More Travel to Portland

Welcome to Oregon
Welcome to Oregon
St. John's Bridge
St. John’s Bridge

As you might have noticed, I visited Portland last week. I am off of my January and October schedule, because of work. However, I finished my contract last week and have a little time off.

Again, I took my mom so she could have a rest from her caregiving duties.

Heaven on Earth Bakery
Heaven on Earth Bakery

We drove up, spent the night in Medford, then continued on to Portland. We try and stop at a wide spot in the road for a cinnamon roll for my sister. The bakery has amazing pastries, most of which I cannot eat, but my sister LOVES. It is a cheap thrill for my sister (the one setting up Recovery Ranch Sanctuary), so I try and stop. There is nothing else there except a gas station. It has been a scary place to stop in the past. They have completely rehabbed the gas station since the last time we visited and now the area doesn’t feel as scary.

Cottage Grove mural
Cottage Grove mural

We stopped in Cottage Grove for a break. My mom is a terrible navigator. Google Maps and she do not get along, so we got lost. We saw this cool painting, however as we meandered through the old part of Cottage Grove.

We are not staying at our usual AirBnB, but are staying closer to my sister. We have settled in pretty well. The house is cute and clean. The kitchen supplies leave a lot to be desired. We like to cook together, which I suppose other vacationers don’t do, so we are making do.

We also came up to help the YM settle in to his new apartment. Unfortunately, he hasn’t moved yet, so we couldn’t help him. As a result, we didn’t do very much beyond seeing friends and family and visiting quilt shops.  I visited Josephine’s Dry Goods, Sewlarium, Bolt, Feather Your Nest, Knitted Wit, My Quilting Loft, Just for Fun (Vancouver, WA).

We did go out to Scappoose where my great-grandmother lived. We tried to find the house my mom remembered. When we found ourselves on a gravel road heading into a tree tunnel I put a halt to the expedition. The town looks REALLY different that my Mom remembered. I only remember riding a pony in my great-grandmother’s front yard, so I was no help. I was disappointed I couldn’t help take Mom down memory lane, but it is possible the house was so extensively remodeled that it would be unrecognizable. It was bad enough that the town was so different.

We also went to the Oregon Zoo (formerly the Portland Zoo). I am always anxious about visiting zoos, because I feel bad for the animals if the enclosures are terrible. This zoo is amazing. There was a path that visitors could follow through the Pacific Northwest ecosystem. The animal enclosures were placed strategically so you could see where they fit in. While still enclosures, they are pretty amazing – large and full of interesting elements and toys, places to hide and play. The elephant enclosure is enormous. It winds around a large area of the park so they can wander, if they want. They have a house where they can go to cool off. There also a couple of pools and lots of space to walk. It isn’t the wild, but they also don’t have poachers shooting at them. The black bear enclosure was similar. The bears could run around, go up and down hills, in and out of various structures and hang out in pools. One bear took a drink then sat in the pool so his feet and rear end got wet. It was funny. I also enjoyed all the walking, though I had to hold Mom up when it was time to go. She hadn’t walked so much in a long time.

Climate Change sculpture
Climate Change sculpture

The Zoo had an exhibit near the Condors with this wonderful sculpture.

This piece is made from plastic garbage that washed up on a beach somewhere. There is an organization, Washed Ashore, that is trying to bring awareness to the problem of plastic garbage. They work with artists to make various artworks. The artworks travel or are installed somewhere to help bring awareness of the longterm problems of plastic and garbage to people in an accessible way.

'Antique' store finds
‘Antique’ store finds

While out with Amanda in Gresham, we stopped at an antique store. I was sort of looking for postcards to send, but the ones I found of Oregon sights were too expensive for my purposes. I found a small selection of other places that were only $0.25 each and I bought a few. I also found a red Tupperware storage box that I have been looking at on Etsy. It was a good price, in good shape and I didn’t have to pay shipping.

Funky quilt
Funky quilt

In the window of that shop was the oddest looking quilt. I couldn’t see all of it, but it was a definite mishmash.

I see a large 9 Patch piece, then some appliqued hearts above the 9 patch section. There are also a few hearts on top of the 9 patches. There is a vine piece in the corner that may have been for another quilt. In the left hand corner is an elephant. I couldn’t tell if it was a panel or appliqued as there was too much glare. The very sad part was that this quilt was being sold for $59.99. 🙁 As strange as it is, it definitely has a story to tell.

