Exhibitions and Events
The QuiltCon cancellation fee is changing TOMORROW. Through Dec. 31, there is a 50% cancellation fee, but after Jan. 1, no refunds will be available. View the full cancellation policy here.
Quilts Inc. Has a call for special exhibits. They welcome submissions for proposed exhibits for future editions of International Quilt Festival. If you have an exhibit proposal or a curated exhibit that you would like us to consider for inclusion at a future show, please email our Special Exhibits Coordinator, Becky Navarro. The page also has a list of already scheduled special exhibits.
The Best of Show quilt at Houston IQA was by Janet Stone and called Ewe Are My Sunshine. It is cheerful. The applique’ quilts seem to do very well.
Articles, Books, Newsletters and Magazines
Northern California Quilt Council has a their January 2016 newsletter up. NCQC puts together the New Quilts of Northern California Exhibit at PIQF. There is a GREAT tree quilt included. If you have no other reason to care about Northern California quilts, take a look at the newsletter so you can see that quilt.
In the recent Stashed e-newsletter put out by GenerationQ the following information on the NQA quilt judging program was shared:
“A new group is picking up where the National Quilting Association and its remarkable quilt judge certification program left off.
After the association disbanded recently, the judges that it certified formed the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges (NACQJ).”The Certified Judge Program has been such a strong voice for fair and professional quilt judging that we did not want to let the program fade away,” says Andi Perejda, the NACQJ spokesperson and a certified judge herself.
The group’s goal is to ensure that quilters participating in a competition have the opportunity for recognition and to receive objective, fair and thoughtful written evaluations that will help build their confidence.
Andi adds that certified judges recognize the emerging movements inn art and modern quilting.
At its website, the NACQJ has a list of certified judges along with their contact information and tips for involving judges in organizing a competition and setting categories.
In 2016, NACQJ will begin welcoming applicants to its judge certification program.”
Tutorials, Projects and Patterns
Modern Quilt Studio, as I mentioned in a previous issue, has a YouTube Channel. One of their first tutorials was about inset circles. Check out Ruth McDowell’s book on Piecing. You may have to get a used version, but it is totally worth it if you are interested at all in technique. MQS also have a binding tutorial in part 1 and part 2. I haven’t watched either of these videos, so you’ll have to tell me how they are.
After reading my BBE post, Annemarie asked about patterns for mat/ruler totes, but in the landscape orientation. Fons and Porter had a landscape version on their show using prequilted fabric. It is show #1206 and they have the pattern for sale. The pattern is also in Easy Quilts, Summer 2008. You can watch the show on QNN TV about the bag for $5.99. Angie’s Quilts has a photo filled tutorial using measurements from her actual mat and rulers. Moda Bakeshop has a tutorial using a Layer Cake. A bag on the Old Dart Room blog looks like it might be a pattern, but I don’t see a link. I found a mobile ironing board and cutting mat pattern, to which handles could be added to make a carrying case. Because I Say Sew has another similar tutorial with the handles already added. I found a Pinterest board and followed a couple of the links to no avail. There have to be some more patterns out there. I’ll keep looking. Let me know if you know of a free or for purchase pattern.
Daisy created an Armchair Buddy Tutorial. You can get started on Christmas and birthday gifts for 2016.
The Janome/ Michael Miller 100 Blocks in 50 Days project wrapped up on Christmas. You can still download all the blocks from that website. Because I am a fiend for blocks, I did save them. I had an idea that I would make all of them, which is laughable now, given the time of the year. I wasn’t wowed by any of them and was a little disappointed to see some classic blocks renamed as part of the project. For example, day 50 had a Dutchman’s Puzzle and it was renamed Pointed Geese. I like the block and think the color choices were good. I would have just liked to have seen some reference to its original name. Perhaps a better challenge would be to take Jinny Beyer’s book, The Quilter’s Album of Patchwork Patterns, and give designs from it to modern designers and have them re-imagine those blocks in modern fabrics.
A recent Stashed newsletter had a pattern for a sewing machine cover which includes some embroidery.
Websites and Blogs
I was very pleased to hear that Adrianne from Little Bluebell blog and former President of BAMQG has purchased the Pink Chalk properties. You might remember that I wrote about the sale in a recent post. There will certainly be changes, but I am glad this shop will not go out of existence. Kathy did a good job creating the brand and I hope Adrianne nurtures it to further success.
Mark Lipinski was in the hospital for over 2 months. He has recently returned home and wrote a post about his journey. If you want to help with medical bills, you can make a donation at the GoFundMe site set up by Meg Cox and Liza Prior Lucy. Over $5000 was raised in the first day, which is amazing to me. It is shocking that we live in a country where people have to raise money to pay their medical bills, but it is what it is at this time. Any amount helps.
UGH! Copyright fights again. Bleah. I don’t hate copyright, but I do sincerely dislike it that people spread false information. I found a blog post after clicking on one of Nonnie’s links, that I think has good and useful information AND is cited. I am not a lawyer, but have worked in law firms for long enough to know that you can say whatever you want, but without citations, it is just your opinion.
Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville posted a great definition of stress vs. passion. I want it in poster form.
Pink Chalk’s Adrianne has some musings about Robert Kaufman’s new color of the year. The color of the year is called either Highlight or Unabashedly Yellow. It is a bright yellow and I think it would fit very well with 1930s feeling quilts especially those using lilac and bubble gum pink solids. Let me know what you think.
Fabric and Sew-a-Longs
Need an older or out of print fabric? Try Obie’s, if you can stand it. The review makes it sound fantastic and frightening.
The Patchwork Almanac, a GenQ Quilt-a-Long is coming in 2016. This quilt -a-long was designed by GenQ’s own Scott Hansen, also of Blue Nickle Studios fame, to use up your scraps. There is a picture, but for directions and more info, you will have to wait for the next issue.
If you like mysteries or character driven novels, read Meg Gardinier’s blog post, where I am mentioned. Then buy The Dirty Secrets Club or another one of her books for “light” New Year’s Day reading.
I’ve got two friends, Lynn from The Stitch and Andi (who is one of our sponsors, but a different Andi from your story) that are going to pursue getting certification to be a judge in late 2017. We have a giant guild show to get through first since Lynn is the Show Chair and Andi is the Guild President, so I look forward to following their journey from the sidelines.
Jaye, thanks for the Various & Sundry blog posts. I look forward to each and everyone of them.
Thanks for reading, Patti!