26 Projects – July Update

I have been in Chicago for work for a week and have had no opportunity to sew. I thought about bringing some handwork, but, in the end, just brought a book, my journal (especially to do studies for the Creative Prompt Project) and my iPad.

Prior to leaving, I saw a clear theme in my work style which manifested in me by picking up a UFO-type project and intensely working on it until it is finished. I don’t know if that strategy will work for me long term, but right at the moment I am getting projects completed.

I am, however, sick of this list. It feels a bit tyrannical to me. I really think these feelings come from the fact that I am mostly just finishing, e.g. only doing specific tasks and not working through the whole process. I am not not doing much designing of new projects.

This list, as mentioned before) wasn’t part of my plan for the year. It just evolved, which makes me tempted to bail. Alternatively, I could scratch items off of of the list, but I really want them to be completely finished before I do so. It is a good exercise, however, and provides good focus for my work. There isn’t a lot of down time when I have a list staring me in the face. though, without downtime, I don’t get to dream about creativity and new ideas. I have made a lot of good progress, but perhaps I need to take a break from these projects and make something fun that I want to make? Perhaps I need to remember that there is value in taking my time and doing good work? I have made more good progress since last time, which is good.

I am thinking that I may need to abandon another project or two that are languishing and going nowhere. There is no shame in being realistic, right?

Enough with the existential art angst, here is the list, again, still in no particular order, except that I have put some of the “mostly finished” projects at the end. This time, like last, I have moved the finished pieces off. Still 23 WIPs left, but only 17 that need intensive work to get them to the quilting stage. I am making progress. Really. I am.

  1. Original Bullseye: needs border, backing, quilting and binding, which are all hard to do if you can’t find the project. It is lost. I know it is in there somewhere. As I mentioned, I did a test and found that my original idea didn’t work. I think a plain border will set off the blocks fine IF I ever find the top. Bleah!
  2. Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered. Cutting fabrics as I go
  3. A-B-C (A-Z) BAMQG Challenge – I am actually not sure if this should be considered a WIP (Please say no!), because I just barely have enough blocks with which to make something. I am making good progress. S and T blocks are done and now U and V blocks are next on the list. I am really thinking about just making all the blocks, putting sashing around them and then trimming the sashing a bit so the blocks are all a uniform size. It occurred to me today that the grey Half Moon fabric with big white polka dots might be an interesting sashing for this piece. They are not wildly off, but they are a bit off… I could bring them to BAMQG as the blocks are due. We’ll see.
  4. Aqua-Red Sampler – steady progress has stopped and the class more than the quilt is really weighing on my mind. As far as I know Frances has finished her Dresden Plate, so perhaps we will start up again soon. The next class was going to be fusible machine applique’, but I haven’t gotten past cutting out the templates. Perhaps I should skip to machine piecing curves?
  5. The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t quilted on this since April 2011. I need to work on the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked. I have been quilting another quilt and that is getting me back in the swing of quilting. Now that my machine is happier, perhaps it is a good time to take this piece out again? I would like to finish it.
  6. Garden: I started this piece in a class with Pamela Allen in 2006. As mentioned, I used this piece for my beading demo for the 2012 EBHQ Voices in Cloth show (March 17), which means that I added some beads. I finished machine quilting this piece, removed some of the beads and have started to put beads back on to it. YAY! Handwork!
  7. Flower Garden: I still find the ‘flowers’ too spiky. I think I need to soften them up a bit. I was thinking of putting larger petals over the spikes to soften them.
  8. Moon and Stars: need to finish hand quilting. This quilt is not interesting. This is month 2 that I have thought this is a candidate for abandonment.
  9. Pointillist Palette #4: Fourth is a series of 6 quilts; needs tiny square patches sewn together. Bits of this quilt keep falling off the shelf on which I have them stored. While I was machine quilting the Garden quilt, I kept finding bits of piecing stuck to various parts of my clothing. This is a good leaders and enders project and perhaps the patches jumping off the shelf was an omen.
  10. See: needs satin stitching.
  11. Self Portrait: started in 2006 at a class at Quilting Adventures in Richmond, Virginia. I like the piece, but don’t know where to go from where I am. Mouth? Hair?
  12. Spiderweb: need to make sure that I have the right number of blocks for the size quilt I want to make. Need to make sure I have the border pattern and start sewing border blocks.
  13. Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.
  14. Flower Sugar Hexagon: sewed more hexagons together. Sewing Y seams is a bit of a chore, so I get tired of doing it after awhile.
  15. Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am still in the process of applying fusible. He cleaned out his drawers and found some more t-shirts to add to the quilt. Oh Yay! <– just a bit of sarcasm
  16. New: Super Secret Project: top, back and binding made. Ready to go to the quilter. Stayed tuned. ;-)
  17. FOTY 2011: at the quilter, needs binding.
  18. Flowering Snowball: Top and back finished 5/13/2012; ready to go to the quilter
  19. Stepping Stones: at the quilter, made binding, which she will sew on for me and then I need to hand sew.
  20. Jelly Roll Race: at the quilter. Needs binding, quilting, sleeve.
  21. New: Wonky 9 Patch: needs quilting and binding.
  22. Corner Store:  Top and back are made. It is ready to go to the quilter.
  23. Super Secret Project #2: Top and back are made. It is ready to go to the quilter.
  24. Infinity blocks: blocks sewn together into a quilt top, borders on. Need to make back and binding and take to quilter.