Lesley Evers dress
Lesley Evers dress

We both needed outfits for my niece’s wedding, which is coming up this weekend. We saw a Lesley Evers shop and were both able to get lovely looking and unique (not weird) outfits for the wedding. I have shoes. SIL#3 wants us to wear hats, so I have to figure that out, but it was such a relief to get that chore (mostly) off of my list.

New Cane Chain

New Cane Chain
New Cane Chain

I fixed the Cane Chain. Well, really I remade the Cane Chain using new fabric, but the same hardware**. I am not confident that it won’t fail again, but we will see. Stay tuned for a review from Mom.






**N. B. : Obviously, you should shop at local quilt shops and small businesses. However, if you are too busy or can’t find what you need there, I use Amazon affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.

What is This? The 70s?

Love for my Garden Cushion kit
Love for my Garden Cushion kit

I am not sure what I was thinking several months ago when I started looking at needlepoint kits. Yes, you read that right NEEDLEPOINT. I found a cushion cover design I really liked, mostly because of the turquoise background.

I didn’t buy it right away. I actually waited several months, but kept going back to it and looking it. I finally bought it last week. I haven’t started it yet as I want to finish a knitted scarf on which I am working.

Love my Garden Needlepoint project
Love my Garden Needlepoint project

I think I have to re-learn how to needlepoint as I have very little idea of what to do to follow the pattern. I am sure YouTube  has something.

The kit came with the pattern painted (or printed) on canvas. It also came with a lot of yarn. With cross stitch, I would make a card with holes and labeled with the numbers of the yarn. I would loop the yarns through the holes and have everything well organized. I don’t know if I should do that as I don’t have a chart that tells me which colors go where. I just have the canvas. I think I need to get some advice from someone who does needlepoint.

Love for my Garden Cushion kit - back
Love for my Garden Cushion kit – back

I have all of the yarn. It is all separated into these little bundles.

Cross your fingers for me. I’ll let you know when I start it.

Pantone Design #1

Pantone Project design #1
Pantone Project design #1

I finally started putting the Pantone blocks up on the design wall. I was itching to do it after I saw Julie putting some of her blocks up.

After I finished the last batch, which Friend Julie received the day after I sent them (!), I couldn’t help but slap some of the blocks up on the design wall.

I didn’t have my ideas handy, so I just put the blocks up. This will not be the final quilt and it may be that I don’t keep any of the elements in this arrangement. It was fun to put them up on the design wall.

More Green Strips Progress

Green Strips Donation top #2
Green Strips Donation top #2

Yes, I am making progress! The top is finished and I am pretty happy with it. I am running out of larger pieces for borders and backings. This does NOT mean I am running out of fabric. It just means the pieces I have left are, mostly, not large enough for the border of a 40 x 40ish quilt. I am not sure what I am going to do about that.

Much of my green, as I may have mentioned, is of the chartreuse and yellow-green variety. I remember buying a lot of chartreuse and icky green as TFQ called it, but I am still surprised I have as much as I do.

The borders I added are some Riley Blake fabrics (I think) that are neither chartreuse or yellow-green or dark green. These are more of a light blue-green…maybe? I don’t know what to call that color. The borders give the quilt a different look overall. Still green, but not as yellow, I think.

What’s on the Design Wall?

Small Design Wall - June 2024
Small Design Wall – June 2024

There are three big projects on my design wall, but a slew of littler bits and pieces as well.
It looks really messy, but there is a method to the chaos. I am still looking forward to getting some of those projects off the design wall, so the projects that are left have a little breathing space.

Small design wall - June 2024 - numbered
Small design wall – June 2024 – numbered

1. That is a lone turquoise and red 4 patch. I really like it and keep trying to think of how to use it or whether I should make a bunch more. I don’t currently cut 2×2 inch squares, so that would be an addition to my cutting chart.
2. That Rock Star block from Sew Kind of Wonderful is made with the Wonder Curve Ruler. Unfortunately, I was not able to find a link on their website to the sampler. I guess they never made it into a pattern. Too bad. I am planning to make a ruler sampler to fulfill part of the BAM President’s Challenge.

