I finally fixed one problem I was having with the email subscription tool. If you subscribe via email, you will now be receiving the email from AQ Admin, poste [at] artquiltmaker [dot] com. Hooray! I can’t tell you how long it has taken me to fix that AND how many stupid questions I had to ask. Oh well, that is how we learn, I suppose. On to the next stupid problem.
Just a reminder that if your comment looks like spam to my super duper spam filter, it will be sent straight to the spam anniliation tool, never seen by any human and deleted. As I said earlier, I no longer look through the piles of comments asking me to buy their fake C-o-a-c-h and L-o-u-i-s V-u-i–t-t-o-n bags. So sorry. I just don’t have the time and would rather spending it writing here or sewing stuff to write about here. Of course you can always email me at poste [at] artquiltmaker [dot] com. I always love to hear from you, my fabulous readers.
And thank you for the comments. I appreciate hearing what you think.
Creativity and the Creative Prompt
iTunes is giving me fits, which manifests in not being able to download new episodes of podcasts, so I have been listening to a lot of back episodes of Notes from the VooDoo Lounge. These were not episodes I had already listened to, but episodes I had not yet listened to, because I was busy with Pam, Frances, Sandy, Susan, etc. This is a really good podcast. It is not a quilty podcast, but more of a creativity podcast. Rice (rhymes with Lisa) talks with artists who create in a variety of media and they discuss a lot about creativity and inspiration.
I think it was in one of these episodes where index cards were mentioned.
Source: via Jaye on Pinterest
A light bulb went on in my head!
People could do their creative prompt responses on index cards! This would:
- Make them less precious
- Provide a smaller space to fill
- Not use precious materials
- Easy to fill in 5 minutes or less
Go do a creative prompt on an index card!
Jill, of the Quilt Rat blog, one of the original CPP participants has taken her responses to a whole new level. The new Janome machine has several of her designs included as stitches in the MC 9900! She writes about it in a blog post and shows in progress and completed pictures. I take full credit. 😉 Truly, Jill is extremely talented.
Listen to episode 171 of the Creative Mom Podcast. It is on iTunes and there are quite a few gems of creativity and life inspiration there. I love that podcast for Amy’s great voice and well put together episodes.
I have also been on a Notes from the VooDoo Lounge binge recently. There is a lot about creativity in some of her recent episodes. She gives a good description on iTunes, so branch out and take a listen.
Shows and Exhibits
BAMQG was included in a special exhibit at the recent Santa Clara Valley Quilt Show. The Quilt Show had a blog post about the show as well. the banner for the BAMQG Modern Exhibit is photo #55 and the Renewed Jelly Roll Race quilt is included in that photo. YAY! Tons of people will see it, though they won’t know who I am! 😉 Kelly promised me photos, but I haven’t seen them yet. I’ll share when I get them.
Take some time to make some flags for Boston in the “To Boston with Love” Project. Check out the Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild blog for more details and the palette.
Is my triangle technique not working for you? Need more half square triangle tips? Triangle square tips? Check out a recent post by Camille Roskelley. While you are at it, buy one of her new books.
Kati has some tips from Jackie Kunkel on her blog about paper piecing.
Other Artists

My mom was plowing through blog posts about quilting with Perle cotton (when did she get so smart? I would have just threaded a needle and dived in!?!) while we were sitting with Grama. She came across a post by Susan of Canadian Abroad about quilting with Perle cotton, which had a picture of the embroidery to the left included. I would say that the sentiment is true for many of us.
Thanks to Susan for allowing me to post the picture.
There are a lot of quilts with letters right now and I have never felt the urge to make one until I saw this saying, which rings so true with me.
Mark Lipinski had his kidney transplant and is doing well. You can follow along with his updates at his Facebook Fan Page.
Sadly Libby Lehman suffered a brain aneurysm yesterday. She underwent surgery and is recovering in a Houston hospital. The Quilt Show put up a basic post about the situation. Keep her in your thoughts. She is a great teacher and I really enjoyed the class I took from her and have always wanted to take another one.
Torie told me about a BOM a long time ago, but reminded me again recently. I took a look and really like the look. Torie is encouraging me to do the BOM in brights, but my excuse is that the Star quilt is taking all my time. 😉
Like Camille Roskelley? Having trouble focusing on a project? Jana is hosting a Quilt-a-Long with Camille’s new book, Simply Retro, and this might just be the project for you. Buy the book and go sew! It doesn’t come out until June 5, so you have plenty of time to clear your decks. You should preorder, though, so you are ready. From the blog post, it looks like Jana has a lot of features that will make the camaraderie factor high in this QAL.
Being to think about life in a serious way lately has made me think about things like my own mortality, if I will be affected by the same things my grandmother is experiencing now, my parenting — essentially my entire life. I am questioning and examining my entire life and how I have lived it and how I will live it going forward. I came across two blog posts that relate to topics on my mind: parenting and body image.
Wow! How do you gave time to share all this content!? And work, parent, sew and help with family!? Never mind how, just thank you! I appreciate your views, thoughts, and prompts. Thanks, Jaye!
I don’t know. I just do it. I love it so I do it. Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reminding me about the voodo lounge. I had it on my subscription list but had to delete some of the ones I subscribe to – they were multiplying and getting overwhelming so had to cut some out but now Im caught up and I really do like her podcasts.
I agree about the index cards, I’ve heard numerous people talk about how a sketchbook can be intimidating and I agree. You feel more inclined to go for it if you have nothing to lose except a piece of paper. Fabric can be the same way. That gorgeous expensive fabric that we keep, afraid to cut it up.
I going in Voodoo Lounge binges. There were a couple in the group to which I didn’t listen. Well, I started listening and then stopped. I really enjoy the episodes with Jill Berry and recent ones about creativity.
I hope you will try the index cards. you do so well on the CPP, though! You can punch a hole in them to keep them all together with a bit of ribbon.
Didn’t Carolyn from BBQ mention the VooDoo lounge podcast? I know I heard about it in a podcast just recently! I have to be honest I don’t always get the creative prompt posts. Guess I’m not a see-and-react-right-away type, or just don’t fully understand the meaning of it.
I haven’t been able to listen to her podcast yet, so i don’t know.
The Creative Prompt posts are all about inspiring creativity, thinking a little differently. You might find the main page helpful it is at:
I like the index card idea. I haven’t tried doing a prompt yet but using an index card seems quick and easy.
I also wanted to say thank you for all of the content. I am taking more time to read it now that it comes through email as opposed to showing up on Feedly. When I look at the blogs on Feedly, I have usually saved up a days worth to look at and I’m forced to skim the longer ones rather than read to enjoy and learn.
Loved the blog posts on parenting. Nice to know we are not alone! Lol!
I am so glad the email version is working for you. I agree that the blog readers don’t always give me what I need.
Try a prompt. You can do an old one as well, if you like one of them. Click on the ‘Creative Prompt’ tag on the sidebar and it will bring up all of them. Just pick one. I would love to see what you do.
The good thing about index cards is that they fit in your purse or you can tuck one inside the book you have along for the wait at carpool. 😉
Well, you have to share the credit with Linda M Poole…..she is the one who saw a doodle I had posted and told me about your Creative Prompt Project…..of course, when I came and saw what you were doing I had to join right in…..the really great thing about the CPP is that you just do something and post it….don’t spend oodles of time worrying whether it is “good” enough….it truly makes a difference and has a very freeing effect!