Finished or Abandoned projects that were on the list:

  1. Stars for San Bruno #2: Finished! YAY!
  2. Pavers. Finished! YAY!
  3. Kissy Fish: Finished! Yay!
  4. Pineapple: Abandoned; will remake blocks at a later time with more care.
  5.  Stars for San Bruno #3: Finished! YAY!
  6. Food Quilt: Finished 5/24/2012. YAY!!!!

26 Projects – June Update

This list is really funny. I want to scratch items off of it, but I don’t want to rush through them either. I find that, now, I pick up a project and intensely work on it until it is finished. Any projects on this list are projects I have decided I want to work on. At least I want to work on them at the moment. If I decide I don’t want to work on them anymore, I will abandon them.

Here is the list, again, still in no particular order, except that I have put some of the “mostly finished” projects at the end. This time, like last, I have moved the finished pieces off. Still 23 WIPs left, because I added the Wonky 9 patch. Darn you inspiration!

  1. Original Bullseye: needs border, backing, quilting and binding, which are all hard to do if you can’t find the project. It is lost. I know it is in there somewhere. As I mentioned, I did a test and found that my original idea didn’t work. I think a plain border will set off the blocks fine IF I ever find the top. Bleah!
  2. Corner Store:  All blocks are made (an additional 11 were made on 6/17). I have now sewn all the blocks together in groups of 4. On 6/17, I also started sewing the groups of 4 to each other.
  3. Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered. Cutting fabrics as I go
  4. Infinity blocks: Am starting to think this would make a good nephew quilt.
  5. A-B-C (A-Z) BAMQG Challenge – I am actually not sure if this should be considered a WIP (Please say no!), because I just barely have enough blocks with which to make something. I am making good progress. I have S and T blocks on my mind. I am really thinking about just making all the blocks, putting sashing around them and then trimming the sashing a bit so the blocks are all a uniform size. They are not wildly off, but they are a bit off… I could bring them to BAMQG as the blocks are due. We’ll see.
  6. Aqua-Red Sampler – steady progress has stopped and the class more than the quilt is really weighing on my mind. As far as I know Frances has finished her Dresden Plate, so perhaps we will start up again soon. The next class was going to be fusible machine applique’, but I haven’t gotten past cutting out the templates. Perhaps I should skip to machine piecing curves?
  7. The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t quilted on this since April 2011. I need to work on the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked. I have been quilting another quilt and that is getting me back in the swing of quilting. Now that my machine is happier, perhaps it is a good time to take this piece out again? I would like to finish it.
  8. Garden: I started this piece in a class with Pamela Allen in 2006. As mentioned, I used this piece for my beading demo for the 2012 EBHQ Voices in Cloth show (March 17), which means that I added some beads. I started on the machine quilting late in April and am almost finished with the background. I was kind of stuck on the flower petals, but may FMQ them now that my machine is feeling better.
  9. Flower Garden: I still find the ‘flowers’ too spiky. I think I need to soften them up a bit.
  10. Moon and Stars: need to finish hand quilting. This quilt is not interesting. This is month 2 that I have thought this is a candidate for abandonment.
  11. Pointillist Palette #4: Fourth is a series of 6 quilts; needs tiny square patches sewn together. Good leaders and enders project. I wonder if I cut the squares accurately?
  12. See: needs satin stitching.
  13. Self Portrait: started in 2006 at a class at Quilting Adventures in Richmond, Virginia. I like the piece, but don’t know where to go from where I am. Mouth? Hair?
  14. Spiderweb: need to make sure that I have the right number of blocks for the size quilt I want to make. Need to make sure I have the border pattern and start sewing border blocks.
  15. Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.
  16. Flower Sugar Hexagon: sewed more hexagons together. Sewing Y seams is a bit of a chore, so I get tired of doing it after awhile.
  17. Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am still in the process of applying fusible. He cleaned out his drawers and found some more t-shirts to add to the quilt. Oh Yay! <– just a bit of sarcasm
  18. New: Super Secret Project: top, back and binding made. Ready to go to the quilter. Stayed tuned. ;-)
  19. FOTY 2011: at the quilter, needs binding.
  20. Flowering Snowball: Top and back finished 5/13/2012; ready to go to the quilter
  21. Stepping Stones: at the quilter, made binding, which she will sew on for me and then I need to hand sew.
  22. Jelly Roll Race: at the quilter. Needs binding, quilting, sleeve.
  23. Wonky 9 Patch: needs quilting and binding.

