I made two of these as I worked on the Spiderweb. I have made 6 total and I need to make 14 more. I don’t know if I will be able finish all of them before the December BAMQG meeting, but I will try.
I am not 100% sure about the fabrics. The blocks are made from kits, so I am using the fabrics given. The blocks have a very 1970s look to me. I don’t think they look chaotic, necessarily, but these aren’t fabrics I would have chosen to put together. Still, they are VERY interesting to look at and the eye does move around the blocks. It is a stretch for me to use such fabrics and that is a good thing.

I have done two cat beds already. I made the second one last night. They are pretty easy, as I have said in previous posts. I think it is good for me to work with different fabrics and different feet as well, just to improve my skills in other areas. I made a Polarfleece robe once and it was a major challenge, because I had never worked with Polarfleece before.
I really had to make the red cat bed on Monday night, because my schnibble bag was overflowing. I could not fit one more slice, shard or schnibble into it. I filled the red cat bed with those from the bag and it is now a quarter full. Amanda has lots of other schnibbles so she can fill the rest.

I didn’t realize I had taken two cat bed kits, but I was glad I did. The cat beds don’t take very long, so in between pie baking and house tidying, I was able to get in a little sewing and I always feel good when I can work on a donation project.
Sadly, though, I was unwilling to pull schnibbles out of red Cat Bed to fill this one even a little bit, so it is very flat and sad looking. Again, Amanda can make that better.

Finally, I made four blocks for Vesuvius Mama’s collection of blocks for Hurricane Sandy victims. I think I said somewhere else that I am not that fond of this block pattern, but it is interesting and you do get a lot of bang for your buck.
Have a great day!