I had trouble with this on, but flipping through my book of drawings and seeing the drawings related to Tea, gave me inspiration.Wouldn’t it be nice to sit with a loved one on your anniversary and drink tea or coffee for a morning?
Day: June 18, 2012
Block-a-Long #60: The End
The End kind of gives it away, doesn’t it?
Today’s block is the last AQ Block-a-Long block. The project is ending. I am starting to run out of ideas and repeat myself. Since this project never really caught on, I don’t feel bad about ending it.
I have learned a lot about a variety of different things from this project. I really appreciate that aspect of it. It started out one way and for one purpose and ended completely differently.
This is the same block that I used in the Joel Dewberry challenge with BAMQG last year. I love this block for some reason. I thought it would be a great alternate block for those of you who do not want to put all different blocks together. This can’t possibly be an original block, but I wasn’t able to find it in Blockbase, so perhaps it is.
The pattern for Framed Block #60 is posted.
If you have made blocks or a quilt from these patterns, please post a link in the comments section of the relevant block or on the AQ Block-a-Long Flickr group. I would love to see what you have made. The Flickr group will stay open until it starts to annoy me or add to my workload.
I haven’t decided what I will post on Monday after next week’s block. Perhaps antique blocks? Perhaps inspiration? Stay tuned for something, hopefully, new and exciting!
Thanks for the happy memories!!!