Finished or Abandoned projects that were on the list:

  1. Stars for San Bruno #2: Finished! YAY!
  2. Pavers. Finished! YAY!
  3. Kissy Fish: Finished! Yay!
  4. Pineapple: Abandoned; will remake blocks at a later time with more care.
  5.  Stars for San Bruno #3: Finished! YAY!
  6. Food Quilt: Finished 5/24/2012. YAY!!!!

26 Projects – May Update

Here is the list, again, still in no particular order. This time I have moved the finished pieces off. 23 WIPs left! I had to add two more projects to the list. I can’t believe I forgot about the Stepping Stones. Also, I have a Super Secret project that I did, but it took me such a short time that I don’t know if it really counts.

  1. Original Bullseye: needs border, backing, quilting and binding. Went rummaging through my fabric closet to find this top, because I was fired up to put the border on. I couldn’t find it. It is lost. I know it is in there somewhere. I am also working on my border idea and have definitely decided not to put that particular border on this quilt, if I ever find it, but I am glad I am doing the test.
  2. Corner Store:  106 blocks made, need to cut more foundations with the little bit of Kona Snow fabric I have left. Waiting for more Kona Snow. Need to continue to pin triangles to new foundations, then sew.
  3. Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered. Cutting fabrics as I go
  4. Infinity blocks: Am starting to think this would make a good nephew quilt.
  5. A-B-C (A-Z) BAMQG Challenge – I am actually not sure if this should be considered a WIP (Please say no!), because I don’t really have enough blocks with which to make anything yet. I am making good progress. I made Q and R blocks and am thinking about putting sashing around all of the blocks and then trimming the sashing a bit so the blocks are all a uniform size. They are not wildly off, but they are a bit off…
  6. Aqua-Red Sampler – steady progress has stopped and the class more than the quilt is really weighing on my mind. As far as I know Frances has nearly finished her Dresden Plate, so perhaps we will start up again soon. The next class was going to be fusible machine applique’, but I haven’t gotten past cutting out the templates. Perhaps I should skip to machine piecing curves?
  7. The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t quilted on this since April 2011. I need to work on the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked.
  8. Garden: used this piece for my beading demo for the 2012 EBHQ Voices in Cloth show (March 17), which means that I added some beads. I started on the machine quilting late in April. Haven’t done anything since I started working on the Flowering Snowball.
  9. Flower Garden: I still find the ‘flowers’ too spiky. I think I need to soften them up a bit.
  10. Moon and Stars: need to finish handquilting. This quilt is not interesting.
  11. Pointillist Palette #4: needs tiny square patches sewn together.
  12. See: needs satin stitching.
  13. Self Portrait
  14. Spiderweb: need to make sure that I have the right number of blocks for the size quilt I want to make. Need to make sure I have the border pattern and start sewing border blocks.
  15. Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.
  16. Flower Sugar Hexagon: sewed more hexagons together. Sewing Y seams is a bit of a chore, so I get tired of doing it after awhile.
  17. Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am in the process of applying fusible.
  18. New: Super Secret Project: top, back and binding made. Ready to go to the quilter. Stayed tuned. ;-)
  19. FOTY 2011: at the quilter, needs binding.
  20. Flowering Snowball: Top and back finished 5/13/2012; ready to go to the quilter
  21. Stepping Stones: at the quilter, made binding, which she will sew on for me and then I need to hand sew.
  22. Food Quilt: sewing binding.
  23. Jelly Roll Race: at the quilter. Needs binding, quilting, sleeve.

Finished or Abandoned projects that were on the list:

  1. Stars for San Bruno #2: Finished! YAY!
  2. Pavers. Finished! YAY!
  3. Kissy Fish: Finished! Yay!
  4. Pineapple: Abandoned; will remake blocks at a later time with more care.
  5.  Stars for San Bruno #3: Finished! YAY!

26 Projects April Update

Here is the list, again, still in no particular order. This time I have moved the finished pieces off. 23 WIPs left! I had to add two more projects to the list. I can’t believe I forgot about the Stepping Stones. Also, I have a Super Secret project that I did, but it took me such a short time that I don’t know if it really counts.

