Yesterday I detailed all the BFSI comments you wrote (keep ’em coming!) and the prizes I gave away. I actually did get sewing done, which was great. I don’t feel like I got as much sewing done as I would have liked, but I got enough done. I guess.
As an aside: Is it ever really possible to get enough sewing done? I don’t know what enough sewing is, so I can’t say. I would like to try to figure it out, though.
Enough of that.
I know that there were a number of people who had to work, Kati had problems with her laptop, so could only follow along and others had family obligations, so I feel lucky to have gotten done what I did get done.
I started out the day by getting up a bit on the late side…for me. I got up around 7am and since we had 24 people over to eat the night before, I got the first load of non-china dishes going in the dishwasher while my tea steeped. There were also some things that needed to be soaked, so I put them in hot water as well. I could hear the call of Twitter, though, throughout the chores, so I didn’t stay away for much longer.. My phone has been acting up, so I gave it a good talking to, which encouraged it to work. I was able to use it during the day as well.
I kind of think that I did some #BFSI warm-ups earlier in the week with the cat beds and the donation blocks. Who doesn’t need a good warm up?
I promised to make two pincushions for the BAMQG raffle basket, so I decided to get busy on those. The meeting is next week, after all, so I didn’t have much time.
I used a charm pack from Sandy Gervaise called Objects of Desire and the Petit Gateau pattern from Fig Tree quilts. This is the pattern I used before and I liked it.
In general, I like Sandy Gervaise’s fabric designs. They are fun, generally cheerful or have a bit of humor. She also usually includes dots, which I love. I have found, thoughn that her color choices are usually a bit too beige for me. She often has a really good and fun print on the front of the charm pack, but as I pick through the fabrics (which is one reason charm packs are great!), I find many of the fabrics to be ‘Meh.’ I don’t hate them by any stretch, but they aren’t my favorites.

Why choose ‘meh’ fabrics for pincushions, you ask? In small doses they are a relatively cheerful and a nice combination of fabrics for a pincushion. It took me some time to get them together, but once I made the half square triangles, they went pretty quickly. I sewed a couple of charms together to make the gusset piece. I thought about digging around in my fabric closet, but have plenty of charms, so that worked for me.
I have a lot of charms from the pack left so might make a couple more pincushions as gifts. They are fun and cute.
I have some hand stitching to finish, buttons to attach, but I am pleased with the way they look. They are cheerful and I like the different scales of fabric.
I also worked on the A-B-C Challenge. I know I talked about it before, but in order to get to the stage of FINISHED top, I worked on the border on Saturday as well. I spent most of the time that I worked on this piece on the grey inner border.

I also always need leaders and enders. That is mostly how I am getting the Patchwork Wheel blocks done. I doubt I will get a quilt top from them finished by the meeting next Saturday, but I can finish it by January.
Sandy talked about her BFSI experience on her blog. Sarah detailed her progress and she had to go to work! Pam did a lot of sewing work, but admitted to finishing the Star Wars quilt during the Black Friday Sew-in. Katie made major progress on her Orca Bay quilt. She was being good and trying to finish it before Easy Street started.
Did you join in? What did you work on?