I am really pleased with the way this bag went together and moderately pleased with how it came out. I want to make another one, now that I have the basics down in my head, because there are some things that didn’t come out right….for me.

I was glad to have a project on which to use canvas. I bought the cream dot canvas A LONG time ago and have just never used it. This pattern specifically called for canvas and I am determined to use fabric I have as much as possible, so I pulled it out. It looks very cheerful in the picture and IRL, too.
I thought the pattern was very good, too. I know I didn’t believe what the designer wrote, but she wrote it correctly.

I know I mentioned adding snaps in the last post, but I have to say that I was pleased to do so and have some ideas for using them. Also, again kudos to the designer: the snaps all lined up properly, which was great.
I used the SnapSetter I got from Sew Sweetness. I tried to use the pliers I bought, but couldn’t figure them out. I found the SnapSetter to be really easy and straightforward to use. Sara of Sew Sweetness has a video on how to use the tool.

My striped binding wasn’t the ideal choice. If I had it to do over again, I’d choose a solid. Normally, I am a huge striped binding fan, but in this case it clashes a bit with the dots and I think a solid would work better with that non-45 degree point in the front. The stripes make that weird angle look bad. Otherwise, the binding looks fine.
The other good thing about the pattern is that the designer tells you exactly where to put a label. I am excited about that since I just bought some Wunderlabels. You can see that I added one in the location indicated. It is covered when the bag is closed.

The bag has three compartments. It is designed for circular and double pointed needles. There are some optional directions for modifying the compartments for other types of needles. I have a lot of circular needles so I will use it for those.

I haven’t completely filled it yet, but I have started to put some needles in it.
The circular needles are placed so the snap is in the middle of the needle. This is great, because it is another check to make sure the needles don’t slide out.
I really like the shape and the way the bag snaps together. I highly recommend the pattern by Tinberry/Zaudal Creates.