New Donation Top

End n.11 in process
End n.11 in process

I was feeling like a slacker especially after seeing how many donation quilts were brought to our in person (!!!) guild meeting last week.When I went back and looked, it had really only been since July that I made a donation quilt, Ends. n.10 with the rest of the Pop Parade scraps.

On Saturday, I started working on another Ends donation top. This is Ends n.11 and I will hand it in to Peggy soon.

I found a whole bunch of edges of old quilts when I rearranged some stuff that was going back into my workroom*. Sigh. I thought I was doing so well keeping up with making stuff with the edges of the quilts I finish. This is an old stash, stashed before I thought of these ends quilts.








*N.B. I have three weeks to get all of my stuff back into my room before the Y.M. comes home for Thanksgiving.