I wrote a little about the journals on Friday and wanted to give you a few more details.
One thing I didn’t say, I don’t think was that I have been obsessing about making a new journal cover since last weekend. I was about out of pages in my journal and have become so used to carrying around a journal covered in lovely fabric that the thought of not having a cover was almost unbearable (definitely being overdramatic here. Bear with me). The week at work was brutal. One thing after another continuing on to Friday when I was supposed to be off. HAH!
I bought some specific fabric for journal covers and they all had some kind of text or lettering printed on the surface. There are a couple of pieces with cupcakes and bakery words that I also want to use, but these two green-ish/tinged copper roof colored fabrics are the first I have used to make journal covers.
This was a good project for Friday when my work email kept binging for my attention. They were very easy to make and, as I said, the tutorial measurements are nearly perfect. These were especially easy to make because there was no piecing.

I like these journal covers, but I also started mosaic piecing some oranges together to make a pieced cover. I am kind of feeling like I should spend some time on one for a change. I am using orange and the leaders and enders method of piecing. I needed some leaders and enders when I was making the Hurricane Sandy quilt blocks and this seemed like a good solution.

I started writing in the letter journal this morning and it is nice to have a new journal. Sometimes my journals get so full of bits and pieces that they get hard to write in — too lumpy. That wasn’t the case with the previous Tina Givens aqua and red journal cover, but I was ready to look at something new.
I read an article yesterday that the Post Office is running a fairly significant deficit. This makes me want to cry, because I love sending and receiving letters (even if I have to scramble to find the time to actually write them). It is so fun to receive a real letter or package. This journal reminds me to write letters and postcards. At least I hope it will. The color, as I mentioned briefly, reminds me of the copper roofs of the old buildings and palaces in Austria (other countries, too, but I am really thinking of Vienna).

I now that many people don’t want to buy these Miguelrius journals, so I want to try out a journal cover pattern from my friend Chris or make a new tutorial, if hers doesn’t work for me. I want this pattern to be more accessible to more people. If you have adjusted the sizes, I would love to hear about or see what you make.