Several BAMQGers got together and entered our Kona Challenge quilts as a group. My friend, Kathleen, went to the county fair today and sent me an email saying that I had won 2d place in our category!
I couldn’t believe it. I don’t make my quilts to win prizes, but when I do win a prize it is VERY exciting.
I am planning on going to the fair next weekend. I need my chocolate covered banana fix! I always spend a lot of time in the quilt pavilion and can’t wait to see what my quilt has been doing while it is out of my hands.
I don’t know what the hierarchy is for prizes, but I think this is the best prize I have won so far. I, once, won Judge’s choice and another time I won an Honorable Mention.
I am not going to become rich and famous from quilt prizes, but I can’t tell you how excited I am that I won this prize. Yay!