My dad is getting ready to retire soon. He plans on driving around the country pulling a trailer to visit his friends and fish. He loves to fish. He doesn’t want to acquire stuff, so pillowcases are something he can use on his travels and will be theme appropriate. I have been, since he told me of his plans, trying to get him gifts that are either use-up-able, useful for a trip or he can use to pack.

I had forgotten about my well laid plans. When I washed some fabric last weekend, I found the fish fabric I had bought a few months ago to make my dad pillowcases for Christmas. Deadlines were getting short and I knew I would have to be quick, so, after finishing the Sew Together Bag, I got down to pillowcase business.
By now I have made so many pillowcases that they went together quickly. the biggest problem is picking out cuff fabric and I was able to find and use the last bit of yellow Reflections fabric for the cuffs. I think it adds a bit of cheerfulness to otherwise drab fabric.
These are such awesome gifts Jaye! DF is also a fisherman and would love these 🙂 that bait fabric is so cool!
I don’t remember where I found it, but I am sure you can find it at eQuilter. I have found several different prints related to fishing that your DF would enjoy.