No other name really occurred to me as I was working on this quilt. It is kind of sad, because most of my other quilts have much better names. Still, it is better than “The No Name Quilt” and it is descriptive.
I finished the binding in time to show the quilt at BAMQG. I was excited to see the other pieces in the challenge. I wasn’t the only one who used a colored background, but mine was the only red and aqua quilt. It received a good response.
I will put a sleeve on this quilt, but I want to have the back photographed before I do that, thus it is not in the back photo I am showing today and I don’t know when/if I will show a picture of the sleeve.

I have to say that the binding went on to this quilt really fast.
Did I tell you? I’d like to use this design again for another rendition of this quilt. I wouldn’t do it as a whole cloth quilt again, but perhaps fusible applique’.