Here is the problem, which I think I have finally discovered since writing part 1 of this post. I move too fast in the quilting/sewing world to have lingering UFOs.
I wrote last time about needing to finish or abandon these projects because I needed the brain space. Also, I need to finish these projects because I am always on to the next idea. Today I was desperately trying NOT to think about the ColorBlock design. My whole afternoon sounded like this in my head:
Voice in my head #1: “hhhmm, what if I were to use a layer cake”
Voice in my head #2: “stop that! No new projects!”
VIMH#1: “I could calculate yardage for using a layer cake OR a jelly roll strip because they have about the same amount of yardage”
VIMH#2: “do you see the work on your desk? Budget? Contract? 12 phone calls needing to be returned?”
And on and on it went all afternoon. Finally, on the train home, I just calculated yardage. VIMH #2 is off for the weekend anyway. But this is how it goes! I have to get busy and do these WIPs. I really can’t imagine not having any WIPs, but it is good to have goals.
Here is the list, in no particular order:
- Stars for San Bruno #2: finishing up binding and pleat on the back needs to be fixed. I am thinking of a heart.
- Stars for San Bruno #3: I need to start sewing the stars together.
Pavers. Finished! YAY!- Food Quilt: needs quilting, backing and binding.
- Jelly Roll Race: this quilt does not have good design. I am thinking of cutting it into different shapes and using the shapes for something else. I could make a bunch of interesting 9 patches.
- Original Bullseye: needs border, backing, quilting and binding.
- Corner Store: foundations cut; blocks not made
- Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered.
- Infinity blocks
- A-B-C (A-Z) BAMQG Challenge – I am actually not sure if this should be considered a WIP, because I don’t really have enough blocks with which to make anything yet.
- Aqua-Red Sampler – steady progress and isn’t really weighing on my mind, except for the fact that Frances has still not finished her Dresden Plate. What am I going to do with her?
- The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t quilted on this since April. I need to work on the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked.
- Kissy Fish: nearly finished, but I keep on fiddling with the embroidery and hand stitching.
- FOTY 2011: not finished with cutting. Plan to sew at the end of January 2012.
- Flowering Snowballs: I think this is a candidate for abandonment. Hand piecing doesn’t do anything for me and I am bad at it. I think I should make an effort to square up the blocks before I completely abandon the project.
- Garden
- Flower Garden
- Moon and Stars: need to finish handquilting. This quilt is not interesting.
- Pointillist Palette #4
- See: needs satin stitching.
- Self Portrait
- Spiderweb
- Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.
- Pineapple: horrible mess. None of the ideas I have to salvage this project make me happy.
- Flower Sugar Hexagon
- Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am in the process of applying fusible.
A lot of this is excerpted from the WIP post I am compiling so I can post at the end of the year or the WIP post I posted at the end of 2010. Do you read these or are they too boring?
Ok, Officially, I, now, have 25 projects.
Thank you for the list, ma’am! I am trying to imagine all of this in your studio and … not succeeding.
I am curious – do you have a threshold of number of projects below which you feel comfortable?
Well, studio=disaster right at the moment. I may be getting to the point where I really need some more storage and organization. Not buying fabric and using more fabric would help that, but we all know that isn’t going to happen.
I have been thinking about a threshold (please, get out of my mind, it is crowded enough in there. Thank you 😉 ) and I think it is less about numbers of projects than about brainspace. I think some of the projects are sick of being on the shelves and are jockeying for position in my mind so I will pay attention to them. I think I’ll know when I have reached an ok level.
Also, re: Jelly Roll Race – quilt back?
the idea of a back is a good idea. Lost of seams, though, and I am not sure I want to go back and press them all open.
I am thinking of cutting it apart and using the pieces to make something else. I don’t know what yet, though. I thought of big squares on point, but am not sure how much extra interest that will add. Squares for another Disappearing Nine Patch might work, but for what purpose? More thinking required.
Hi Jaye…I wonder if you can help me with the AH Multi-tasker Tote…I’ve been looking around for a week including writing to AH and I just sort of stumbled here. I will def spend time and come back…great blog Jaye! RE: the tote……arghhhhh! I am hopelessly stuck on one of the steps. Could you email me if you have time and let me know if you would be able to spend a few minutes and help me with this pattern please? I won’t waste time asking the question in here unless you think you will have time. If not…that’s ok. I love love love the ones that you have made :#} Thanks, Darleen. email:
I pretend to not read these postings because it would remind me to finish the borders on the U is for Unicorn quilt, or finish hand quilting the hexagon quilt, or some other project that I’ve put off!
I shall live through you getting YOUR list done. Go work on it. Now. GO. Get!
I am working on it. I expect to see the U is for Unicorn borders on your blog soon!