3. That is the black improv piece that will be a donation quilt, but I haven’t gotten back to it. It has grown since I last mentioned it in April, but it isn’t finished. I think I will clear out the green bin, then see if I have enough black to get back to this quilt and finish it. I made one small piece that will be added. I actually made it for the grey improv piece (#4), but decided it was too dark and will add it to the black piece.
4. That is the grey improv piece that will eventually be a donation quilt. I haven’t gotten back to it. It has grown since I last mentioned it in April, but it still isn’t finished. I plan to clear out the green bin, then see if I have enough grey to get back to this quilt top and finish it. I made one small piece that was too dark to be added. I like the lightness of the grey piece. It won’t go to waste. I will add it to the black improv piece.
5. Pantone Project blocks. All the blocks are now done and I am about to start putting them on the design to arrange them to make a quilt. I drew some ideas, which I thought were pretty exciting. I can’t wait to see how they translate to a quilt, or IF they translate to a quilt.
6. These are the rest of the green strip blocks that are not currently on the large design wall. I have enough to make another quilt of green strips blocks and then will have 1-2 leftover for the next Rainbow strip donation quilt.
7. Random piece of grey fabric from the Scrappy Celebration quilt. I LOVE this background and wish they still made it. I think this is my last piece.
8. This is the start of some green 16 patch donation blocks. I got sidetracked by the green strip donation blocks. Scraps win over 2.5 inch squares every day.
9. The start of the green improv donation top. It is emerging as I run out of strips and just have small scrap pieces of fabric.

Green Strips Progress

Green Strips progress
Green Strips progress

I am making good progress on the Green Strips donation top. It might be a little hard to see, but I am sewing sashing strips to the blocks. I have some of the top sashing cut, but haven’t decided what color to use for the cornerstones. I keep thinking red as that is opposite to green on the color wheel, but I don’t want a Christmas look at all. These blocks remind me of a leafy green tree and I want to keep that feeling. More green, I think. Or a blue tending towards green.

More Mette Rings

5 Mette Rings
5 Mette Rings

I enjoyed folding the Thanksgiving Mette Ring I talked about a couple of weeks ago, so I made some more with a pack of paper I had purchased….sometime. I might as well use it, right?

I am planning on an installation(?) for the Fair, so I need a few more of these. I am working on a larger one with some larger paper and we will have to see how I can connect these.

The other thing is that I am a little sick of these and may want to make another kind of paper wreath. We’ll see.

Best Wishes for the 4th of July

Fireworks #48
Fireworks #48

On Wikipedia, this holiday is described as “Independence Day, known colloquially as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence, which was ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, establishing the United States of America.

My wish is that people reflect on what it meant to write the Declaration of Independence. It did not mean, in my reading, tell lies and do whatever you want to get people to do your bidding.

Let’s be kind, work together, have robust but civil discussions and respect the choices of others.

Cane Chain Fail

Cane Chain Fail
Cane Chain Fail

I gave the Cane Chain to Mom and got it back fairly quickly as it had failed. I was upset as that was not my intention and she fell once (before not as a result of this fail-whew) trying to retrieve her cane. Fortunately, this fail did not cause any accidents.

Along with the item came instructions. She didn’t like the feel of the webbing and she needed it an inch or so longer.

Now I plan to make another, but use the same hardware, if I can. I plan to make it out of fabric and make the spot where the hardware clamps on thicker so it doesn’t pull out. I may use some Decovil or the thick Pellon interfacing.

Stay tuned.

Pantone Blocks

Last Pantone blocks
Last Pantone blocks

 I finished work on  Friday and spent the weekend on some cleanup projects, one of which was the Pantone blocks.

I finally finished all the blocks for the Pantone Project. I am excited that I can start playing with the layout, especially after I saw what Friend Julie was doing on her design wall!

These have been hanging around my workroom for a few weeks now. Last weekend was really the first time in a few weeks I had uninterrupted time to sew. DH was out and the house was quiet so I could concentrate. Fortunately, except for one fabric, I had picked out all the fabrics previously so all I had to do was cut and sew. I did choose some of the easier blocks, but I tried to choose blocks I thought I could use in the overall quilt design. Now to just get these to Julie at some point soon.

26 Projects 2024 #6

Finished 2024 Quilt Projects

Finished (for me!) Donation Quilts

As you know, I don’t quilt much. I really enjoy the collaborative effort of making a top and allowing someone else to quilt it. Thus, the quilts below are mostly tops, but I will include a finished quilt once someone else finishes it for the group.

