Leah left a comment here and, kindly, included her blog address, so I went and took a quick look. Her blog is very colorful! I loved this curved New York Beauty piece that she shows on her most recent post. It reminds me that I could just draw something like this and sew it.
One of the great things about looking at new blogs for me is that my mind opens up and I look at things in a new way. Or I see the same things in a way that inspires me to think about them in a new way.
Thanks to Leah for stopping by and for updating her blog!
Hey thanks for the shout-out!
The painting was done in acrylic. I really like bright, bold colors and geometric shapes, which is probably why the painting looks like some of my quilts.
If you can sew a simple curve (ie if you know how to pin two pieces of fabric together and line up pre-determined snip points) and you can work a pencil and ruler on some tracing paper, you can do whatever you want!! The star you have pictured here is a puzzle piece to a longer strip with five stars that will be part of a quilt (wall-hanging) I am trying to get motivated to finish in time to enter into the Quilts=Art=Quilts exhibit at Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center in NY. But it’s hard to stay motivated. Especially when doing curves. Don’t know why.
You have a great blog! tons to see! i have you bookmarked so i can some back and check out what new stuff you’ve been working on.
have a good week!