Patchwork Wheel Block Again

Patchwork Wheel Comparison
Patchwork Wheel Comparison

Although I don’t need more ideas for donation blocks, I can’t help thinking about them. After yesterday’s post about the new block Claire has put forward, I was somehow reminded that I have been thinking about the Patchwork Wheel blocks the guild collected in 2012.

As I said in a post back in the day, I just used the kits I was given to make the blocks. I could definitely make more of these blocks using some of the 2.5 inch squares I have collected. The blocks would be small and I would need a lot of them to make a whole quilt. I think I used 5 inch squares in the quilt I made before.

This is a different pattern and worth thinking about making again.

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.

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