If you have not already sent off your blocks for the QuiltCon block design challenge, it is too late. I sent mine in earlier and wanted to share what I created with you.
You can find the original directions at the QuiltCon/MQG blog.

I bought a set of fat quarters from Pink Chalk fabrics. I bought FQs from Pink chalk, because they were a bit cheaper than the other vendors (did not include the white) and I like the Pink Chalk customer service. It is ridiculous for me to try and save a few bucks. I buy enough fabric to insulate my house, but I have my moments of sanity.
The colors, which were selected by Elizabeth Hartman of ohfransson fame, are:
- Kona Cotton Cyan
- Kona Cotton Azure
- Kona Cotton Candy Green
- Kona Cotton Lime
- Kona Cotton Chartreuse
- Kona Cotton Buttercup
- Kona Cotton School Bus
- Kona Cotton Tangerine
- Kona Cotton Medium Grey
- Kona Cotton Coal
I wasn’t very fond of the yellow. It is too wishy washy for me. The orange in the upper left hand corner shows up very red on my screen, but it is orange.

I thought some of my Block-a-Long blocks were pretty modern, so I entered some of those. The first one was a block I named Four Columns Squares (Block-a-Long #52). I did rearrange the columns a bit from my original post, because I wanted to take advantage of my perception that the modern quiltmakers like assymetrical quilts (blocks) as a general rule.
I found the 12.5×12.5 unfinished size to be unwieldy for me. Most of the blocks I make are much smaller. I didn’t have to make them 12.5″x12.5″. I could have made them 12.5″ by whatever width I wanted, but I didn’t do that.
I also thought it would be a good idea to make the same block in two different colorways. I also included a printout of how the block would look in a quilt.

I wanted to make several, but read the directions and found I could only make 3. At the time I found that out, I had already made two, so I thought I had to select the third carefully. Instead what I did was send in the two as the same pattern in two different colorways. Clever, eh?
Well, it won’t be very clever, if I get disqualified.
I was thinking about the rules saying that blocks could be any width. I kind of wanted to try a different width than 12×12 finished, so I reduced one of the Block-a-Long blocks by not making all the pieces. I think it looks very similar to the block I used for FOTY 2009.

If you remember, that is a block I found in a book by Bill Kerr and Weeks Ringle. Not sure which one anymore. 2009 was pretty long ago, especially in the number of quilts I have finished.
I am pretty pleased with this one. I added one print, as you can see just to add a bit of interest.
I found that a fat quarter pack ends up being a lot of fabric. If I count up, what I bought was 2.5 yards of fabric. That is a lot of fabric and I really didn’t want it hanging around, so I made more blocks.
3 is the limit, you say? Yes, you are correct, but what I did was count QuiltCon entry block #1 and #2 as the same block in different colorways. I sent them off as such and then finally got around to making more blocks towards the end of June. I didn’t post this back then, because I didn’t want anyone copying my work. Shocking, I know, but it happens.

This one is more asymmetrical, but is not wonky in the Gwen Marston style. I just couldn’t do it.
I was glad to get this out of my hair. I don’t expect anything, but hope the judges will choose one of my blocks. If not, they will go to a good cause.
Stay tuned for more about the BAMQG block challenge that I worked on as well.