Finished Bags and Small Projects

This category covers bags, toys, aprons and knitting as well as other non-quilt projects.

Ready for Quilting / In the Quilting Process

In the Finishing Process

Nothing at the moment


WIPs are projects on which I am working. This means that I am past the cutting out of pieces stage,  some sewing has taken place.

  • La Passacaglia – I am working on the border, but need to work more and harder.

Cut Out & Stopped

  • EPPic Bag – I need to make a cover/ main exterior piece for this bag. I was thinking of a Pineapple block, but haven’t gotten back to it yet. I am also kind of scared of this pattern. I know what to expect from Sew sweetness patterns, but this is a new designer to me.
  • Hildegarde Notions Trunk – I just cut it out, but will wait a bit before I start working on it

Still UFOs

I still have UFOs. Who doesn’t, after all? A project in the ‘UFO’ category means I am stalled, it hasn’t been worked on in awhile or it is waiting its turn to be worked on. The list is a lot shorter and the projects are newer, for the most part.

I am annoyed that some of these are still UFOs. I have to give myself credit for completing some of them last year.

  • Rose Petrillo bag – I found the pieces for this bag cut out, but not sewn.
  • Superbloom tote using Hindsight fabric – not started. I did pull the fabric, supplies and found a photo I plan to use as inspiration that others posted, so I am one step closer.
  1. Handbag Sampler – I found the blocks! I found them in a bin I thought I had thoroughly searched! I also found the fabrics carefully stored together. Hooray!!
  2. Self Portrait: started in 2006 at a class at Quilting Adventures in Richmond, Virginia. After a brief burst of inspiration, I am stalled on this again. As one of my oldest (I am pretty sure) UFOs, I put it on my blog and out into the Twitterverse and Diane suggested that I not consider this as a self portrait. I think that strategy is a great idea. I am now trying to think of a new persona for her.
  3. Serendipity Lady – I am still planning to take this piece to be framed. It might need a bit of quilting first.
  4. Fabric of the Year 2020
  5. Fabric of the Year 2021 – I may combine 2020 and 2021 into a COVID edition.
  6. Fabric of the Year 2022 – yes, I added this one to the list, but this is the last one I plan to do.

Various & Sundry 2024 #5


Do you want to be ready for anything in quiltmaking? Check out the Quilt Class and Teaching page. And, get in touch if you want to learn a wide variety of techniques. I am hoping to start a class at the end of July.

I updated the Color Chunk & Strip Donation Top page.

The Niece-phews page has also been updated.

Projects, Classes, Patterns, Techniques & Tutorials

Carrie sent me a link to using up scraps. It is based on Elizabeth Hartman’s ‘Map of the States’ tutorial. Unfortunately, the content no longer exists on the new site. Yes, I did check. Remember that using scraps is very personal. If you cannot deal with scraps, shove them in a pet bed and move on with your life. Don’t stress because you aren’t using your scraps. I wrote a post recently about using my scraps.

Take a look at this tutorial for making Flying Geese.

Anna Maria Echinacea pattern
Anna Maria Echinacea pattern

Anna Maria is coming out with a pattern called Echinacea. Pink Door has pre-orders now, but it is only for the fabric, it seems. The website says the pattern will be available in November from Free Spirit. There aren’t a lot of details so I am holding off for now.

It’s a beautiful quilt, but that is a lot of applique’ for me.

Tools, Books, Fabric, Notions & Supplies

The first thing I noticed about the Color Cube is that it was very attractive. Those little squares of color really pulled me in. The Color Cube comes in 2 volumes, each containing 250 color combinations as cards. The idea is that you use them to choose color combinations. The hex codes are on the back, which are great for digital artists, but can’t really be used by quiltmakers as we never know what our favorite designers used for colors. As I have experienced with the Pantone Project, the leap from paper to fabric isn’t always smooth. Still these would be fun to look at or use for inspiration.

I was referred to a template site in hopes I could get some bag templates made. I was thinking of templates like Moni Malene uses in her reels on IG. I am not sure they have that sort of thing.

Media, Books and Articles

Check out the current size of the quilting industry.

