I know I already posted today, but I have posts for the whole week waiting to be posted and I just couldn’t let another week go by without posting this finish!
I finished the binding last week, which means the Food Quilt is FINISHED!!! Hooray!!!!
Aside from just finishing something, this is great for a lot of other reasons:
can move on to other projects without guilt (not that I have much anyway)
The bad part is that I am out of hand work. Really out, not just sort of out. I am diligently quilting on the Garden quilt so the beading and embroidery on that quilt can be my hand work, but I am not there yet.
Still, I am thrilled to be done with another project. The Young Man piled this quilt on top of the other ones and has slept under it for a few nights already. I took it to BAMQG without washing it and hope no boy smell permeated the room! People liked it.
I am still having an inordinate amount of fun making these simple blocks. What is it about them?
I brought out the Accuquilt Go! cutter over the long weekend and cut a bunch of larger squares I had been saving into 2.5″ squares. All pink all the time. Yes, I am going to make a pink top for some wonderful child. I hope s/he likes pink, because none of my nieces or nephews do and I have a lot of pink.
As you can see, I did cut up some slightly larger squares to make 2.5″ plain background squares. I’ll have to see if that block fits in with the other blocks that have black on white fabrics.
The Charity Girls at BAMQG have put out a new block design. I know they want to keep people interested, but I am still interested in this block. They said they would keep taking these blocks, so I will keep making them. I am doing to keep these pink ones and put the top together myself.
I am still cutting 2.5″ squares when I do my normal “new fabric” cutting, so I have other colors besides pink as well. I will give these non-pink blocks in so someone else can work on them.
I found a few different blues, so I cut some squares out of them to work with.
One of the fun things about this project is putting the squares together in different ways. In the blue block, I probably should not have put the two solids in the same row. Fortunately, in the grand scheme, it probably won’t matter much. This blue blocks looks rather cheerful, I think.
I have a lot of the same fabrics for the pink blocks, because I cut up large enough pieces of fabric to make 9 2.5″ squares.
I did dig out some scraps that were large enough to make some 2.5″ squares out of. I was surprised since TFQ cannibalized my scrap bins quite efficiently. The few different fabrics will add interest and the similar fabrics will provide cohesion. That is what I am telling myself anyway. 😉
In the back of my mind I am planning to use all of the black on white fabric I bought for the Flower Snowball. It is a lot, because I will never learn just how little fabric a quilt really needs, especially if I use the fabric for one piece in the quilt. We’ll see if I actually use it all. I like the black and white as background. It prevents me from going to buy more background fabric.