  1. Food Quilt: at the quilter, needs binding.
  2. Jelly Roll Race: at the quilter. Needs binding, quilting, sleeve.
  3. Original Bullseye: needs border, backing, quilting and binding. Went rummaging through my fabric closet to find this top, because I was fired up to put the border on. I couldn’t find it. It is lost. I know it is in there somewhere. I am also working on my border idea and have definitely decided not to put that particular border on this quilt, if I ever find it, but I am glad I am doing the test.
  4. Corner Store: foundations cut; some blocks made, triangles pinned to foundations and ready to sew.
  5. Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered.
  6. Infinity blocks: I know where they are.
  7. A-B-C (A-Z) BAMQG Challenge – I am actually not sure if this should be considered a WIP, because I don’t really have enough blocks with which to make anything yet. I am making good progress. In April, I need to make O and P blocks.
  8. Aqua-Red Sampler – steady progress has stopped and the class more than the quilt is really weighing on my mind. As far as I know Frances has still not finished her Dresden Plate. I really don’t know what am I going to do with her? The next class was going to be fusible machine applique’, but I haven’t gotten past cutting out the templates. Perhaps I should skip to machine piecing curves?
  9. The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t quilted on this since April 2011. I need to work on the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked.
  10. FOTY 2011: at the quilter, needs binding.
  11. Flowering Snowballs: I have several parts of several border blocks done. I am doing them assembly line fashion, so there will be a lot of borders blocks all done at about the same time. The hand piecing is going very fast, but it usurping work on the Stars for San Bruno #3 binding.
  12. Garden: used this piece for my beading demo for the 2012 EBHQ Voices in Cloth show (March 17), which means that I added some beads. It needs some machine quilting.
  13. Flower Garden: I still find the ‘flowers’ too spiky. I think I need to soften them up a bit.
  14. Moon and Stars: need to finish handquilting. This quilt is not interesting.
  15. Pointillist Palette #4: needs tiny square patches sewn together.
  16. See: needs satin stitching.
  17. Self Portrait
  18. Spiderweb
  19. Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.
  20. Flower Sugar Hexagon: sewed more hexagons together. Sewing Y seams is a bit of a chore, so I get tired of doing it after awhile.
  21. Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am in the process of applying fusible.
  22. Stepping Stones: at the quilter, needs binding.
  23. New: Super Secret Project: top, back and binding made. Ready to go to the quilter. Stayed tuned. 😉

Finished or Abandoned projects that were on the list:

  1. Stars for San Bruno #2: Finished! YAY!
  2. Pavers. Finished! YAY!
  3. Kissy Fish: Finished! Yay!
  4. Pineapple: Abandoned; will remake blocks at a later time with more care.
  5.  Stars for San Bruno #3: Finished! YAY! Just last night, too. 😉 I’ll show photos soon

26 Projects Update – March 2012

Here is the list, again, still in no particular order. This time I have moved the finished pieces off. 22 WIPs left!

  1.  Stars for San Bruno #3: Quilted; applying binding
  2. Food Quilt: needs quilting, backing and binding.
  3. Jelly Roll Race: top cut into diamonds. Sashing being applied; diamonds being sewn together into chunks.
  4. Original Bullseye: needs border, backing, quilting and binding. Went rummaging through my fabric closet to find this top, because I was fired up to put the border on. I couldn’t find it. It is lost. I know it is in there somewhere. I am also working on my border idea and have definitely decided not to put that particular border on this quilt, if I ever find it, but I am glad I am doing the test.
  5. Corner Store: foundations cut; some blocks made, triangles pinned to foundations and ready to sew.
  6. Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered.
  7. Infinity blocks: I know where they are.
  8. A-B-C (A-Z) BAMQG Challenge – I am actually not sure if this should be considered a WIP, because I don’t really have enough blocks with which to make anything yet. I am making good progress. This month I need to make K and L blocks.
  9. Aqua-Red Sampler – steady progress has stopped and the class more than the quilt is really weighing on my mind. As far as I know Frances has still not finished her Dresden Plate. I really don’t know what am I going to do with her? The next class was going to be fusible machine applique’, but I haven’t gotten past cutting out the templates. Perhaps I should skip to machine piecing curves?
  10. The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t quilted on this since April 2011. I need to work on the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked.
  11. FOTY 2011: ready to go to the quilter.
  12. Flowering Snowballs: I decided not to abandon this project, partially because I am so far along and partially because I need a hand project.The templates I made for the border blocks really helped me do a vast amount of cutting in a short time last Friday. All the cutting for the border is done. One corner block made. I am on my way!
  13. Garden: decided to use this piece for my beading demo for the 2012 EBHQ Voices in cloth show (March 17). It will get me moving on that project again, too.
  14. Flower Garden: I still find the ‘flowers’ too spiky. I think I need to soften them up a bit.
  15. Moon and Stars: need to finish handquilting. This quilt is not interesting.
  16. Pointillist Palette #4
  17. See: needs satin stitching.
  18. Self Portrait
  19. Spiderweb
  20. Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.
  21. Flower Sugar Hexagon: sewed more hexagons together. Sewing Y seams is a bit of a chore, so I get tired of doing it after awhile.
  22. Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am in the process of applying fusible.

Finished or Abandoned:

  1. Stars for San Bruno #2: Finished! YAY!
  2. Pavers. Finished! YAY!
  3. Kissy Fish: Finished! Yay!
  4. Pineapple: Abandoned; will remake blocks at a later time with more care.

