I went downstairs this morning to get some water before I started my day. I hadn’t see the mail from the day before and it was sitting on the dining room table. I glanced through it and noticed two handwritten enveloped addressed to me. I recognized the addresses as being from the recipients of the Stars for San Bruno quilts. My heart fluttered a bit.
I didn’t get a response to my emails and notes, so I didn’t want to say anything to you when I sent the quilts off last Friday (return receipt requested) in case they were not well received.
Crazy talk, I know. Sometimes I can’t help myself.
I was kind of afraid of what I would find when I read the notes, so I went and got ready for work and started my breakfast before I read them.
I really never know how people will respond.
Will they hate the look of the quilt?
Will they feel resentful because they feel obligated to me?
I rarely ever send anyone anything with the expectation of getting something back. The reviews I do for Lark Books I do as a service to YOU. When I send letters to my friends, I send them with a sense of joy in my heart that they will receive a handwritten letter they can enjoy.
There was no reason for me to be afraid. Their notes were grateful and heartfelt. They made me cry.
DH’s cousin writes:
“Words can’t express the feelings that T and I felt. Tears of happiness to know that so many wonderful people put their hearts and hands into such a beautiful quilt….
The quilt has lifted our spirits ~ we have a long healing process but this will help with the warm feeling and thoughts that were sent our way….we have another few months until all is done. Thanks again with much love T & R.”
I am so pleased. I am pleased that the quilts were accepted with the spirit in which they were sent. I was pleased to get such heartfelt thank you notes. Those notes made all the difference.
Note to those who participated: I will scan the notes and send them off to you separately.