I keep walking by the RK Kona Challenge as it languishes over my bannister. As I did this, an idea formed in my head and that idea is in the photo.
My idea was to cut 1.5″ squares from scraps and using them to sew these blocks. It seems like it would be a good leaders and enders type project.
I like this design… simple but effective…. love scrappy. I have some patches left over from a 3 inch 9 patch project that would be easy to use in a project like this…. I just might borrow the design… but I will probably use black KONA for the sashing… just cause I have a bolt of the stuff.
I am finding I like the well planned MODERN QUILT styles of quilts… they are very refreshing and I am so tired of stars…. I like the gridded and geometric patterns best right now…Very clean…
It would be a great leaders/enders project!!
I have been thinking about a border. I am not sure how to get the squares not to bleed into the border. I need to let it rumble around in my brain for awhile.
I like this design. but am put off by thinking of cutting and sewing little squares. I so like the strip piecing.
You could do it with strip piecing. You could even use a jelly roll. You would have to resize the blocks, but it could CERTAINLY be done. I think the pieces of my RK Kona Challenge piece are 2.5″ squares and that is what was inspiring me. 1.5″ is very small.
Love this idea Jaye. It has such a dramatic effect.
I guess I had better write some directions! Thanks to everyone who gave me such good comments and feedback! I really appreciate it.