a wooden tool with a stiletto on one end and a flat pressing side on the other. This seems to me to be useful for finger pressing. The information says that it has a sanded tip so that the tip of the stiletto won’t slip off your project. That could be useful. Cost is $19.95 plus shipping etc. It looks similar (from web photos) to the tool by Alex Anderson. Alex’s is called the 4-in-1 Essential Sewing Tool and includes seam ripper, stiletto, presser, and a turner.

Alex Andersons 4-in-1Essential Sewing Tool
Alex Andersons 4-in-1 Essential Sewing Tool

I bought one of these, but couldn’t find it to compare when I saw the ByAnnie’s tool and don’t remember using it much. I know I have used it as a stiletto on the odd occasion, but my mom gave me a nice gold stiletto for Christmas or my birthday and that has been the tool I keep near my sewing machine.

I think the ByAnnie’s product looks less fussy than Alex Anderson’s tool, but it also do as much. If you have both, let me know what you think.

I saw this Indiegogo campaign for a Quilter’s Planner on Instagram.


If you need color inspiration, you need to take a look at Sweetapolita’s site. She makes cakes. Beautiful cakes that are full of color. I first saw a gorgeous photo of baking chalk (who knew?) on Instagram. Her site is so pretty.


Carpenter’s Wheel #2 and #2.5

Carpenter's Wheel #2
Carpenter’s Wheel #2

I worked last Saturday on Carpenter’s Wheel blocks and some other stuff, which you heard about over the weekend. I am really having fun playing with the Carpenter’s Wheel blocks. So much fun was making me feel guilty about the other projects. In the course of resolving that problem, I made good progress on my variations on Deb Tucker’s Carpenter’s Wheel blocks as I mentioned a week or so ago.

#2 is made the way Deb Tucker showed on the Fons & Porter episode. Note that this one has the extra half square triangles along the outside of the block next to the Flying Geese. This definitely gives the piece a different look

Carpenter's Wheel #3 - in process
Carpenter’s Wheel #3 – in process

I was able to finish #2 and cut everything for #3, but not get get much sewing done on it. I thought of the #3 variation as I added some HSTs to #2. This variation has HSTs as part of the ‘wheel on the inner row of patches. I hope that the HSTs in the corners will make the piece look more round.

In do this variation I thought of another variation, which I will also try.

I also opened my second pack of Modern Backgrounds – Paper by Zen Chic, which I bought in Corvallis. I don’t love all the prints in this pack, but most of them will work for me. The ones that don’t work are ending up in donation blocks, which I also worked on in between the Improv quilt and this project.

Good Progress – Fun Progress

I spent almost the whole day last Saturday working on the Carpenter’s Wheel blocks and the Red and Black Improv quilt.

I was really struggling with the Improv quilt and it was taking up space on my design wall so I wanted to get it done and off. Done and off the wall meant making more blocks. Somehow making more blocks has lost their appeal.

3 Carpenter's Wheels + a Stepping Stone
3 Carpenter’s Wheels + a Stepping Stone

I decided as I worked on the Carpenter’s Wheel blocks that I would intersperse pieces and parts for the Improv quilt and make some progress at least. I am so pleased with the progress I made! And I had fun.

The Carpenter’s Wheels are very cheerful and that makes them fun to make. I sewed the second block together (top left) on Saturday and am enjoying looking at the two blocks together while the third block is in process.

Improv Quilt - Late October
Improv Quilt – Late October




I had started out on these blocks, but the Improv quilt was nagging at the back of my mind, so, as I said, I pulled out some black and red strips and started to work on an Improv block in between working on the second Carpenter’s Wheel block. When I finally pulled my nose away from the needle and assessed my day’s work, I found that I had completed a whole side of the quilt! I only have three blocks more to make to finish the top!

This quilt is a monster, which should surprise nobody, which makes it hard to photograph, but you should be able to see some of the work and the progress. There will be no border and sewing the blocks together should be a challenge, but not so much of a challenge that I can’t do it. The seams will be long, but over quickly, I think.

I was doing such good work that I was angry that I had to leave on Sunday for a work trip. I was looking forward to the work trip, but it just came at an inconvenient time and I was hoping I wouldn’t lose my momentum, especially with the Improv quilt.

Blogger’s Quilt Festival 2015

I decided to enter the Blogger’s Quilt Festival put on by Amy’s Creative Side since, for once, I have a really great picture of a quilt that fits the criteria.

Russian Rubix was finished this year.


  • 100% cotton fabric
  • 100% cotton thread


  • Machine pieced
  • Longarm quilted
Russian Rubix
Russian Rubix


  • Year: 2013-2015
  • Size: 85”x85.5”
  • Fabric: various

Quilted By:

  • Colleen Granger



I saw this pattern at Always Quilting when I was visiting there with Susan, the History Quilter. After some back and forth via email, we decided to both make the quilts. I used a selection of fabrics I chose carefully, which I subsequently used for two other projects. I wanted to make the pattern, by April Rosenthal, my own, so I changed it up a little bit by dropping some of the octagons in the center and adding an octagon border. The octagons were a bit of a challenge, but I got into a routine and they went together with no problem.

Blogger's Quilt Festival 2015
Blogger’s Quilt Festival 2015

Books Arts Jam

As you know I have a sincere but underdeveloped interest in making books. I have had a new one on my mind for awhile.

3 Postcards
3 Postcards

It was this plus Maureen’s booth, and the fact that Nancy would go as well that sent me to the Book Arts Jam last Saturday.

I had never been before and I found it to be a really interesting experience. I was expecting a PIQF but with books experience.

It was not like that at all. The show was much, much smaller and the people there were, mostly, selling their book art rather than selling supplies to make books. There were a lot of interesting shaped books and interesting sculptures made from books. I also saw some interesting supplies (mull was one) used to make books and related objects.

The location was in Palo Alto at a community center and, in true Palo Alto fashion, the room was gorgeous.

Maureen's booth at Book Arts Jam 2015
Maureen’s booth at Book Arts Jam 2015

Maureen was there selling her postcards and doing fairly well. She had a simple to set up, but very effective for display, booth. She had cards displayed on the black slant board and then she had cards in the little baskets. Those in the basket were arranged by event, occasion and holiday. Very clever! She said that she had sold almost all the Hallowe’en cards before we got there (around 1:30pm).

I thought it was an interesting experience. I kind of wish there had been some kind of exhibit of vendor’s art with more explanation. I was glad I went, because I had my eyes opened and my creative energy inspired. I was also glad to support Maureen.