More La Pass Spikes

La Pass: Month 16 Spikes in progress
La Pass: Month 16 Spikes in progress

I am working steadily on Month 16. I am in love with the changes I made to the colors. The prescribed colors were ok. Mine are fabulous. Yes, I sound prideful, but too bad. They are good.

I still tried to use as much of the fabric provided as I could. Some I just don’t like and don’t want to use fabrics I don’t like.

As mentioned before, I am adding in more turquoise to call to the large rosette from next month.

Yes, I made an error in the piecing in this rosette. I saw it when I took the photo. I’ll fix it tomorrow….or tonight.

I also have to cut the rest of the pieces for the other two rosettes. I have some of them cut, but not all.