I am also still working on the hexagons. I am in a spot where there is a lot of sewing triangles to hexagons and then pressing. It is the part where it looks like not much progress is being made.
However, I did take some time to figure out the bottom of the quilt. I am at the point where I need to shift everything up.
Since my design wall isn’t big enough to handle a twin sized quilt, I need to shift the top off the design wall, leave a few pieces so I know how to hook the top and bottom together and then slap up the hexagons destined to be on the bottom of the quilt.
So far, it isn’t working. I haven’t gotten the right steps in my head enough to move forward so I am sewing equilateral triangles to hexagons (check!), pressing (half check!) and sewing together four hexagon units to make diamonds.
I am also still thinking about the side borders. My decision was to have an uneven border. That decision is still not settling completely well with me. I am thinking of making a big diamond template and sewing a plain red piece (or use different fabrics) onto the edges.
I totally relate to your border thoughts. My hexagon quilt has a border that is very straight looking on two sides and very scalloped on two sides. I am not sure how I am going to finish it off yet. Binding it would be a nightmare!
The first picture looks like a row of houses. I think your idea of sewing on the half triangle of red to even out the border is brilliant. Wouldn’t a scallopy uneven edge on only two sides be kinda strange? I’m having trouble imagining how it would look.
Julie: Glad you got to see the top in person! It is always great to have your opinion.
You are right in that that bottom row does look like a row of houses. I thought that as well and wondered if it would make a good bottom of a quilt design? Haven’t tried it, though.
The diamond edge does look cool, but I don’t want to bind it and thought that it would also be inconvenient for actual use.
Sherri: I have been remiss in responding to comments, but I do appreciate the ones you send. I have added another plain red hexagon to the side of each section of the quilt and plan to cut them off to make the edge straight. Don’t know how that will work, but we will see. It is all a process.