26 Projects Update

I got a bug in my ear to update this list. I don’t think I have made much progress, but I wanted you to know that it is still on my mind.

Here is the list, again, still in no particular order. This time I have some annotations and I am crossing things off that are well in hand:

  1. Stars for San Bruno #2: Finished! YAY!
  2. Stars for San Bruno #3: Ready to be taken to the quilter. I am thinking of trying another quilter. Needs quilting, backing and binding.
  3. Pavers. Finished! YAY!
  4. Food Quilt: needs quilting, backing and binding.
  5. Jelly Roll Race: I decided I would cut this up into diamonds, put a border around each diamond and sew the diamonds back together again. I don’t know what the ultimate purpose will be, but I am pleased with that idea.
  6. Original Bullseye: needs border, backing, quilting and binding. Went rummaging through my fabric closet to find this top, because I was fired up to put the border on. I couldn’t find it. It is lost. I know it is in there somewhere. I am also working on my border idea and have definitely decided not to put that particular border on this quilt, if I ever find it, but I am glad I am doing the test.
  7. Corner Store: foundations cut; blocks not made
  8. Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered.
  9. Infinity blocks: I know where they are.
  10. A-B-C (A-Z) BAMQG Challenge – I am actually not sure if this should be considered a WIP, because I don’t really have enough blocks with which to make anything yet. I am making good progress. This month I need to make K and L blocks.
  11. Aqua-Red Sampler – steady progress has stopped and the class more than the quilt is really weighing on my mind. As far as I know Frances has still not finished her Dresden Plate. I really don’t know what am I going to do with her? The next class was going to be fusible machine applique’, but I haven’t gotten past cutting out the templates. Perhaps I should skip to machine piecing curves?
  12. The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t quilted on this since April 2011. I need to work on the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked.
  13. Kissy Fish: Finished! Yay!
  14. FOTY 2011: piecing nearly complete.
  15. Flowering Snowballs: I decided not to abandon this project, partially because I am so far along and partially because I need a hand project. I made the templates I need for the border blocks and am ready to start cutting fabric for the borders.
  16. Garden
  17. Flower Garden
  18. Moon and Stars: need to finish handquilting. This quilt is not interesting.
  19. Pointillist Palette #4
  20. See: needs satin stitching.
  21. Self Portrait
  22. Spiderweb
  23. Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.
  24. Pineapple: Abandoned; will remake blocks at a later time with more care.
  25. Flower Sugar Hexagon: sewed more hexagons together. Sewing Y seams is a bit of a chore, so I get tired of doing it after awhile.
  26. Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am in the process of applying fusible.

Here is new categorization:

Well in Hand or Complete:

  • Stars for San Bruno #2: Finished! YAY!
  • Stars for San Bruno #3: Ready to be taken to the quilter. Needs quilting, backing and binding.
  • Pavers. Finished! YAY!
  • Food Quilt: needs quilting, backing and binding.
  • Kissy Fish: Finished! Yay!
  • Pineapple: Abandoned; will remake blocks at a later time with more care.

Have a Plan:

  • Flower Sugar Hexagon
  • Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am in the process of applying fusible.
  • Pointillist Palette #4
  • See: needs satin stitching.
  • Original Bullseye: needs border, backing, quilting and binding
  • FOTY 2011: piecing nearly complete.
  • Pointillist Palette #4

Hunting & Gathering Stage:

  • Corner Store: foundations cut; blocks not made
  • Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered.

Steady Progress:

Not a Clue or I Have Lost Momentum:

  • The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t quilted on this since April. I need to work on the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked. I think I do have a clue; am just not inspired.
  • Garden
  • Flower Garden
  • Moon and Stars: need to finish handquilting. This quilt is not interesting.
  • Self Portrait
  • Spiderweb – I know I want to put a self bordering border on this quilt, but just can’t seem to get it done. I think I may need to make two quilts, because I have way more blocks than I need for a bed sized quilt.
  • Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.


  • Pineapple

I am going to remove the finished items from the list for the next update. I will still call it 26 projects, but I want to see the list shrink and that seems like a good way to do it.

26 Projects List Update

Shocked that I am updating you so soon? I have progress and a new categorization for the projects. Am I just making myself feel better? Probably.