I read this NYT article about LL Bean tote bags. While we do not have to copy the LL Bean classic tote bag, the same feelings can come from a tote bag you make. Perhaps you have a pattern you love (mine is the Jane Market Tote) and you make often. If you often make it as a gift, people might look forward to getting their own. I do like the sturdiness of the LL Bean tote bags as well as the open wide design. Check your library if you do not have a subscription.

Do you want some awesome inspiration? Check out Christine A. Moore Millinery. Yes! Millinery! Hats! She is the Official Milliner of Breeders’ Cup and makes hats for the Kentucky Derby.

Other Artists

Gustaf Westman is a furniture designer and he has some interesting furniture.


As mentioned last time, my sister is opening a Sanctuary for dogs who need a place to stay while their people get treatment for various addictions. She has a GoFundMe and I hope you will donate. Even $1 helps.

June 2024 Donation Blocks

I worked diligently on the third of  my Diagonal 9 patch quilts using the green donation blocks as leaders and enders. The donation blocks kept piling up until  I could finally focus on sewing a green donation quilt with these blocks. I haven’t had a lot of time lately, so it is slow going. Also, the smaller the strips, the slower I am to finish blocks.

The good news is that a green donation quilt is going well and I should be finished with it before I attend the next meeting. I have enough blocks to make a second quilt with green strip blocks. I have also started on an improv donation top with the smaller, non strip scraps. At this point, I don’t know how large it will be. I don’t want a small piece of ‘made’ fabric hanging around like the black improv piece and the grey improv piece seem to be doing.


Purse Inserts in General

After I posted about the Encore Purse Insert the other day, I went looking at my patterns to see what other purse inserts I had. I wanted to compare them by size and shape.

Encore Purse Insert
Encore Purse Insert

As you saw, I have the Encore Purse Insert, thanks to Sherri D.

This is a large insert at 11.5 x 5.5 x 6 inches. I am guessing it is either 5.5. or 6 inches tall. This is definitely for a larger handbag or tote bag. Since I haven’t made it yet, I can only say that I think it would  be super useful in a tote bag.

I am also wondering if it could be used for quilt travel for supplies. One downside is that it is open, so the larger bag would have to be closed. That is also on the plus side, because an open bag means easier access.

Mustang Purse Organizers
Mustang Purse Organizers

I also have the Mustang Purse Organizers. These are part of Minikins Season 3. As you know this is a 12 pattern and video bundle, so you get more than just the Mustang pattern for the price.  I made both sizes for my mom in 2021.

The smaller size is 8 inches long x 5.5 inches tall x 3 inches deep. The larger size is 11.5 inches long x 6.75 inches tall x 3.5 inches deep. The sizes are similar to the Encore, which gives me an idea of the size of Encore.* I know my mom transfers her stuff from one purse to the other using the smaller organizer.

Paint Tube Purse Organizer
Paint Tube Purse Organizer

I also have a pattern from Sotak Handmade called Purse Organizer. I have made two of these, one for Mom and one for Gerre. I haven’t had any complaints, but they are very different from the handbag organizers above.

One of the advantages of the organizers above is that they are open, so you can slip your hand into your handbag and pull out what you need. This is flatter and closed. There are external pockets as well, which means you could take it out of a larger handbag and carry with you or transfer it quickly to your work bag.

Sotak Handmade Multi-pocket Organizer
Sotak Handmade Multi-pocket Organizer

I also have the Multi Pocket Organizer from Sotak Handmade. I have not made this pattern yet. Now that I see it again, I am eager  to make it. It is a combination, it seems of the Mustang and the Sotak Purse organizer. It might be the right size to use in my new handbag. I like her patterns and this one holds quite a bit in an organized manner. It is (wide on bottom x tall x deep): 10” x 6 1/2” x 4”, so in between the large and small sizes of the Mustang.

Handy Purse Organizer
Handy Purse Organizer

I also have a pattern called Handy Purse Organizer by Caroline Fairbanks-Critchfield. I couldn’t find the finished size on the blog post. There are 13 pockets – 6 mesh, 6 fabric, and one interior zipper pocket, which is useful info.

There are a lot of free patterns on the Sew Can She site. I haven’t made this one, but it is another option for purse organizers.

Am I going to have 35 purse organizers? LOL!






* I know what 11 inches is, but the numbers don’t get into my brain and I need to see a bag to actually understand the size.