Finished: Lavender Dot Bluestem

Lavender Dot Bluestem - top
Lavender Dot Bluestem – top

I finished this Lavender Dot Bluestem several days ago, but am super busy and haven’t had time to post about it.  This was actually the second one I cut out; I just sewed the Chrysanthemum Bluestem together first.

The foam really makes this small pouch. There is something fun about this small very stiff pouch.

In this version I used some of the new zipper pulls I received and they are really great. They are not a set. I combined them myself.

Lavender Dot Bluestem - open
Lavender Dot Bluestem – open

The inside is a lighter version of the outside, I think. It is another cool fabric that I have been hoarding.

I remembered to put my label on. I did it before the piece was completely sewn together. I should make a note in the pattern as to when to add it.

I had to use dark purple doublefold elastic as the colors of that supply are limited.

I am super pleased with this pouch and will probably make others.

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.