Here is the list, again, still in no particular order. This time I have some annotations and I am crossing things off that are well in hand:

  1. Stars for San Bruno #2: Finished! YAY!
  2. Stars for San Bruno #3: Ready to be taken to the quilter. Needs quilting, backing and binding.
  3. Pavers. Finished! YAY!
  4. Food Quilt: needs quilting, backing and binding.
  5. Jelly Roll Race: this quilt does not have good design. I am thinking of cutting it into different shapes and using the shapes for something else. I could make a bunch of interesting 9 patches.
  6. Original Bullseye: needs border, backing, quilting and binding.
  7. Corner Store: foundations cut; blocks not made
  8. Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered.
  9. Infinity blocks
  10. A-B-C (A-Z) BAMQG Challenge – I am actually not sure if this should be considered a WIP, because I don’t really have enough blocks with which to make anything yet.
  11. Aqua-Red Sampler – steady progress and isn’t really weighing on my mind, except for the fact that Frances has still not finished her Dresden Plate. What am I going to do with her?
  12. The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t quilted on this since April. I need to work on the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked.
  13. Kissy Fish: Need to get framed.
  14. FOTY 2011: not finished with cutting. Plan to sew at the end of January 2012.
  15. Flowering Snowballs: I think this is a candidate for abandonment. Hand piecing doesn’t do anything for me and I am bad at it. I think I should make an effort to square up the blocks before I completely abandon the project.
  16. Garden
  17. Flower Garden
  18. Moon and Stars: need to finish handquilting. This quilt is not interesting.
  19. Pointillist Palette #4
  20. See: needs satin stitching.
  21. Self Portrait
  22. Spiderweb
  23. Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.
  24. Pineapple: horrible mess. None of the ideas I have to salvage this project make me happy.
  25. Flower Sugar Hexagon
  26. Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am in the process of applying fusible.

Here is new categorization:

Well in Hand or Complete:

  • Stars for San Bruno #2: Finished! YAY!
  • Stars for San Bruno #3: Ready to be taken to the quilter. Needs quilting, backing and binding.
  • Pavers. Finished! YAY!
  • Food Quilt: needs quilting, backing and binding.
  • Kissy Fish: Need to frame

Have a Plan:

  • Flower Sugar Hexagon
  • Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am in the process of applying fusible.
  • Pointillist Palette #4
  • See: needs satin stitching.
  • Original Bullseye: needs border, backing, quilting and binding
  • FOTY 2011: not finished with cutting. Plan to sew at the end of January 2012.
  • Pointillist Palette #4
  • See: needs satin stitching.

Hunting & Gathering Stage:

  • Corner Store: foundations cut; blocks not made
  • Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered.

Steady Progress:

  • A-B-C (A-Z) BAMQG Challenge – I am actually not sure if this should be considered a WIP, because I don’t really have enough blocks with which to make anything yet.
  • Aqua-Red Sampler – steady progress and isn’t really weighing on my mind, except for the fact that Frances has still not finished her Dresden Plate. What am I going to do with her?

Not a Clue or I Have Lost Momentum:

  • The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t quilted on this since April. I need to work on the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked. I think I do have a clue; am just not inspired.
  • Garden
  • Flower Garden
  • Moon and Stars: need to finish handquilting. This quilt is not interesting.
  • Self Portrait
  • Spiderweb – I know I want to put a self bordering border on this quilt, but just can’t seem to get it done. I think I may need to make two quilts, because I have way more blocks than I need for a bed sized quilt.
  • Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.


  • Pineapple: Yes, I am going to abandon this project, because the work I have done so far is a horrible mess. None of the ideas I have to salvage this project make me happy. I do plan to start it over.

26 Projects List

Here is the problem, which I think I have finally discovered since writing part 1 of this post. I move too fast in the quilting/sewing world to have lingering UFOs.

I wrote last time about needing to finish or abandon these projects because I needed the brain space. Also, I need to finish these projects because I am always on to the next idea. Today I was desperately trying NOT to think about the ColorBlock design. My whole afternoon sounded like this in my head:

Voice in my head #1: “hhhmm, what if I were to use a layer cake”

Voice in my head #2: “stop that! No new projects!”

VIMH#1: “I could calculate yardage for using a layer cake OR a jelly roll strip because they have about the same amount of yardage”

VIMH#2: “do you see the work on your desk? Budget? Contract? 12 phone calls needing to be returned?”

And on and on it went all afternoon. Finally, on the train home, I just calculated yardage. VIMH #2 is off for the weekend anyway. But this is how it goes! I have to get busy and do these WIPs. I really can’t imagine not having any WIPs, but it is good to have goals.


Here is the list, in no particular order:

  1. Stars for San Bruno #2: finishing up binding and pleat on the back needs to be fixed. I am thinking of a heart.
  2. Stars for San Bruno #3: I need to start sewing the stars together.
  3. Pavers. Finished! YAY!
  4. Food Quilt: needs quilting, backing and binding.
  5. Jelly Roll Race: this quilt does not have good design. I am thinking of cutting it into different shapes and using the shapes for something else. I could make a bunch of interesting 9 patches.
  6. Original Bullseye: needs border, backing, quilting and binding.
  7. Corner Store: foundations cut; blocks not made
  8. Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered.
  9. Infinity blocks
  10. A-B-C (A-Z) BAMQG Challenge – I am actually not sure if this should be considered a WIP, because I don’t really have enough blocks with which to make anything yet.
  11. Aqua-Red Sampler – steady progress and isn’t really weighing on my mind, except for the fact that Frances has still not finished her Dresden Plate. What am I going to do with her?
  12. The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t quilted on this since April. I need to work on the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked.
  13. Kissy Fish: nearly finished, but I keep on fiddling with the embroidery and hand stitching.
  14. FOTY 2011: not finished with cutting. Plan to sew at the end of January 2012.
  15. Flowering Snowballs: I think this is a candidate for abandonment. Hand piecing doesn’t do anything for me and I am bad at it. I think I should make an effort to square up the blocks before I completely abandon the project.
  16. Garden
  17. Flower Garden
  18. Moon and Stars: need to finish handquilting. This quilt is not interesting.
  19. Pointillist Palette #4
  20. See: needs satin stitching.
  21. Self Portrait
  22. Spiderweb
  23. Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.
  24. Pineapple: horrible mess. None of the ideas I have to salvage this project make me happy.
  25. Flower Sugar Hexagon
  26. Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am in the process of applying fusible.

A lot of this is excerpted from the WIP post I am compiling so I can post at the end of the year or the WIP post I posted at the end of 2010. Do you read these or are they too boring?

Ok, Officially, I, now, have 25 projects.

26 Projects

For some reason I felt the need to count up the projects I have in process. In process, to me, means that some sewing has taken place


Yes, I have 26 projects in process. Too many. I was kind of appalled, actually, but when I thought about it, I realized that many of them are more than 3 years old. Some are half class projects. I used to stop, put a project away and go on to something new. I thought that was what quiltmakers did.

At some point I decided that I did not want to do that anymore. I have changed my process so that I gear up, gather, test and then focus like crazy on one project and finish it. I might be working on more than one project at a time, because they are in different stages, but at some point in the process each of them gets my full attention and gets finished. Once I focus on a project, I can finish pretty quickly.

I don’t enjoy making the back or the binding, but I get it done and THEN, only then, move on to the next project. Projects frustrating me now stay on the design wall so I don’t forget about them.

This post is not about finishing for finishings sake. I need brain space. I need closure on some of these projects. I need to work on them, learn what I need to learn, finish, or abandon them. They are cluttering up my brain and my fabric closet. They don’t allow room for me to start new things. And I have plenty of new things I want to start, fabric to buy, blocks to test.

Now I am on a mission to work through some of these projects. Stay tuned.

Thinking about UFOs

Facebook had a new look yesterday and instead of updating what you are doing, they want you to say what you are thinking about. I have to say that I am thinking about UFOs today. I am thinking about UFOs for a number of reasons:

  1. The Tarts is a UFO and I am slowly plowing my way through that project. I made a bit of progress over the past few nights and will give you an update on that soon.
  2. I have been catching up with Annie Smith’s podcast and she has one about UFOs. Her 2/11/2008 podcast (I know I am really behind!) gives some good ideas about identifying your UFOs and getting them done. She was inspired by Nadine Ruggles’ podcast episode on her short lived (but still available on iTunes) podcast, Driven to Quilt.
  3. Nadine Ruggles podcast episode #7 from 9/4/2006. Nadine comes across as a really smart person; her podcast was professionally done. I liked the high level how-to aspect of her podcast. I respect her decision not to continue, but it is a huge loss for those of us who listened to it. Sadly, her Driven to Quilt website is no longer available, even using my secret librarian tricks, but you can still find Nadine online at Dreamweaver’s Quilts. She has a totally cool website and blog. Very innovative layout. One thing I really like about the site is the Daily Stitch. It is like a daily calendar for quiltmaking. Update 3/15/2009:  The Driven to Quilt website is back in operation

I am pretty upfront about my UFOs with myself. I find that knowing what I need to finish is much better than hiding them away. It also helps me keep track of my frustrations with projects, so I can work through them and not relive them when I go back to the project. You can read about last year’s progress and non-progress in the 2008 UFO Report. Annie created a spreadsheet with over 60 UFOs on it. I am pleased to say that I don’t have that many.

The biggest problem I found with not finishing a project right away is that I lose my train of thought, or my style changes enough where I am no longer enthused about the colors or fabrics. That was a big lesson that I learned in pulling the Tarts out again.

I am goal oriented and really do want to finish my projects. As I have mentioned, I am trying to be more process oriented. I am getting better, but I still want to finish my projects or get rid of them. I did abandon some last year and am ok with that. They will be loved by someone else. I am thrilled that one of my UFOs is off the UFO list (Nosegay). I am also on the homestretch of sewing on the Eye Spy binding. I have to do the handstitching on the Crazy Test binding and I have the directions ready to go for facing the Pamela Allen House and Garden quilt-let. I’d like to get that one done before I take yet another workshop with her next month. If I can truly stay focused, including the Tarts, I will have four projects that I can say are done at the end of the year. That means four projects off my UFO list! Time will tell.

I know that finishing a bunch of UFOs, one after another, is not for me. I think that I need to intersperse the work with new projects. You saw my idea list in the 2008 Roundup!

I found a list of ideas/plan for getting your UFOs done at Suite 101. The article, from January 1, 2009, is by Christine Mann and called 6 Steps to Finishing your UFOs. It sounds a lot like the way I plan my projects at work and I don’t bring work home! However, you may be able to use the ideas.

One thing I think is important is to be at peace with your quilt work. If you don’t have UFOs, fine.  If you have UFOs, fine. If you never finish them, fine. If you finish them, fine. Do what works for you.   For me, I think it is important for me  to take something away from finished and unfinished works – a lesson or experience of some kind. I can’t tell you what your lesson is. I will, however, think about (and probably report back on) the lessons from my own UFOs.

I had a tough week. If Daylight Savings Time wasn’t bad enough, I also injured my shoulder on Wednesday. This means MUCH less computing. Computing is also taking me longer, because I am mousing with my left hand. I’ll do my best to keep up! This is a short post, but, hopefully, interesting. I would love to hear your comments about your UFOs, especially what you think about Yoda’s comment to Luke from The Empire Strikes Back “Do, or do not. There is no try”.

As the UFOs Turn

As you can see from my previous blog posts, I have been sewing and making progress. Still, these seem to be new projects, so I thought I would inventory my UFOs and see what I was facing. One year (1996, I think) I buckled down and worked only on UFOs and finished 9 quilts. That was a record. Most, if not all, were already started and I didn’t quilt them all, but causing them to be quilted counts for something in my book.

This list in no way implies that I will discontinue starting new projects or finish any of these.

Here is my list of UFOs. You can see many of them over at Artquiltmaker.com.

  • Bullseye: finally found directions for doing the border the way I want it. Just need to do it
  • Garden from Pamela Allen class
  • He Tried to Make it Up to Her: needs back and to be quilted. St. JCN has to dig it out.
  • Her Eyes were Bigger than Her Stomach: needs a back and to be quilted. Very active quilt; probably not my best design, but a mile marker in the quiltmaking journey.
  • Kissy Fish: ongoing hand beading project
  • Leaf quilt: needs something that I don’t have; candidate for abandonment; sad, though, because it is a friendship quilt
  • Nosegay: top complete
  • Pointillist Palette 4: Night
  • QA Challenge Quilt: need to fuse the parts and rubber stamp the words.
  • See: started in a David Walker class. Needs fusing, stitching on of fused pieces and quilting
  • Self Portrait from Pamela Allen class
  • Serendipity Puzzle: on the design wall now. Five more blocks to piece.
  • Sharon’s quilt: blocks must be sewn together. After Serendipity Puzzle I will finish it. I don’t want a wedding quilt to be hanging around when a baby is due
  • Solid Star Friendship Quilt: need more friends so they can make stars for me in solids with black
  • Spiderweb: foundation pieced project, still piecing. Need to create the templates for the border blocks
  • The Tarts Come to Tea: need inspiration. Improvisational quilts are not the same experience when you do them alone
  • Thoughts on Dots: top complete
  • Women’s Work 2: needs focus.

Just for fun, here are the quilts on my mind. In some cases I have purchased fabric, but no sewing has been done, so they are not yet UFOs.

  • Denyse Schmidt Chocolate Boxes: see the post from August 11, 2006 to see the fabrics I will use.
Choloate Box detail
Choloate Box detail

This a pattern that can be purchased from Quiltworks Northwest.

  • San Mateo County Fair Dot quilt
  • Paper pieced Nativity scene: I downloaded this pattern when it was free a few years ago and have never gotten up the energy to be as organized as I need to be to make this, but I still want to make it. You can find the pattern at Paper Panache.com
  • Interlocking triangles #4: love the techniques and have at least one, if not two, idea[s] for more
  • Dot quilt with inset circles a la Ruth McDowell: more uses for dots and a good exercise in piecing
  • Feathered Star dot quilt from Summer issue of Quilts & More: more use for dots
  • Cross quilt: totally scrappy except for middle and background. I would also like this to be a handwork project that I can carry along with me.
  • Some kind of pink quilt with all the pink fabric I have been buying
  • Colorblocks 3: I want to use this pattern from Sandy Bonsib, but have silk fabric with a lucious sheen instead of the regular cottons. Background will be cotton sateen.
  • I Spy quilt for DS: hexagons and many of the triangles are cut. I just have to start piecing them. St. JCN comes to the rescue as she cut a zillion of the pieces.
  • Garden Quilt: I have been collecting photos and patterns of interesting flowers for years and have always wanted to make some kind of garden or flower quilt.
  • Jack’s Chain: I saw a quilt of this pattern years and years ago and have always wanted to make one.